Qt Quick Ultralite Location QML Types

The Qt Quick Ultralite Location module provides types to display a map in Qt Quick Ultralite applications.

The module assumes tiled web maps where the tile size is standard 256 x 256 pixels. To set a different tile size than the standard, you need to rebuild the module with the compiler definition MAP_TILESIZE set to the new tile size.

Using the Module

To use the Qt Quick Ultralite Location QML types, add Qul::Location and Qul::Positioning to the list of module files in your .qmlproject.

ModuleFiles {
    MCU.qulModules: ["Qul::Location", "Qul::Positioning"]

After adding the module files, add the following import statement to your .qml file:

import QtLocation
import QtPositioning

Note: Many Qt Quick Ultralite Location module APIs are using types from Qt Quick Ultralite Positioning module. For example, defining a coordinate to be the center of the map requires types from the Qt Quick Ultralite Positioning module.

Linking an Application to the CMake Target

Note: This step applies to deprecated CMake APIs only.

When using CMake projects, link your application to the Qul::Location and Qul::Positioning CMake target.

target_link_libraries(app PRIVATE Qul::Location Qul::Positioning)

QML Types


Type displays a map

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