Qt Quick Ultralite Thermostat Demo
// Copyright (C) 2024 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial import QtQuick 2.15 import Thermo 1.0 ThermoView { id: root Component.onCompleted: { GlobalState.scheduleViewLoaded = true } ListView { id: roomList anchors.top: parent.top anchors.bottom: parent.bottom width: Theme.scheduleViewListWidth clip: true model: 6 contentY: GlobalState.itemY onContentYChanged: GlobalState.itemY = contentY // FIXME: The touch event is not propagated delegate: MouseArea { id: delegate width: roomList.width height: Theme.isBig ? 76 : 46 required property int index property bool selected: index === GlobalState.listViewIndex onSelectedChanged: { if (selected) { GlobalState.selectedRoom = Rooms.getByIndex(index) } } onClicked: { GlobalState.listViewIndex = index } Text { text: Rooms.getByIndex(parent.index).name anchors.fill: parent font.pixelSize: Theme.scheduleViewListTextSize anchors.leftMargin: Theme.isBig ? 30 : 16 anchors.rightMargin: Theme.isBig ? 30 : 16 verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter color: !parent.selected ? ColorStyle.greyDark1 : ColorStyle.blue } Rectangle { anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right anchors.leftMargin: Theme.isBig ? 24 : 0 anchors.rightMargin: Theme.isBig ? 24 : 40 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom height: 1 color: ColorStyle.greyMedium1 } } } Rectangle { id: separator width: 1 height: roomList.height anchors.right: roomList.right anchors.rightMargin: (scrollBar.width - width) / 2 color: "#d5dbe0" } // TODO: Implement a proper Scrollbar Rectangle { id: scrollBar y: - (roomList.height - scrollBar.height) * roomList.contentItem.y / (roomList.contentItem.height - roomList.height) anchors.horizontalCenter: separator.horizontalCenter implicitWidth: 4 implicitHeight: 30 color: "#90989D" } RoomSchedule { anchors { left: roomList.right; right: parent.right; top: parent.top; bottom: parent.bottom; leftMargin: Theme.isBig ? 60 : 30; rightMargin: Theme.isBig ? 60 : 30; bottomMargin: Theme.isBig ? 15 : 5; topMargin: Theme.isBig ? 32 : 10 } } }