Installing Qt for MCUs

Install Qt for MCUs using Qt Online Installer. If you already have Qt installed, install Qt for MCUs using Qt Maintenance Tool.

Create a Qt Account for yourself if you don't have it yet, after which you can download Qt Online Installer from Qt Customer Portal.

Installing development host prerequisites

Qt for MCUs supports Linux and Windows development host environments. For details on how to install the development host prerequisites and set up your host environment, see Set up your development host.

Note: Qt Quick Ultralite applications can be run on host platforms to avoid having to flash the board too often and save time during development, or when a target platform is not available.

Installing Qt for MCUs

Before you begin, check that your MCU platform meets the hardware requirements.

Note: Qt for MCUs requires a license. If you do not have one yet, you can request a free trial.

Qt for MCUs developer tools

Install the Qt for MCUs developer tools. Use the pre-made MCU development installation preset and select your target platform in Qt Online Installer.

"MCU development selected in Qt Online Installer"

In addition to your target platform prerequisites, the pre-made MCU development installation preset installs some of the common MCU development prerequisites automatically.

Note: The contents of the the pre-made MCU development installation presets vary depending on your target platform. Check prerequistes to make sure that you have all the required common and target platform prerequistes installed. Note that some target platforms require 3rd party software that is not available via Qt Online Installer.

Available under certain Qt licenses.
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