Qt Quick Ultralite Motorcycle Cluster Demo

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import QtQuick 2.0 import QtQuickUltralite.Extras 2.0 ItemWithAcivationAnimations { id: root width: 930 height: 228 welcomeAnimationDelay: 500 property bool isDayMode: false property alias tripDistance: tripDistance.text property color textColor: getFontColor() Behavior on textColor { NumberAnimation { duration: welcomeAnimationDuration} } function getFontColor() : color { return isDayMode ? Style.black : Style.white } Text { anchors.bottom: motorbikeStatus.top anchors.bottomMargin: 15 anchors.left: motorbikeStatus.left font.pixelSize: 27 font.family: "Barlow-mono"; color: textColor text: "Motorbike status" } Column { id: motorbikeStatus anchors.bottom: root.bottom ColorizedImage { id: batteryImg source: "qrc:///images/status/battery-status.png" color: textColor } ColorizedImage { id: oilImg source: "qrc:///images/status/engine-oil-status.png" color: textColor } ColorizedImage { id: serviceImg source: "qrc:///images/status/service-status.png" color: textColor } } Column { id: motorbikeStatusTxts anchors.left: motorbikeStatus.right anchors.verticalCenter: motorbikeStatus.verticalCenter width: 143 spacing: 27 Text { anchors.right: motorbikeStatusTxts.right font.pixelSize: 27 font.family: "Barlow-mono"; color: textColor text: "12.5 V" } Text { anchors.right: motorbikeStatusTxts.right font.pixelSize: 27 font.family: "Barlow-mono"; color: textColor text: "OK" } Text { anchors.right: motorbikeStatusTxts.right font.pixelSize: 27 font.family: "Barlow-mono"; color: textColor text: "1258 km" } } Text { anchors.bottom: tripSummaryImgs.top anchors.bottomMargin: 15 anchors.left: tripSummaryImgs.left anchors.leftMargin: 38 font.pixelSize: 27 font.family: "Barlow-mono"; color: textColor text: "Trip Summary" } Column { id: tripSummaryImgs anchors.right: tripSummaryTxts.left anchors.bottom: root.bottom ColorizedImage { id: distanceImg source: "qrc:///images/status/distance-status.png" color: textColor } ColorizedImage { id: fuelImg source: "qrc:///images/status/fuel-avg-status.png" color: textColor } ColorizedImage { id: timeImg source: "qrc:///images/status/time-status.png" color: textColor } } Column { id: tripSummaryTxts anchors.right: parent.right anchors.verticalCenter: tripSummaryImgs.verticalCenter width: 200 spacing: 27 Text { id: tripDistance anchors.right: tripSummaryTxts.right font.pixelSize: 27 font.family: "Barlow-mono"; color: textColor } Text { anchors.right: tripSummaryTxts.right font.pixelSize: 27 font.family: "Barlow-mono"; color: textColor text: "4.5 l/100 km" } Text { anchors.right: tripSummaryTxts.right font.pixelSize: 27 font.family: "Barlow-mono"; color: textColor text: "2h 35 min" } } onIsDayModeChanged: { if(active) { changeDayModeAnimation.start() } } SequentialAnimation { id: changeDayModeAnimation PauseAnimation { duration: 900 } ScriptAction { script: root.textColor = getFontColor() } } }