CustomMaterial QML Type
Base component for creating custom materials used to shade models. More...
Import Statement: | import QtQuick3D |
Inherits: |
- alwaysDirty : bool
- destinationAlphaBlend : enumeration
(since 6.7)
- destinationBlend : enumeration
- fragmentShader : url
- lineWidth : real
- shadingMode : enumeration
- sourceAlphaBlend : enumeration
(since 6.7)
- sourceBlend : enumeration
- vertexShader : url
Detailed Description
The custom material allows using custom shader code for a material, enabling programmability on graphics shader level. A vertex, fragment, or both shaders can be provided. The vertexShader and fragmentShader properties are URLs, referencing files containing shader snippets, and work very similarly to ShaderEffect or Image.source. Only the file
and qrc
schemes are supported with custom materials. It is also possible to omit the file
scheme, allowing to specify a relative path in a convenient way. Such a path is resolved relative to the component's (the .qml
file's) location.
For a getting started guide to custom materials, see the page Programmable Materials, Effects, Geometry, and Texture data.
Consider the following versions of the same scene. On the left, the cylinder is using a built-in, non-programmable material. Such materials are configurable through a wide range of properties, but there is no further control given over the shaders that are generated under the hood. On the right, the same cylinder is now associated with a CustomMaterial referencing application-provided vertex and fragment shader snippets. This allows inserting custom, application-specific logic into the vertex shader to transform the geometry, and to determine certain color properties in a custom manner in the fragment shader. As this is a shaded custom material, the cylinder still participates in the scene lighting normally.
View3D { anchors.fill: parent PerspectiveCamera { id: camera position: Qt.vector3d(0, 0, 600) } camera: camera DirectionalLight { position: Qt.vector3d(-500, 500, -100) color: Qt.rgba(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) ambientColor: Qt.rgba(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0) } Model { source: "#Cylinder" eulerRotation: Qt.vector3d(30, 30, 0) scale: Qt.vector3d(1.5, 1.5, 1.5) materials: [ DefaultMaterial { diffuseColor: Qt.rgba(0, 1, 0, 1) } ] } } | View3D { anchors.fill: parent PerspectiveCamera { id: camera position: Qt.vector3d(0, 0, 600) } camera: camera DirectionalLight { position: Qt.vector3d(-500, 500, -100) color: Qt.rgba(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) ambientColor: Qt.rgba(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0) } Model { source: "#Cylinder" eulerRotation: Qt.vector3d(30, 30, 0) scale: Qt.vector3d(1.5, 1.5, 1.5) materials: [ CustomMaterial { vertexShader: "material.vert" fragmentShader: "material.frag" property real uTime property real uAmplitude: 50 NumberAnimation on uTime { from: 0; to: 100; duration: 10000; loops: -1 } } ] } } |
Let's assume that the shader snippets in material.vert
and material.frag
are the following:
void MAIN() { VERTEX.x += sin(uTime + VERTEX.y) * uAmplitude; } | void MAIN() { BASE_COLOR = vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); } |
Notice how uTime
and uAmplitude
are properties of the CustomMaterial element. They can change values and get animated normally, the values will be exposed to the shaders automatically without any further action from the developer.
The result is a cylinder that animates its vertices:
Two flavors of custom materials
There are two main types of custom materials. This is specified by the shadingMode property. In unshaded custom materials the fragment shader outputs a single vec4
color, ignoring lights, light probes, shadowing in the scene. In shaded materials the shader is expected to implement certain functions and work with built-in variables to take lighting and shadow contribution into account.
The default choice is typically a shaded material, this is reflected in the default value of the shadingMode property. This fits materials that needs to transform vertices or other incoming data from the geometry, or determine values like BASE_COLOR
in a custom manner, perhaps by sampling SCREEN_TEXTURE
, while still reciving light and shadow contributions from the scene. Additionally, such materials can also override and reimplement the equations used to calculate the contributions from directional, point, and other lights. The application-provided shader snippets are heavily amended by the Qt Quick 3D engine under the hood, in order to provide the features, such as lighting, the standard materials have.
Unshaded materials are useful when the object's appearance is determined completely by the custom shader code. The shaders for such materials receive minimal additions by the engine, and therefore it is completely up to the shader to determine the final fragment color. This gives more freedom, but also limits possiblities to integrate with other elements of the scene, such as lights.
Note: Shader code is always provided using Vulkan-style GLSL, regardless of the graphics API used by Qt at run time.
Note: The vertex and fragment shader code provided by the material are not full, complete GLSL shaders on their own. Rather, they provide a set of functions, which are then amended with further shader code by the engine.
Exposing data to the shaders
The dynamic properties of the CustomMaterial can be changed and animated using QML and Qt Quick facilities, and the values are exposed to the shaders automatically. This in practice is very similar ShaderEffect. The following list shows how properties are mapped:
- bool, int, real -> bool, int, float
- QColor, color -> vec4, and the color gets converted to linear, assuming sRGB space for the color value specified in QML. The built-in Qt colors, such as
are in sRGB color space as well, and the same conversion is performed for all color properties of DefaultMaterial and PrincipledMaterial, so this behavior of CustomMaterial matches those. Unlike Qt Quick, for Qt Quick 3D linearizing is essential as there will typically be tonemapping performed on the 3D scene. - QRect, QRectF, rect -> vec4
- QPoint, QPointF, point, QSize, QSizeF, size -> vec2
- QVector2D, vector2d -> vec2
- QVector3D, vector3d -> vec3
- QVector4D, vector4d -> vec4
- QMatrix4x4, matrix4x4 -> mat4
- QQuaternion, quaternion -> vec4, scalar value is
- TextureInput -> sampler2D or samplerCube, depending on whether Texture or CubeMapTexture is used in the texture property of the TextureInput. Setting the enabled property to false leads to exposing a dummy texture to the shader, meaning the shaders are still functional but will sample a texture with opaque black image content. Pay attention to the fact that properties for samplers must always reference a TextureInput object, not a Texture directly. When it comes to the Texture properties, the source, tiling, and filtering related ones are the only ones that are taken into account implicitly with custom materials, as the rest (such as, UV transformations) is up to the custom shaders to implement as they see fit.
