Flashing Instructions for Infineon boards

There are two ways to flash an application binary, depending on which debug probe you have. It's assumed that Infineon Auto Flash Utility version 1.4 is installed to the default location. If not, change the paths in the openocd command accordingly.

Note: The openocd command requires using forward slashes when specifying the path to the binary. Spaces in its path need to be escaped.

Using the MiniProg4 probe:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Infineon\Auto Flash Utility 1.4\bin\openocd.exe" -s "C:\Program Files (x86)\Infineon\Auto Flash Utility 1.4\scripts" -f interface/kitprog3.cfg -c "set ENABLE_SEMPERFLASH_0 1" -c "transport select swd" -f target/traveo2_c2d_4m.cfg -c "program <PATH_TO_BINARY>/your_binary.elf verify exit"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Infineon\Auto Flash Utility 1.4\bin\openocd.exe" -s "C:\Program Files (x86)\Infineon\Auto Flash Utility 1.4\scripts" -f interface/kitprog3.cfg -c "set ENABLE_SEMPERFLASH_0 1" -c "transport select swd" -f target/traveo2_c2d_4m.cfg -c "program <PATH_TO_BINARY>/your_binary.elf verify exit"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Infineon\Auto Flash Utility 1.4\bin\openocd.exe" -s "C:\Program Files (x86)\Infineon\Auto Flash Utility 1.4\scripts" -f interface/kitprog3.cfg -c "transport select swd" -f target/traveo2_6m.cfg -c "program <PATH_TO_BINARY>/your_binary.elf verify exit"

Flashing to HyperFlash NOR Flash on TRAVEO T2G CYT4DN:

Note: For TRAVEO T2G CYT4DN, external flash is only supported for the TVII-C-2D-6M-327-SET (REV-01) revision.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Infineon\Auto Flash Utility 1.4\bin\openocd.exe" -s "C:\Program Files (x86)\Infineon\Auto Flash Utility 1.4\scripts" -f interface/kitprog3.cfg -c "set SMIF0_LOADER TV2C2D6MB1_S0_S28HS512T.elf" -c "transport select swd" -f target/traveo2_6m_b1.cfg -c "program <PATH_TO_BINARY>/your_binary.elf verify exit"

After flashing data to HyperFlash, it's necessary to power the board off and on again.

Flashing to SEMPER NOR Flash on TRAVEO T2G CYT3DL:

In order to flash to SEMPER NOR Flash on TRAVEO T2G CYT3DL, you should clear the bootloader and power cycle the development board:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Infineon\Auto Flash Utility 1.4\bin\openocd.exe" -s "C:\Program Files (x86)\Infineon\Auto Flash Utility 1.4\scripts" -f interface/kitprog3.cfg -c "set ENABLE_SEMPERFLASH_0 1" -c "transport select swd" -f target/traveo2_c2d_4m.cfg -c "init; reset init; flash erase_address 0x10000000 0x8000; shutdown"

Next, flash the application binary as usual, and finally flash the bootloader as described on the Bootloader Flashing Instructions for Infineon boards page.

Flashing to SEMPER NOR Flash on TRAVEO T2G CYT3DL (4M LITE KIT):

After flashing data to SEMPER NOR Octal Flash, it's necessary to power the board off and on again. No specific flashing procedure required.

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