New Classes and Functions in Qt 6.6
This page contains a comprehensive list of all new classes and functions introduced in Qt 6.6.
- New Namespaces
- New Classes
- New Member Functions
- New Functions in Namespaces
- New Global Functions
- New Macros
- New Enum Types
- New Enum Values
- New Type Aliases
- New Properties
- New Variables
- New QML Types
- New QML Properties
- New QML Signals
- New QML Methods
New Namespaces
(since 6.6) namespace | QWebEngineGlobalSettings |
New Classes
- A
- Any (QtProtobuf)
- R
- QRhi
- QRhiBuffer
- QRhiColorAttachment
- QRhiCommandBuffer
- QRhiComputePipeline
- QRhiD3D11InitParams
- QRhiD3D11NativeHandles
- QRhiDepthStencilClearValue
- QRhiDriverInfo
- QRhiGles2InitParams
- QRhiGles2NativeHandles
- QRhiGraphicsPipeline
- QRhiInitParams
- QRhiMetalCommandBufferNativeHandles
- QRhiMetalInitParams
- QRhiMetalNativeHandles
- QRhiNativeHandles
- QRhiNullInitParams
- QRhiNullNativeHandles
- QRhiReadbackDescription
- QRhiReadbackResult
- QRhiRenderBuffer
- QRhiRenderPassDescriptor
- QRhiRenderTarget
- QRhiResource
- QRhiResourceUpdateBatch
- QRhiSampler
- QRhiScissor
- QRhiShaderResourceBinding
- QRhiShaderResourceBindings
- QRhiShaderStage
- QRhiStats
- QRhiSwapChain
- QRhiSwapChainHdrInfo
- QRhiSwapChainProxyData
- QRhiSwapChainRenderTarget
- QRhiTexture
- QRhiTextureCopyDescription
- QRhiTextureRenderTarget
- QRhiTextureRenderTargetDescription
- QRhiTextureSubresourceUploadDescription
- QRhiTextureUploadDescription
- QRhiTextureUploadEntry
- QRhiVertexInputAttribute
- QRhiVertexInputBinding
- QRhiVertexInputLayout
- QRhiViewport
- QRhiVulkanCommandBufferNativeHandles
- QRhiVulkanInitParams
- QRhiVulkanNativeHandles
- QRhiVulkanRenderPassNativeHandles
New Member Functions
Class QAbstractOAuthReplyHandler:
(since 6.6) void | tokenRequestErrorOccurred(QAbstractOAuth::Error error, const QString &errorString) |
Class QBluetoothAddress:
(since 6.6) size_t | qHash(const QBluetoothAddress &key, size_t seed) |
Class QBluetoothPermission:
(since 6.6) QBluetoothPermission::CommunicationModes | communicationModes() const |
(since 6.6) void | setCommunicationModes(QBluetoothPermission::CommunicationModes modes) |
Class QBluetoothUuid:
(since 6.6) QBluetoothUuid | fromCBUUID(CBUUID *cbUuid) |
(since 6.6) CBUUID * | toCBUUID() const |
Class QByteArray:
(since 6.6) QByteArray & | assign(QByteArrayView v) |
(since 6.6) QByteArray & | assign(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) |
(since 6.6) QByteArray & | assign(qsizetype n, char c) |
Class QDebug:
(since 6.6) QDebug & | operator<<(std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> duration) |
Class QDnsLookup:
(since 6.6) void | setNameserver(const QHostAddress &nameserver, quint16 port) |
Class QElapsedTimer:
(since 6.6) QElapsedTimer::Duration | durationElapsed() const |
(since 6.6) QElapsedTimer::Duration | durationTo(const QElapsedTimer &other) const |
Class QFileInfo:
(since 6.6) QDateTime | birthTime(const QTimeZone &tz) const |
(since 6.6) QDateTime | fileTime(QFileDevice::FileTime time, const QTimeZone &tz) const |
(since 6.6) std::filesystem::path | filesystemReadSymLink() const |
(since 6.6) QDateTime | lastModified(const QTimeZone &tz) const |
(since 6.6) QDateTime | lastRead(const QTimeZone &tz) const |
(since 6.6) QDateTime | metadataChangeTime(const QTimeZone &tz) const |
(since 6.6) QString | readSymLink() const |
Class QFileSystemModel:
(since 6.6) QDateTime | lastModified(const QModelIndex &index, const QTimeZone &tz) const |
Class QHostAddress:
(since 6.6) bool | isPrivateUse() const |
Class QJSPrimitiveValue:
(since 6.6) const void * | constData() const |
(since 6.6) void * | data() |
(since 6.6) const void * | data() const |