Note: When a uniform referenced in the shader code does not have a corresponding property, it will cause a shader compilation error when processing the material at run time. There are some exceptions to this, such as, sampler uniforms, that get a dummy texture bound when no corresponding QML property is present, but as a general rule, all uniforms and samplers must have a corresponding property declared in the CustomMaterial object.
Unshaded custom materials
The following is an example of an unshaded custom material.
CustomMaterial { // These properties are automatically exposed to the shaders property real time: 0.0 property real amplitude: 5.0 property real alpha: 1.0 property TextureInput tex: TextureInput { enabled: true texture: Texture { source: "image.png" } } shadingMode: CustomMaterial.Unshaded sourceBlend: alpha < 1.0 ? CustomMaterial.SrcAlpha : CustomMaterial.NoBlend destinationBlend: alpha < 1.0 ? CustomMaterial.OneMinusSrcAlpha : CustomMaterial.NoBlend cullMode: CustomMaterial.BackFaceCulling vertexShader: "customshader.vert" fragmentShader: "customshader.frag" }
With the above example, the unshaded vertex and fragment shaders snippets could look like the following. Note how the shaders do not, and must not, declare uniforms or vertex inputs as that is taken care of by Qt when assembling the final shader code.
VARYING vec3 pos; VARYING vec2 texcoord; void MAIN() { pos = VERTEX; pos.x += sin(time * 4.0 + pos.y) * amplitude; texcoord = UV0; POSITION = MODELVIEWPROJECTION_MATRIX * vec4(pos, 1.0); }
VARYING vec3 pos; VARYING vec2 texcoord; void MAIN() { vec4 c = texture(tex, texcoord); FRAGCOLOR = vec4(pos.x * 0.02, pos.y * 0.02, pos.z * 0.02, alpha) * c; }
The following special, uppercase keywords are available:
- MAIN -> the name of the entry point in the vertex or fragment shader snippet must always be
. Providing this function is mandatory in shader snippets for unshaded custom materials. - VARYING -> declares an output from the vertex shader or an input to the fragment shader
- POSITION -> vec4, the output from the vertex shader
- FRAGCOLOR -> vec4, the output from the fragment shader. Available only for unshaded custom materials.
- VERTEX -> vec3, the vertex position in the vertex shader.
- NORMAL -> vec3, the vertex normal in the vertex shader. When the mesh for the associated model does not provide normals, the value is vec3(0.0).
- UV0 -> vec2, the first set of texture coordinates in the vertex shader. When the mesh for the associated model does not provide texture coordinates, the value is vec2(0.0).
- UV1 -> vec2, the second set of texture coordinates in the vertex shader. When the mesh for the associated model does not provide a second set of texture coordinates, the value is vec2(0.0).
- COLOR -> vec4, the vertex color in the vertex shader. When the mesh for the associated model does not provide per-vertex colors, the value is vec4(1.0).
- TANGENT -> vec3, tangent in the vertex shader. When the mesh for the associated model does not provide tangent data, the value is vec3(0.0).
- BINORMAL -> vec3, binormal in the vertex shader. When the mesh for the associated model does not provide binormal data, the value is vec3(0.0).
- JOINTS -> ivec4, joint indexes in the vertex shader. When the mesh for the associated model does not provide joint indexes data, the value is ivec4(0).
- WEIGHTS -> vec4, joint weights in the vertex shader. When the mesh for the associated model does not provide joint weights data, the value is vec4(0.0).
- MORPH_POSITION(n) -> vec3, the n+1th morph target position in the vertex shader. The associated model should provide proper data.
- MORPH_NORMAL(n) -> vec3, the n+1th morph target normal in the vertex shader. The associated model should provide proper data.
- MORPH_TANGENT(n) -> vec3, the n+1th morph target tangent in the vertex shader. The associated model should provide proper data.
- MORPH_BINORMAL(n) -> vec3, the n+1th morph target binormal in the vertex shader. The associated model should provide proper data.
- MODELVIEWPROJECTION_MATRIX -> mat4, the model-view-projection matrix. Projection matrices always follow OpenGL conventions, with a baked-in transformation for the Y axis direction and clip depth, depending on the graphics API used at run time.
- VIEWPROJECTION_MATRIX -> mat4, the view-projection matrix
- PROJECTION_MATRIX -> mat4, the projection matrix
- INVERSE_PROJECTION_MATRIX -> mat4, the inverse projection matrix
- VIEW_MATRIX -> mat4, the view (camera) matrix
- MODEL_MATRIX -> mat4, the model (world) matrix
- NORMAL_MATRIX -> mat3, the normal matrix (the transpose of the inverse of the top-left 3x3 part of the model matrix)
- BONE_TRANSFORMS -> mat4[], the array of the model's bone matrixes
- BONE_NORMAL_TRANSFORMS -> mat3[], the array of the model's bone normal matrixes (the transpose of the inverse of the top-left 3x3 part of the each bone matrixes)
- MORPH_WEIGHTS -> float[], the array of the morph weights. The associated model should provide proper data. For safety, QT_MORPH_MAX_COUNT is defined to the size of this array.
- CAMERA_POSITION -> vec3, the camera position in world space
- CAMERA_DIRECTION -> vec3, the camera direction vector
- CAMERA_PROPERTIES -> vec2, the near and far clip values for the camera
- POINT_SIZE -> float, writable in the vertex shader only. When rendering geometry with a topology of points, the custom vertex shader must set this to either 1.0 or another value, both in shaded and unshaded custom materials. See PrincipledMaterial::pointSize for further notes on support for sizes other than 1.
