Qt Quick Ultralite Thermostat Demo
// Copyright (C) 2024 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuickUltralite.Extras 2.0 import Thermo 1.0 Item { id: root property Room room signal selected height: Theme.cardHeight width: Theme.cardWidth Item { height: Theme.cardHeight width: Theme.cardWidth Image { source: "images/card-back-topleft.png" } Rectangle { color: ColorStyle.greyLight1 height: Theme.cardCornerRadius width: Theme.cardWidth - 2 * Theme.cardCornerRadius x: Theme.cardCornerRadius } Image { source: "images/card-back-topright.png" x: Theme.cardWidth - Theme.cardCornerRadius } Rectangle { color: ColorStyle.greyLight1 height: Theme.cardHeight - 2 * Theme.cardCornerRadius width: Theme.cardWidth y: Theme.cardCornerRadius } Image { source: "images/card-back-bottomleft.png" y: Theme.cardHeight - Theme.cardCornerRadius } Rectangle { color: ColorStyle.greyLight1 height: Theme.cardCornerRadius width: Theme.cardWidth - 2 * Theme.cardCornerRadius x: Theme.cardCornerRadius y: Theme.cardHeight - Theme.cardCornerRadius } Image { source: "images/card-back-bottomright.png" x: Theme.cardWidth - Theme.cardCornerRadius y: Theme.cardHeight - Theme.cardCornerRadius } Row { id: temperatureText anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: Theme.cardTemperatureLeftMargin anchors.right: parent.right anchors.top: parent.top anchors.topMargin: Theme.cardTemperatureTopMargin height: 48 visible: temp.text.length !== 0 width: temp.text.length != 0 ? 92 : 0 Text { id: temp anchors.top: parent.top anchors.topMargin: -8 color: ColorStyle.greyDark4 font.pixelSize: 60 height: parent.height text: root.room.power ? root.room.temperature : "" visible: text.length !== 0 } Text { anchors.top: parent.top color: ColorStyle.greyDark4 font.pixelSize: 20 text: Units.temperatureSymbol } } Column { id: roomColumn anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: Theme.cardRoomColumnLeftMargin anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: Theme.cardRoomColumnRightMargin anchors.top: parent.top anchors.topMargin: Theme.cardRoomColumnTopMargin // The line height from Hindi font causes the floor text // to overflow the separator line. spacing: !Theme.isBig && Qt.uiLanguage === "hi_IN" ? -6 : Theme.cardRoomColumnSpacing Text { color: ColorStyle.greyDark4 font.pixelSize: Theme.cardRoomFontSize text: root.room.name width: parent.width } Text { color: ColorStyle.greyDark1 font.pixelSize: Theme.cardFloorFontSize text: root.room.floor width: parent.width } } Image { source: "separator-line.png" x: Theme.cardSeparatorLeftMargin y: Theme.cardSeparatorTopMargin } Row { anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: 25 anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: 22 spacing: Theme.cardIndicatorSpacing visible: root.room.status != Room.Off && !root.room.auto_ ColorizedImage { color: root.room.dryer ? ColorStyle.blue : ColorStyle.greyMedium3 source: "dryer-on-small.png" } Image { source: root.room.smallFanImage() } ColorizedImage { color: root.room.eco ? ColorStyle.blue : ColorStyle.greyMedium3 source: "eco-on-small.png" } ColorizedImage { color: root.room.streamer ? ColorStyle.blue : ColorStyle.greyMedium3 source: "streamer-on-small.png" } } Image { id: autoIndicator anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: 25 anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: 22 source: "auto-card.png" visible: root.room.status != Room.Off && root.room.auto_ } Row { anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: 23 anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: Theme.cardStateRightMargin spacing: 3 Text { color: ColorStyle.greyDark1 font.pixelSize: Theme.cardStateFontSize text: { switch (root.room.status) { case Room.Heating: //% "Heating" return qsTrId("id-heating"); case Room.Cooling: //% "Cooling" return qsTrId("id-cooling"); default: //% "Off" return qsTrId("id-off"); } } } ColorizedImage { color: { switch (root.room.status) { case Room.Heating: return ColorStyle.pinkyRed; case Room.Cooling: return ColorStyle.blue; default: return ColorStyle.greyMedium3; } } source: "status-small.png" y: Theme.isBig ? 3 : 2 } } MouseArea { id: ta anchors.fill: parent enabled: root.enabled z: 1 onClicked: root.selected() } } PowerSwitch { id: enabledSwitch anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: Theme.powerSwitchRightMargin checked: root.room.status !== Room.Off enabled: root.enabled y: Theme.powerSwitchTopMargin onCheckedChanged: { root.room.power = checked; } onEnabledChanged: { checked = (root.room.status !== Room.Off); } } }