(since 6.6) QMetaType | metaType() const |
(since 6.6) QJSPrimitiveValue | to() const |
Class QList:
(since 6.6) QList<T> & | assign(std::initializer_list<T> l) |
(since 6.6) QList<T> & | assign(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) |
(since 6.6) QList<T> & | assign(qsizetype n, QList<T>::parameter_type t) |
Class QMessageAuthenticationCode:
(since 6.6) QMessageAuthenticationCode & | operator=(QMessageAuthenticationCode &&other) |
(since 6.6) QByteArrayView | resultView() const |
(since 6.6) void | swap(QMessageAuthenticationCode &other) |
Class QMessageBox:
(since 6.6) void | setOption(QMessageBox::Option option, bool on) |
(since 6.6) bool | testOption(QMessageBox::Option option) const |
Class QMetaEnum:
(since 6.6) QMetaType | metaType() const |
Class QMetaProperty:
(since 6.6) bool | write(QObject *object, QVariant &&v) const |
(since 6.6) bool | writeOnGadget(void *gadget, QVariant &&value) const |
Class QMetaType:
(since 6.6) QMetaType | underlyingType() const |
Class QMutex:
(since 6.6) bool | tryLock(QDeadlineTimer timer) |
Class QSGD3D12Texture:
(since 6.6) QSGTexture * | fromNative(void *texture, int resourceState, QQuickWindow *window, const QSize &size, QQuickWindow::CreateTextureOptions options) |
Class QNtfsPermissionCheckGuard:
(since 6.6) bool | qAreNtfsPermissionChecksEnabled() |
(since 6.6) bool | qDisableNtfsPermissionChecks() |
(since 6.6) bool | qEnableNtfsPermissionChecks() |
Class QObject:
(since 6.6) bool | setProperty(const char *name, QVariant &&value) |
Class QOpcUaClient:
(since 6.6) QOpcUaConnectionSettings | connectionSettings() const |
(since 6.6) void | setConnectionSettings(const QOpcUaConnectionSettings &connectionSettings) |
Class QPalette:
(since 6.6) const QBrush & | accent() const |
(since 6.6) bool | operator==(const QPalette &p) const |
Class QPdfDocument:
(since 6.6) int | pageIndexForLabel(const QString &label) |
Class Key:
(since 6.6) size_t | qHash(const QPixmapCache::Key &key, size_t seed) |
Class QPointer:
(since 6.6) QPointer<T> & | operator=(const QPointer<X> &other) |
Class QProcess:
(since 6.6) void | setUnixProcessParameters(const QProcess::UnixProcessParameters ¶ms) |
(since 6.6) void | setUnixProcessParameters(QProcess::UnixProcessFlags flagsOnly) |
(since 6.6) QProcess::UnixProcessParameters | unixProcessParameters() const |
Class QPromise:
(since 6.6) bool | addResults(const QList<T> &results) |
(since 6.6) bool | emplaceResult(Args &&... args) |
(since 6.6) bool | emplaceResultAt(int index, Args &&... args) |
Class QProtobufMessage:
(since 6.6) bool | setProperty(QAnyStringView propertyName, QVariant &&value) |
Class QQmlEngine:
(since 6.6) void | markCurrentFunctionAsTranslationBinding() |
Class QQuick3DGeometry:
(since 6.6) void | addTargetAttribute(quint32 targetId, QQuick3DGeometry::Attribute::Semantic semantic, int offset, int stride) |
(since 6.6) void | addTargetAttribute(const QQuick3DGeometry::TargetAttribute &attribute) |
(since 6.6) void | setTargetData(const QByteArray &data) |
(since 6.6) void | setTargetData(int offset, const QByteArray &data) |
(since 6.6) QQuick3DGeometry::TargetAttribute | targetAttribute(int index) const |
(since 6.6) int | targetAttributeCount() const |
(since 6.6) QByteArray | targetData() const |
Class QQuickGraphicsConfiguration:
(since 6.6) void | setTimestamps(bool enable) |
(since 6.6) bool | timestampsEnabled() const |
Class QQuickGraphicsDevice:
(since 6.6) QQuickGraphicsDevice | fromRhi(QRhi *rhi) |
Class QQuickRenderControl:
(since 6.6) QRhiCommandBuffer * | commandBuffer() const |
(since 6.6) QRhi * | rhi() const |
Class QQuickRenderTarget:
(since 6.6) QQuickRenderTarget | fromD3D12Texture(void *texture, int resourceState, uint format, const QSize &pixelSize, int sampleCount) |