Shaded custom materials
A shaded material augments
the shader code that would be generated by a PrincipledMaterial. Unlike unshaded materials, that provide almost all logic for the vertex and fragment shader main functions on their own, preventing adding generated code for lighting, shadowing, global illumination, etc., shaded materials let shader generation happen normally, as if the CustomMaterial was a PrincipledMaterial. The vertex and fragment shader snippets are expected to provide optional functions that are then invoked at certain points, giving them the possibility to customize the colors and other values that are then used for calculating lighting and the final fragment color.
Rather than implementing just a MAIN
function, the fragment shader for a shaded custom material can implement multiple functions. All functions, including MAIN
, are optional to implement in shaded custom materials. An empty shader snippet, or, even, not specifying the vertexShader or fragmentShader properties at all can be perfectly valid too.
Vertex shader snippets in a shaded custom material
The following functions can be implemented in a vertex shader snippet:
void MAIN()
When present, this function is called in order to set the value ofPOSITION
, the vec4 output from the vertex shader, and, optionally, to modify the values ofVERTEX
. Unlike in unshaded materials, writing to these makes sense because the modified values are then taken into account in the rest of the generated shader code (whereas for unshaded materials there is no additional shader code generated). For example, if the custom vertex shader displaces the vertices or the normals, it will want to store the modified values toVERTEX
, to achieve correct lighting calculations afterwards. Additionally, the function can write to variables defined withVARYING
in order to pass interpolated data to the fragment shader. When this function or a redefinition ofPOSITION
is not present,POSITION
is calculated based onVERTEX
, just like a PrincipledMaterial would do.Example, with relying both on QML properties exposed as uniforms, and also passing data to the fragment shader:
VARYING vec3 vNormal; VARYING vec3 vViewVec; void MAIN() { VERTEX.x += sin(uTime * 4.0 + VERTEX.y) * uAmplitude; vNormal = normalize(NORMAL_MATRIX * NORMAL); vViewVec = CAMERA_POSITION - (MODEL_MATRIX * vec4(VERTEX, 1.0)).xyz; POSITION = MODELVIEWPROJECTION_MATRIX * vec4(VERTEX, 1.0); }
Note: In the above example, assigning a value to
is optional as the usage in this case is identical to the default behavior.
Note: To pass data without interpolation from the vertex to the fragment stage, add the flat
keyword before the type in the VARYING
Fragment shader snippets in a shaded custom material
The following functions can be implemented in a fragment shader snippet:
void MAIN()
When present, this function is called to set the values of the special writable variablesBASE_COLOR
.One common use case is to set the value of
based on sampling a texture, be it a base color map,SCREEN_TEXTURE
, or some other kind of source. This can be relevant and convenient especially when no custom light processor functions are implemented. SettingBASE_COLOR.a
to something other than the default 1.0 allows affecting the final alpha value of the fragment. (note that this will often require also enabling alpha blending in sourceBlend and destinationBlend)Another scenario is when there is no custom
function provided, or when there is a light probe set in the SceneEnvironment. The metalness, roughness, and other values that affect the specular contribution calculation can be set inMAIN
to their desired custom values.The function can write to the following special variables. The values written to these will typically be either hardcoded or be calculated based on QML properties mapped to uniforms. The semantics are identical to PrincipledMaterial.
- vec4
- The base color and material alpha value. Corresponds to the built-in materials' color property. When light processor functions are not implemented, it can be convenient to set a custom base color inMAIN
because that is then taken into account in the default lighting calculations. The default value isvec4(1.0)
, meaning white with an alpha of 1.0. The alpha value effects the final alpha of the fragment. The final alpha value is the object (model) opacity multiplied by the base color alpha. When specifying the value directly in shader code, not relying on uniform values exposed from color properties in QML, be aware that it is up to the shader to perform the sRGB to linear conversion, if needed. For example, assuming avec3 color
andfloat alpha
this can be achieved like the following:float C1 = 0.305306011; vec3 C2 = vec3(0.682171111, 0.682171111, 0.682171111); vec3 C3 = vec3(0.012522878, 0.012522878, 0.012522878); BASE_COLOR = vec4(rgb * (rgb * (rgb * C1 + C2) + C3), alpha);
- vec3
- The color of self-illumination. Corresponds to the built-in materials' emissive color which is combined by built-in materials's emissiveFactor property and built-in materials's emissiveMap property. The default value isvec3(0.0)
. When specifying the value directly in shader code, not relying on uniform values exposed from color properties in QML, be aware that it is up to the shader to perform the sRGB to linear conversion, if needed. - float
Specifies the index of refraction of the material. A typical value, and also the default, is1.5
as that is what a PrincipledMaterial would use. - float
Specifies the amount of the translucency. A typical value, would be1.0
and also the default, is0.0
as that is what a PrincipledMaterial would use. - float
Specifies the amount of the translucent material thickness. A typical value, would be10.0
and also the default, is0.0
as that is what a PrincipledMaterial would use. - vec3
Specifies the color shift of the translucent material by distance. A typical value, would bevec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
and also the default, isvec3(1.0)
as that is what a PrincipledMaterial would use. - float
Specifies the distance attenuation of color shift of the translucent material. A typical value, would be100.0
and also the default, is0.0
as that is what a PrincipledMaterial would use. - float
Metalness amount in range 0.0 - 1.0. The default value is 0. Must be set to a non-zero value to have effect. - float
Roughness value in range 0.0 - 1.0. The default value is 0. - float
Specifies the fresnel power of the clearcoat layer. A typical value, and also the default, is5.0
as that is what a PrincipledMaterial would use. - float
Specifies the fresnel scale of the clearcoat layer. A typical value, and also the default, is1.0
as that is what a PrincipledMaterial would use. - float
Specifies the fresnel bias of the clearcoat layer. A typical value, and also the default, is0.0
as that is what a PrincipledMaterial would use. - float
Specifies the amount of the clearcoat layer on top of the material. A typical value, would be1.0
and also the default, is0.0
as that is what a PrincipledMaterial would use. - float
Specifies the roughness of the clearcoat layer. A typical value, would be1.0
for fully blurred clearcoat layer and also the default, is0.0
as that is what a PrincipledMaterial would use. - vec3
- The clearcoat layer normal that comes from the vertex shader in world space. While this property has the same initial value asVAR_WORLD_NORMAL
, only changing the value ofCLEARCOAT_NORMAL
will have an effect on clearcoat layer normal. - float
Specifies the fresnel power. A typical value, and also the default, is5.0
as that is what a PrincipledMaterial would use. - float
Specifies the fresnel scale. A typical value, and also the default, is1.0
as that is what a PrincipledMaterial would use. - float
Specifies the fresnel bias. A typical value, and also the default, is0.0
as that is what a PrincipledMaterial would use. - float
Specular amount in range 0.0 - 1.0. The default value is0.5
, matching PrincipledMaterial::specularAmount. Must be set to a non-zero value to have effect. - float
Specifies the AO factor. A typical value, and also the default, is1.0
as that is what a PrincipledMaterial would use. - vec3
- The normal that comes from the vertex shader in world space. While this property has the same initial value asVAR_WORLD_NORMAL
, only changing the value ofNORMAL
will have an effect on lighting. - vec3
- The tanget that comes from the vertex shader in world space. This value is potentially adjusted for double-sidedness. - vec3
- The binormal that comes from the vertex shader in world space. This value is potentially adjusted for double-sidedness. - vec2
- The first set of texture coordinates from the vertex shader. This property is readonly in the fragment shader. - vec2
- The second set of texture coordinates from the vertex shader. This property is readonly in the fragment shader.
