Qt Quick Ultralite image_cache Example
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.21.1) project(image_cache VERSION 0.0.1 LANGUAGES C CXX ASM) if (NOT TARGET Qul::Core) find_package(Qul) endif() # All photos have the same width, height and format. We display 4 photo slideshow. # For user convenience we need UL-3093 and also need to clarify UL-3097. if (QUL_PLATFORM MATCHES "^tviic2d4m") # 276480 is decompressed photo size in bytes (QImage) for 16 bits per pixel math(EXPR cache_size_in_bytes "276480 * 4") else() # 552960 is decompressed photo size in bytes (QImage) for 32 bits per pixel math(EXPR cache_size_in_bytes "552960 * 4") endif() if (QUL_PLATFORM MATCHES "^rh850-d1m1a") qul_add_target(image_cache ImageModel.cpp QML_PROJECT mcu_image_cache_RH850.qmlproject GENERATE_ENTRYPOINT) elseif(QUL_PLATFORM MATCHES "^tviic2d4m") qul_add_target(image_cache ImageModel.cpp QML_PROJECT mcu_image_cache_rgb565.qmlproject GENERATE_ENTRYPOINT) else() qul_add_target(image_cache ImageModel.cpp QML_PROJECT mcu_image_cache.qmlproject GENERATE_ENTRYPOINT) endif() # Set FreeRTOS heap size (needed for cache entries) # STM32F769i has a limited amount of available heap memory in SRAM, but a custom # memory allocator ensures that images are kept in the larger SDRAM area. if (QUL_OS STREQUAL "FreeRTOS" AND NOT QUL_PLATFORM MATCHES "^stm32f769i") if (QUL_PLATFORM STREQUAL "mimxrt1170-evkb-freertos") # NXP 1170 needs additional 2*3.6MB for the screen layer qul_override_freertos_heap_size(image_cache "8 * 1024 * 1024 + ${cache_size_in_bytes}") else() qul_override_freertos_heap_size(image_cache "1024 * 1024 + ${cache_size_in_bytes}") endif() endif() app_target_setup_os(image_cache)