What's New in 2.10

Qt Quick Ultralite maintains source compatibility between minor releases. However, some changes may require you to adapt the application code accordingly. The following sections highlight such changes:

Important changes

The following platforms are under Tier-3, which means they are not reference in the list of reference platforms:

  • Traveo T2G CYT4EN / tviic2d6mddr-baremetal
  • Renesas EK-RA6M3G
  • ST STM32F469

See Tier 3: Other Targets for more info. about such platforms.

New features

  • Added Qul::initResources() to initialize and return a status code indicating the result. This enables handling the initialization failures better.
  • Add Qul::enableResourceChecksumVerification to verify CRC32 checksum of the resource data binary during resource initialization.
  • Added a guide for efficient layer and VRAM usage on Traveo T2G boards.
  • Added support for versioning resource binary data and verifying it during resource initialization.
  • Added support for copying resource binary files on AUTOSAR targets.
  • Added support for APP_SAFE_RENDERER C++ macro to enable Safe Renderer Bitmap (SRB) decoder in the app_common entrypoint.
  • Added StateGroup QML type to enable states for non-visual items.
  • Updated the default pinyin dictionary to include all characters in a word, irrespective of their frequency.
  • Improved logging of CYGFX_ERROR codes from the SDK on the Traveo T2G platforms.
  • Simplified building Qt Quick Ultralite libraries for Zephyr targets.
  • Added QtLocation and QtPositioning QML modules to support including maps in your application.
  • Updated text_input example to support i.MX 93 hardware.
  • Upgraded NXP SDK to v24.12.00.

Fixed issues

  • qulrcc fixes:
    • Consider display rotation angle if configured while rendering sprite animations.
    • Fixed a build issue that could occur when ImageFiles.MCU.resourceAsFile is true.
  • Fixed the desktop platform to not ignore a custom error handler.
  • qmltocpp fixes:
    • Warn if items within a positioner (Column or Row) or Layout use anchors, which either cause a binding loop or conflict with the layout's positioning.
    • Add extra properties in the generated code for a Component to include all attributes of the component's children. This avoids undefined behavior or crash while loading such components using a Loader.
    • Handle arg() entries for string objects.
    • Use correct base type info. while generating code for types that inherit from Qul::Singleton, which is a template.
  • Fixed regression in multi-line detection logic in Text items.
  • Fixed regression in watch demo on NXP RT1064 when built with the IAR toolchain.
  • Fixed qmlprojectexporter to handle Infineon ResourceGenerator in export cache.

New APIs

APIs for application development

New Classes

New Member Functions

Class Status:

(since Qt Quick Ultralite 2.10) void clearError()
(since Qt Quick Ultralite 2.10) ErrorEnum error() const
(since Qt Quick Ultralite 2.10) bool hasError() const
(since Qt Quick Ultralite 2.10) bool operator bool() const
(since Qt Quick Ultralite 2.10) void setError(ErrorEnum error)

New Functions in Namespaces

(since Qt Quick Ultralite 2.10) void enableResourceChecksumVerification()
(since Qt Quick Ultralite 2.10) Qul::Status<Qul::ResourceInitializationError> initResources()

New Enum Types

(since Qt Quick Ultralite 2.10) enum class PlatformInitializationType { InitializePlatform, InitializePlatformAndResources }
(since Qt Quick Ultralite 2.10) enum class ResourceInitializationError { InvalidChecksum, InvalidResourceData, MemoryAllocationFailed, UnsupportedRawDataImageFormat, VersionTooHigh, VersionTooLow }

New QML Types

New QML Properties

QML Type Text:

(since Qt Quick Ultralite 2.10) lineHeight : real
(since Qt Quick Ultralite 2.10) lineHeightMode : enumeration

Changes in Previous Versions

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