Note: Unlike with unshaded materials, the fragment
for a shaded material has no direct control overFRAGCOLOR
. Rather, it is theDIFFUSE
values written in the light processor functions that decide what the final fragment color is. When a light processor function is not implemented, the relevant default shading calculations are performed as with a PrincipledMaterial, takingBASE_COLOR
and other values from the list above into account.An example of a simple, metallic custom material shader could be the following:
void MAIN() { METALNESS = 1.0; ROUGHNESS = 0.5; FRESNEL_POWER = 5.0; }
Another example, where the base color and alpha are set by sampling a texture:
VARYING vec2 texcoord; void MAIN() { BASE_COLOR = texture(uColorMap, texcoord); }
- vec4
When present, this function is called once for each fragment. The task of the function is to add the total ambient contribution to a writable special variableDIFFUSE
. It can of course choose to calculate a different value, or not touchDIFFUSE
at all (to ignore ambient lighting completely). When this function is not present at all, the ambient contribution is calculated normally, like a PrincipledMaterial would do.The function can write to the following special variables:
- vec3
Accumulates the diffuse light contributions, per fragment. The light processor functions will typically add (+=
) to it, since overwriting the value would lose the contribution from other lights.
The function can read the following special variables, in addition to the matrix (such as,
) and vector (such as,CAMERA_POSITION
) uniforms from the table above:- vec3
The total ambient contribution in the scene.
- vec3
When present, this function is called for each active directional light in the scene for each fragment. The task of the function is to add the diffuse contribution to a writable special variableDIFFUSE
. The function can also choose to do nothing, in which case diffuse contributions from directional lights are ignored. When the function is not present at all, the diffuse contributions from directional lights are accumulated normally, like a PrincipledMaterial would do.The function can write to the following special variables:
- vec3
Accumulates the diffuse light contributions, per fragment. The light processor functions will typically add (+=
) to it, since overwriting the value would lose the contribution from other lights.
The function can read the following special variables, in addition to the matrix (such as,
) and vector (such as,CAMERA_POSITION
) uniforms from the table above:- vec3
Diffuse light color. - float
Shadow contribution, or 1.0 if not shadowed at all or not reciving shadows. - vec3
Vector pointing towards the light source. - vec3
The normal vector in world space. - vec4
The base color and material alpha value. - float
The Metalness amount. - float
The Roughness amount.
- vec3
When present, this function is called for each active point light in the scene for each fragment. The task of the function is to add the diffuse contribution to a writable special variableDIFFUSE
. The function can also choose to do nothing, in which case diffuse contributions from point lights are ignored. When the function is not present at all, the diffuse contributions from point lights are accumulated normally, like a PrincipledMaterial would do.The function can write to the following special variables:
- vec3
Accumulates the diffuse light contributions, per fragment.
The function can read the following special variables, in addition to the matrix (such as,
) and vector (such as,CAMERA_POSITION
) uniforms from the table above:- vec3
Diffuse light color. - float
Light attenuation. - float
Shadow contribution, or 1.0 if not shadowed at all or not reciving shadows. - vec3
Vector pointing towards the light source. - vec3
The normal vector in world space. - vec4
The base color and material alpha value. - float
The Metalness amount. - float
The Roughness amount.
- vec3
When present, this function is called for each active spot light in the scene for each fragment. The task of the function is to add the diffuse contribution to a writable special variableDIFFUSE
. The function can also choose to do nothing, in which case diffuse contributions from spot lights are ignored. When the function is not present at all, the diffuse contributions from spot lights are accumulated normally, like a PrincipledMaterial would do.The function can write to the following special variables:
- vec3
Accumulates the diffuse light contributions, per fragment.
The function can read the following special variables, in addition to the matrix (such as,
) and vector (such as,CAMERA_POSITION
) uniforms from the table above:- vec3
Diffuse light color. - float
Light attenuation. - float
Shadow contribution, or 1.0 if not shadowed at all or not reciving shadows. - vec3
Vector pointing towards the light source. - float
Spot light factor. - vec3
The normal vector in world space. - vec4
The base color and material alpha value. - float
The Metalness amount. - float
The Roughness amount.
