Configuring the display rotation

Note: This feature is at the technical preview stage and may change in future releases.


Sometimes, the device display has a different orientation than the UI orientation, for example when using a landscape GUI on a portrait display panel. Qt Quick Ultralite can easily enable developers to rotate the entire application's content by a chosen angle to handle such scenarios. The application project's MCU.Config.displayRotationAngle property can, for example, be set to 90 in the scenario above, to enable designing and implementing the GUI in landscape orientation, but rendering it on the portrait display as if the display was actually landscape. No changes are required in the GUI code. The final effect is illustrated below:

Landscape UI on portrait display with 90 degrees static screen rotation


The display rotation is configurable using the MCU.Config.displayRotationAngle and MCU.Config.showDesktopPreviewInNaturalDisplayOrientation QmlProject properties. The following example configuration demonstrates how to use them:

MCU.Config {
    displayRotationAngle: 90
    showDesktopPreviewInNaturalDisplayOrientation: false

If the default values of these properties are sufficient, you need not configure them explicitly. The rotation behavior is different depending on whether the application is run on the target hardware or on desktop and whether QML root item size is explicitly set. You can find more details about it in MCU.Config.showDesktopPreviewInNaturalDisplayOrientation description. Additionally, all possible scenarios have been shown in example section below.


Lets assume that size of the screen reported by the Qt Quick Ultralite platform (size of the framebuffer) is:

  • width = 480
  • height= 640

Size of the root QML item set (or not) by the UI designer/developer is:

  • width = 800
  • height= 480

Table below shows how screen rotation would behave in such conditions:

displayRotationAngleshowDesktopPreviewInNaturalDisplayOrientationBoardDesktop (QML root item size not set)Desktop (QML root item size set)








Handling custom drawing in PaintedItem

When rotation is enabled, the application operates on shifted coordinates system (virtual coordinates system) when compared to the physical screen (physical coordinates system) on device. You should consider this difference in your custom PaintedItem implementation.

You custom implementation of the paint() method should pass the transform argument, to apply the necessary transform in order for display rotation.

Qt Quick Ultralite painteditem Example demonstrates you can rotate custom drawings properly.

Performance implications

Currently all the text is rotated during runtime. This might have significant performance impact depending on platform.

If the text cache is enabled, the text will be drawn without rotation as long as the corresponding text cache entry doesn't have to be re-generated. The text cache entries are re-generated if the text changes or the text cache is too small so that cache entries have to be evicted.

StaticText items do not use the text cache, so it might be preferrable to use the Text item instead when display rotation is enabled.

See also MCU.Config.showDesktopPreviewInNaturalDisplayOrientation and MCU.Config.displayRotationAngle.

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