Qt Quick Ultralite Shapes QML Types

The Qt Quick Ultralite Shapes module provides types to use vector shapes in Qt Quick Ultralite applications.

Qt Quick Ultralite renders the vector shapes by using one of these two alternatives:

Qt Quick Ultralite uses software render fallback in the following cases:

  • The supported target board doesn't have hardware-acceleration for vector graphics.
  • The supported target board has hardware-acceleration for vector graphics but it is not implemented in the reference platform adaptation.

Qt Quick Ultralite software render uses anti-aliasing by default. See QUL_SOFTWARE_RASTERIZER_FREETYPE for more information.

Using the Module

To use the Qt Quick Ultralite Shapes QML types, add Qul::Shapes to the list of module files in your .qmlproject.

ModuleFiles {
    MCU.qulModules: ["Qul::Shapes"]

After adding the module files, add the following import statement to your .qml file:

import QtQuick.Shapes

Linking an Application to the CMake Target

Note: This step applies to deprecated CMake APIs only.

When using CMake projects, link your application to the Qul::Shapes CMake target.

target_link_libraries(app PRIVATE Qul::Shapes)

Object Types


Linear gradient


Renders a path


Base type of Shape fill gradients


Describes a Path and the associated properties for stroking and filling

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