- vec3
When present, this function is called for each active light in the scene for each fragment. The task of the function is to add the specular contribution to a writable special variableSPECULAR
. The function can also choose to do nothing, in which case specular contributions from lights are ignored. When the function is not present at all, the specular contributions from lights are accumulated normally, like a PrincipledMaterial would do.The function can write to the following special variables:
- vec3
Accumulates the specular light contributions, per frament. The light processor functions will typically add (+=
) to it, since overwriting the value would lose the contribution from other lights.
The function can read the following special variables, in addition to the matrix (such as,
) and vector (such as,CAMERA_POSITION
) uniforms from the table above:- vec3
Specular light color. - float
Light attenuation. For directional lights the value is 1.0. For spot lights the value is the same asLIGHT_ATTENUATION * SPOT_FACTOR
ofvoid SPOT_LIGHT()
. - float
Shadow contribution, or 1.0 if not shadowed at all or not reciving shadows. - vec3
Fresnel contribution from built in Fresnel calculation. - vec3
Vector pointing towards the light source. - vec3
The normal vector in world space. - vec4
The base color and material alpha value. - float
The Metalness amount. - float
The Roughness amount. - float
The specular amount. This value will be between 0.0 and 1.0 will be the same value set in the customMAIN
function. This value will useful for calculating Fresnel contributions when not using the built-in Fresnel contribution provided byFRESNEL_CONTRIB
void SPECULAR_LIGHT() { vec3 H = normalize(VIEW_VECTOR + TO_LIGHT_DIR); float cosAlpha = max(0.0, dot(H, normalize(NORMAL))); float shine = pow(cosAlpha, exp2(15.0 * (1.0 - ROUGHNESS) + 1.0) * 0.25); SPECULAR += shine * LIGHT_COLOR * FRESNEL_CONTRIB * SHADOW_CONTRIB * LIGHT_ATTENUATION; }
- vec3
When present, this function is called at the end of the fragment pipeline. The task of the function is to finalizeCOLOR_SUM
with final diffuse, specular and emissive terms. UnlikeFRAGCOLOR
for a unshaded material,COLOR_SUM
will be automatically tonemapped before written to the framebuffer. For debugging purposes it is sometimes useful to output a value that should not be treated as a color. To avoid the tonemapping distorting this value it can be disabled by setting the tonemapMode property toTonemapModeNone
The function can write to the following special variables:
- vec4
the output from the fragment shader. The default value is vec4(DIFFUSE.rgb + SPECULAR + EMISSIVE, DIFFUSE.a)
The function can read the following special variables.
- vec4
The final diffuse term of the fragment pipeline. - vec3
The final specular term of the fragment pipeline. - vec3
The final emissive term of the fragment pipeline. - vec2
- The first set of texture coordinates from the vertex shader. - vec2
- The second set of texture coordinates from the vertex shader.
void POST_PROCESS() { float center_x = textureSize(SCREEN_TEXTURE, 0).x * 0.5; if (gl_FragCoord.x > center_x) COLOR_SUM = DIFFUSE; else COLOR_SUM = vec4(EMISSIVE, DIFFUSE.a); }
- vec4
void IBL_PROBE()
When present, this function is called for IBL (Image-Based Lighting). The task of the function is to add both the diffuse and the specular contributions of IBL to writable special variablesDIFFUSE
.The function can write to the following special variables:
- vec3
Accumulates the diffuse light contributions, per fragment. - vec3
Accumulates the specular light contributions, per frament.
The function can read the following special variables.
- vec4
The base color and material alpha value. - float
The screen space occlusion factor. - float
The specular amount. - float
The final emissive term of the fragment pipeline. - vec3
The normal vector in world space. - vec3
Points towards the camera. - mat3
The orientation of the light probe. It comes from SceneEnvironment::probeOrientation.
- vec3
Custom variables between functions
Additional variables can be delivered from the MAIN function to the others. The SHARED_VARS
keyword can be used for defining new custom variables. These user-defined variables can be accessed with SHARED.<variable name>.
For example, a shaded custom material can fetch a shared value in the MAIN and use it in other functions.
SHARED_VARS { vec3 colorThreshold; }; void MAIN() { BASE_COLOR = texture(baseColorMap, UV0); SHARED.colorThreshold = texture(thresholdMap, UV0).rgb; } void DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT() { if (DIFFUSE >= SHARED.colorThreshold) { DIFFUSE = SHARED.colorThreshold; return; } DIFFUSE += LIGHT_COLOR * SHADOW_CONTRIB; }
Note: SHARED can be written on all the functions without POST_PROCESS but it is safe to write it on MAIN and read on the other functions.
Note: A recommended use case to write SHARED on LIGHT functions is reseting it on MAIN first and then accumulating it on each LIGHT functions.
SHARED_VARS { float sheenIntensity; float sheenRoughness; vec3 sheenColor; vec3 outSheenColor; }; void MAIN() { ... vec4 tex = texture(uSheenMap, UV0); SHARED.sheenColor = tex.rgb; SHARED.sheenIntensity = tex.a; SHARED.sheenRoughness = uSheenRoughness; SHARED.outSheenColor = vec3(0.0); } void SPECULAR_LIGHT() { SHARED.outSheenColor += ...; } void POST_PROCESS() { COLOR_SUM = DIFFUSE + SPECULAR + EMISSIVE + SHARED.outSheenColor; }
Note: MAIN is called before others, and POST_PROCESS after all others, but that there is no guarantee for any other ordering for light processors.
Additional special keywords
The custom fragment shader code can freely access uniforms (such as, CAMERA_DIRECTION
), and varyings passed on from the custom vertex shader. Additionally, there are a number of built-in varyings available as special keywords. Some of these are optional in the sense that a vertex MAIN
could calculate and pass on these on its own, but to reduce duplicated data fragment shaders can also rely on these built-ins instead. These built-ins are available in light processor functions and in the fragment MAIN.
