
Defines the base path for the resources.


The base path determines the anchor for the computed resource URIs. When using the resources defined using the "files" or "directory" properties, the base name is omitted from the path as shown in the following example.


This property is accepted in the main application .qmlproject file, or a module .qmlproject file. It takes a string.

Code example:

# In myproject.qmlproject file
BinaryFiles {
    MCU.base: "data"
    files: ["data/map/set1.bin", "data/map/set2.bin"]

# In C++
Qul::BinaryResource mapDataSet1("map/set1.bin"); // The base "data" is not included in the source path

Qul::BinaryResource mapDataSet2("map/set2.bin"); // The base "data" is not included in the source path


This property was introduced in Qt Quick Ultralite 2.9.

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