- vec3
- Interpolated normal transformed byNORMAL_MATRIX
. - vec3
- Interpolated tangent transformed byMODEL_MATRIX
. - vec3
- Interpolated binormal transformed byMODEL_MATRIX
- vec3
, which is the interpolated normal as-is, this value is potentially adjusted for double-sidedness: when rendering with culling disabled, the normal will get inverted as necessary. Therefore lighting and other calculations are recommended to useNORMAL
in order behave correctly with all culling modes. - vec3
, this value is potentially adjusted for double-sidedness: when rendering with culling disabled, the tangent will get inverted as necessary. - vec3
, this value is potentially adjusted for double-sidedness: when rendering with culling disabled, the binormal will get inverted as necessary. - vec3
- Interpolated world space vertex position ((MODEL_MATRIX * vec4(VERTEX, 1.0)).xyz
) - vec4
- The interpolated vertex color when colors are provided in the mesh.vec4(1.0)
otherwise. - vec3
- Points towards the camera. This is effectively theCAMERA_POSITION - VAR_WORLD_POSITION
vector normalized. - vec4
- Contains the window-relative coordinates of the current fragment. - float
- The value is1
when the Y axis points up in the coordinate system for framebuffers (textures), meaning(0, 0)
is the bottom-left corner. The value is-1
when the Y axis points down,(0, 0)
being the top-left corner. Such differences in the underlying graphics APIs do not concern most custom materials. One notable exception is samplingSCREEN_TEXTURE
with texture coordinates not based onFRAGCOORD
. As the orientation ofSCREEN_TEXTURE
is tied to the underlying graphics API by nature, using texture coordinates from a mesh may need appropriate adjustments to the Y coordinate.For example, the following fragment shader, suitable for Rectangle or Cube meshes, will display the opaque objects from the scene on the model:
VARYING vec2 texcoord; void MAIN() { vec2 screencoord = texcoord; if (FRAMEBUFFER_Y_UP < 0.0) // effectively: if not OpenGL screencoord.y = 1.0 - screencoord.y; BASE_COLOR = texture(SCREEN_TEXTURE, screencoord); }
When sampling textures other than
, or whenFRAGCOORD
is used to calculate the texture coordinate (which would be the typical use case for accessing the screen and depth textures), such an adjustment is not necessary. - float
- The value is1
when the Y axis points up in normalized device coordinate space, and-1
when the Y axis points down. Y pointing down is the case when rendering happens with Vulkan. Most materials do not need to be concerned by this, but being able to branch based on this can become useful in certain advanced use cases. - float
- The value is-1
for when the clipping plane range's starts at-1
and goes to1
. This is true when using OpenGL for rendering. For other rendering backends the value of this property will be0
meaning the clipping plane range is0
. This value is useful with certain techniques involving theDEPTH_TEXTURE
For example, the following fragment shader demonstrates a technique for reconstructing the position of a value from the depth buffer to determine the distance from the current position being rendered. When used in combination with
the value of depth needs to be in normalized device coordinates so it is important to make sure that the range of depth value reflects that. When theNEAR_CLIP_VALUE
then the depth value gets scaled to be between-1
.void MAIN() { vec2 screen_uv = FRAGCOORD.xy / vec2(textureSize(SCREEN_TEXTURE, 0)); float depth = texture(DEPTH_TEXTURE, screen_uv).r; if (NEAR_CLIP_VALUE < 0.0) // effectively: if opengl depth = depth * 2.0 - 1.0; vec4 unproject = INVERSE_PROJECTION_MATRIX * vec4(screen_uv, depth, 1.0); depth = ( / unproject.w).z; float viewVectorZ = (VIEW_MATRIX * vec4(VAR_WORLD_POSITION, 1.0)).z; depth = viewVectorZ - depth; BASE_COLOR = vec4(depth, depth, depth, 1.0); }
- float
- The amount of light emitted by the light probe. It comes from SceneEnvironment::probeExposure.DIFFUSE += AO_FACTOR * IBL_EXPOSE * BASE_COLOR.rgb * textureLod(IBL_TEXTURE, NORMAL, IBL_MAXMIPMAP).rgb;
- float
- The horizontal cut-off value of reflections from the lower half environment. It comes from Horizon Cut-Off but remapped to [-1, 0).vec3 diffuse += AO_FACTOR * IBL_EXPOSE * BASE_COLOR.rgb * textureLod(IBL_TEXTURE, NORMAL, IBL_MAXMIPMAP).rgb; if (IBL_HORIZON > -1.0) { float ctr = 0.5 + 0.5 * IBL_HORIZON; float vertWt = smoothstep(ctr * 0.25, ctr + 0.25, NORMAL.y); float wtScaled = mix(1.0, vertWt, IBL_HORIZON + 1.0); diffuse *= wtScaled; }
- float
- The maximum mipmap level of IBL_TEXTURE.
When doing instanced rendering, some of the keywords above do not apply. The following keywords are only available with instancing:
-> mat4, replacement forMODEL_MATRIX
, including the instancing transformation.INSTANCE_MODELVIEWPROJECTION_MATRIX
-> mat4, replacement forMODELVIEWPROJECTION_MATRIX
, including the instancing transformation.INSTANCE_COLOR
-> vec4, the instance color: to be combined withCOLOR
-> vec4, instance custom data.INSTANCE_INDEX
-> int, the instance number, and index into the instancing table.
Screen, depth, and other textures
The rendering pipeline can expose a number of textures to the custom material shaders with content from special render passes. This applies both to shaded and unshaded custom materials.
For example, a shader may want access to a depth texture that contains the depth buffer contents for the opaque objects in the scene. This is achieved by sampling DEPTH_TEXTURE
. Such a texture is not normally generated, unless there is a real need for it. Therefore, the presence of the following keywords in the vertex or fragment shader also acts as a toggle for opting in to the - potentially expensive - passes for generating the texture in question. (of course, it could be that some of these become already enabled due to other settings, such as the ambient occlusion parameters in SceneEnvironment or due to a post-processing effect relying on the depth texture, in which case the textures in question are generated regardless of the custom material and so sampling these special textures in the material comes at no extra cost apart from the texture access itself)
- When present, a texture (sampler2D
) with the color buffer from a rendering pass containing the contents of the scene excluding any transparent materials or any materials also using the SCREEN_TEXTURE is exposed to the shader under this name. The texture can be used for techniques that require the contents of the framebuffer they are being rendered to. The SCREEN_TEXTURE texture uses the same clear mode as the View3D. The size of these textures matches the size of the View3D in pixels. For example, a fragment shader could contain the following:vec2 uv = FRAGCOORD.xy / vec2(textureSize(SCREEN_TEXTURE, 0)); vec2 displace = vec2(0.1); vec4 c = texture(SCREEN_TEXTURE, uv + displace);
Be aware that using
requires appropriate, conscious design of the scene. Objects using such materials have to be positioned carefully, typically above all other objects that are expected to be visible in the texture. Objects that employ semi-transparency in some form are never part of theSCREEN_TEXTURE
will be used in combination withBASE_COLOR
. For example, the following custom fragment shader applies an emboss effect, while keeping fragments not touched by opaque objects transparent. This assumes that the object with the material is placed in the front, and that it has blending enabled.void MAIN() { vec2 size = vec2(textureSize(SCREEN_TEXTURE, 0)); vec2 uv = FRAGCOORD.xy / size; // basic emboss effect vec2 d = vec2(1.0 / size.x, 1.0 / size.y); vec4 diff = texture(SCREEN_TEXTURE, uv + d) - texture(SCREEN_TEXTURE, uv - d); float c = (diff.x + diff.y + diff.z) + 0.5; float alpha = texture(SCREEN_TEXTURE, uv).a; BASE_COLOR = vec4(vec3(c), alpha); }
With multiview rendering,
is asampler2DArray
to select the layer to use. For VR/AR applications that wish to support both types of rendering, the portable approach is the following:#if QSHADER_VIEW_COUNT >= 2 vec4 c = texture(SCREEN_TEXTURE, vec3(uv, VIEW_INDEX)); #else vec4 c = texture(SCREEN_TEXTURE, uv); #endif
- Identical toSCREEN_TEXTURE
in most ways, the difference being that this texture has mipmaps generated. This can be an expensive feature performance-wise, depending on the screen size, and due to having to generate the mipmaps every time the scene is rendered. Therefore, prefer usingSCREEN_TEXTURE
always, unless a technique relying on the texture mip levels (e.g. usingtextureLod
in the shader) is implemented by the custom material.DEPTH_TEXTURE
- When present, a texture (sampler2D
) with the (non-linearized) depth buffer contents is exposed to the shader under this name. Only opaque objects are included. For example, a fragment shader could contain the following:ivec2 dtSize = textureSize(DEPTH_TEXTURE, 0); vec2 dtUV = (FRAGCOORD.xy) / vec2(dtSize); vec4 depthSample = texture(DEPTH_TEXTURE, dtUV); float zNear = CAMERA_PROPERTIES.x; float zFar = CAMERA_PROPERTIES.y; float zRange = zFar - zNear; float z_n = 2.0 * depthSample.r - 1.0; float d = 2.0 * zNear * zFar / (zFar + zNear - z_n * zRange); d /= zFar;
With multiview rendering,
is asampler2DArray
to select the layer to use. For VR/AR applications that wish to support both types of rendering, the portable approach is the following:#if QSHADER_VIEW_COUNT >= 2 vec4 depthSample = texture(DEPTH_TEXTURE, vec3(uv, VIEW_INDEX)); #else vec4 depthSample = texture(DEPTH_TEXTURE, uv); #endif
- When present and screen space ambient occlusion is enabled (meaning when the AO strength and distance are both non-zero) in SceneEnvironment, the SSAO texture (sampler2D
) is exposed to the shader under this name. Sampling this texture can be useful in unshaded materials. Shaded materials have ambient occlusion support built in. This means that the ambient occlusion factor is taken into account automatically. Whereas in a fragment shader for an unshaded material one could write the following to achieve the same:ivec2 aoSize = textureSize(AO_TEXTURE, 0); vec2 aoUV = (FRAGCOORD.xy) / vec2(aoSize); float aoFactor = texture(AO_TEXTURE, aoUV).x;
With multiview rendering,
is asampler2DArray
to select the layer to use. For VR/AR applications that wish to support both types of rendering, the portable approach is the following:#if QSHADER_VIEW_COUNT >= 2 ivec2 aoSize = textureSize(AO_TEXTURE, 0).xy; vec2 aoUV = (FRAGCOORD.xy) / vec2(aoSize); float aoFactor = texture(AO_TEXTURE, vec3(aoUV, VIEW_INDEX)).x; #else ivec2 aoSize = textureSize(AO_TEXTURE, 0); vec2 aoUV = (FRAGCOORD.xy) / vec2(aoSize); float aoFactor = texture(AO_TEXTURE, aoUV).x; #endif
- It will not enable any special rendering pass, but it can be used when the material has Material::lightProbe or the model is in the scope of SceneEnvironment::lightProbe.void IBL_PROBE() { DIFFUSE += AO_FACTOR * BASE_COLOR.rgb * textureLod(IBL_TEXTURE, NORMAL, IBL_MAXMIPMAP).rgb; }
- When used in the custom shader code, this is a (non-interpolated) uint variable. When multiview rendering is not used, the value is always 0. With multiview rendering, the value is the current view index (e.g., gl_ViewIndex). Useful in particular in combination withDEPTH_TEXTURE
and similar when multiview rendering is enabled.
See also SceneEnvironment::tonemapMode, Using Image-Based Lighting, Qt Quick 3D - Custom Shaders Example, Qt Quick 3D - Custom Materials Example, and Programmable Materials, Effects, Geometry, and Texture data.
Property Documentation
alwaysDirty : bool |
Specifies that the material state is always dirty, which indicates that the material needs to be refreshed every time it is used by the QtQuick3D.
destinationAlphaBlend : enumeration |
Specifies the destination alpha blend factor. The default value is CustomMaterial.NoBlend
. This value is only actively used if sourceBlend and destinationBlend is set to a non-default value.
Constant | Value |
CustomMaterial.NoBlend | |
CustomMaterial.Zero | |
CustomMaterial.One | |
CustomMaterial.SrcColor | |
CustomMaterial.OneMinusSrcColor | |
CustomMaterial.DstColor | |
CustomMaterial.OneMinusDstColor | |
CustomMaterial.SrcAlpha | |
CustomMaterial.OneMinusSrcAlpha | |
CustomMaterial.DstAlpha | |
CustomMaterial.OneMinusDstAlpha | |
CustomMaterial.ConstantColor | |
CustomMaterial.OneMinusConstantColor | |
CustomMaterial.ConstantAlpha | |
CustomMaterial.OneMinusConstantAlpha | |
CustomMaterial.SrcAlphaSaturate |
Note: For backwards compatibility purposes, when left to its default value, will be assigned the same value as destinationBlend when sourceBlend and destinationBlend is set to non-default values.
This property was introduced in Qt 6.7.
See also destinationBlend.
destinationBlend : enumeration |
Specifies the destination blend factor. The default value is CustomMaterial.NoBlend
Constant | Value |
CustomMaterial.NoBlend | |
CustomMaterial.Zero | |
CustomMaterial.One | |
CustomMaterial.SrcColor | |
CustomMaterial.OneMinusSrcColor | |
CustomMaterial.DstColor | |
CustomMaterial.OneMinusDstColor | |
CustomMaterial.SrcAlpha | |
CustomMaterial.OneMinusSrcAlpha | |
CustomMaterial.DstAlpha | |
CustomMaterial.OneMinusDstAlpha | |
CustomMaterial.ConstantColor | |
CustomMaterial.OneMinusConstantColor | |
CustomMaterial.ConstantAlpha | |
CustomMaterial.OneMinusConstantAlpha | |
CustomMaterial.SrcAlphaSaturate |
Note: Both sourceBlend and destinationBlend needs to be set to a non-default value before blending is enabled.
See also sourceBlend.
fragmentShader : url |
Specfies the file with the snippet of custom fragment shader code.
The value is a URL and must either be a local file or use the qrc scheme to access files embedded via the Qt resource system. Relative file paths (without a scheme) are also accepted, in which case the file is treated as relative to the component (the .qml
Warning: Shader snippets are assumed to be trusted content. Application developers are advised to carefully consider the potential implications before allowing the loading of user-provided content that is not part of the application.
See also vertexShader.
lineWidth : real |
This property determines the width of the lines rendered, when the geometry is using a primitive type of lines or line strips. The default value is 1.0. This property is not relevant when rendering other types of geometry, such as, triangle meshes.
Warning: Line widths other than 1 may not be suported at run time, depending on the underlying graphics API. When that is the case, the request to change the width is ignored. For example, none of the following can be expected to support wide lines: Direct3D, Metal, OpenGL with core profile contexts.
Note: Unlike the line width, the value of which is part of the graphics pipeline object, the point size for geometries with a topology of points is controlled by the vertex shader (when supported), and has therefore no corresponding QML property.
shadingMode : enumeration |
Specifies the type of the material. The default value is Shaded.
Constant | Value |
CustomMaterial.Unshaded | |
CustomMaterial.Shaded |
sourceAlphaBlend : enumeration |
Specifies the source alpha blend factor. The default value is CustomMaterial.NoBlend
. This value is only actively used if sourceBlend and destinationBlend is set to a non-default value.
Constant | Value |
CustomMaterial.NoBlend | |
CustomMaterial.Zero | |
CustomMaterial.One | |
CustomMaterial.SrcColor | |
CustomMaterial.OneMinusSrcColor | |
CustomMaterial.DstColor | |
CustomMaterial.OneMinusDstColor | |
CustomMaterial.SrcAlpha | |
CustomMaterial.OneMinusSrcAlpha | |
CustomMaterial.DstAlpha | |
CustomMaterial.OneMinusDstAlpha | |
CustomMaterial.ConstantColor | |
CustomMaterial.OneMinusConstantColor | |
CustomMaterial.ConstantAlpha | |
CustomMaterial.OneMinusConstantAlpha | |
CustomMaterial.SrcAlphaSaturate |
Note: For backwards compatibility purposes, when left to its default value, will be assigned the same value as sourceBlend when sourceBlend and destinationBlend is set to non-default values.
This property was introduced in Qt 6.7.
See also sourceBlend.
sourceBlend : enumeration |
Specifies the source blend factor. The default value is CustomMaterial.NoBlend
Constant | Value |
CustomMaterial.NoBlend | |
CustomMaterial.Zero | |
CustomMaterial.One | |
CustomMaterial.SrcColor | |
CustomMaterial.OneMinusSrcColor | |
CustomMaterial.DstColor | |
CustomMaterial.OneMinusDstColor | |
CustomMaterial.SrcAlpha | |
CustomMaterial.OneMinusSrcAlpha | |
CustomMaterial.DstAlpha | |
CustomMaterial.OneMinusDstAlpha | |
CustomMaterial.ConstantColor | |
CustomMaterial.OneMinusConstantColor | |
CustomMaterial.ConstantAlpha | |
CustomMaterial.OneMinusConstantAlpha | |
CustomMaterial.SrcAlphaSaturate |
Note: Both sourceBlend and destinationBlend needs to be set to a non-default value before blending is enabled.
See also destinationBlend.
vertexShader : url |
Specfies the file with the snippet of custom vertex shader code.
The value is a URL and must either be a local file or use the qrc scheme to access files embedded via the Qt resource system. Relative file paths (without a scheme) are also accepted, in which case the file is treated as relative to the component (the .qml
Warning: Shader snippets are assumed to be trusted content. Application developers are advised to carefully consider the potential implications before allowing the loading of user-provided content that is not part of the application.
See also fragmentShader.
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