(since 6.6) QQuickRenderTarget | fromRhiRenderTarget(QRhiRenderTarget *renderTarget) |
Class QQuickWindow:
(since 6.6) QSGTexture * | createTextureFromRhiTexture(QRhiTexture *texture, QQuickWindow::CreateTextureOptions options) const |
(since 6.6) QRhi * | rhi() const |
(since 6.6) QRhiSwapChain * | swapChain() const |
Class QReadWriteLock:
(since 6.6) bool | tryLockForRead(QDeadlineTimer timeout) |
(since 6.6) bool | tryLockForWrite(QDeadlineTimer timeout) |
Class QRecursiveMutex:
(since 6.6) bool | tryLock(QDeadlineTimer timeout) |
Class QSGRenderNode:
(since 6.6) QRhiCommandBuffer * | commandBuffer() const |
(since 6.6) QRhiRenderTarget * | renderTarget() const |
Class QSemaphore:
(since 6.6) bool | tryAcquire(int n, QDeadlineTimer timer) |
Class QSharedMemory:
(since 6.6) QNativeIpcKey | nativeIpcKey() const |
(since 6.6) void | setNativeKey(const QNativeIpcKey &key) |
Class QSignalSpy:
(since 6.6) bool | wait(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout) |
Class QSqlField:
(since 6.6) void | swap(QSqlField &other) |
Class QSqlIndex:
(since 6.6) QSqlIndex & | operator=(QSqlIndex &&other) |
Class QSqlQuery:
(since 6.6) QString | boundValueName(int pos) const |
(since 6.6) QStringList | boundValueNames() const |
Class QSqlRecord:
Class QString:
(since 6.6) QString & | assign(QAnyStringView v) |
(since 6.6) QString & | assign(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) |
(since 6.6) QString & | assign(qsizetype n, QChar c) |
(since 6.6) QString | fromEcmaString(emscripten::val jsString) |
(since 6.6) emscripten::val | toEcmaString() const |
Class QStringDecoder:
(since 6.6) char16_t * | appendToBuffer(char16_t *out, QByteArrayView in) |
Class QTextListFormat:
Class QTextToSpeech:
(since 6.6) void | aboutToSynthesize(qsizetype id) |
(since 6.6) qsizetype | enqueue(const QString &utterance) |
(since 6.6) QList<QVoice> | findVoices(Args &&... args) const |
(since 6.6) void | sayingWord(const QString &word, qsizetype id, qsizetype start, qsizetype length) |
(since 6.6) void | synthesize(const QString &text, Functor &&functor) |
(since 6.6) void | synthesize(const QString &text, const QObject *context, Functor &&functor) |
Class QThread:
(since 6.6) void | sleep(std::chrono::nanoseconds nsecs) |
Class QUuid:
(since 6.6) QUuid | fromBytes(const void *bytes, QSysInfo::Endian order) |
(since 6.6) QUuid | fromUInt128(quint128 uuid, QSysInfo::Endian order) |
(since 6.6) QUuid::Id128Bytes | toBytes(QSysInfo::Endian order) const |
(since 6.6) quint128 | toUInt128(QSysInfo::Endian order) const |
Class Id128Bytes:
(since 6.6) QUuid::Id128Bytes | qFromBigEndian(QUuid::Id128Bytes src) |
(since 6.6) QUuid::Id128Bytes | qFromLittleEndian(QUuid::Id128Bytes src) |
(since 6.6) QUuid::Id128Bytes | qToBigEndian(QUuid::Id128Bytes src) |
(since 6.6) QUuid::Id128Bytes | qToLittleEndian(QUuid::Id128Bytes src) |
Class QVarLengthArray:
(since 6.6) QVarLengthArray<T, Prealloc> & | assign(std::initializer_list<T> list) |
(since 6.6) QVarLengthArray<T, Prealloc> & | assign(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) |
(since 6.6) QVarLengthArray<T, Prealloc> & | assign(qsizetype n, const T &t) |
Class QVariant:
(since 6.6) T & | emplace(Args &&... args) |
(since 6.6) T & | emplace(std::initializer_list<U> list, Args &&... args) |
(since 6.6) QVariant | fromStdVariant(std::variant<Types...> &&value) |
(since 6.6) QVariant | fromValue(T &&value) |
(since 6.6) T & | get(QVariant &v) |
(since 6.6) T && | get(QVariant &&v) |
(since 6.6) const T & | get(const QVariant &v) |
(since 6.6) const T && | get(const QVariant &&v) |
(since 6.6) T * | get_if(QVariant *v) |
(since 6.6) const T * | get_if(const QVariant *v) |
Class QWebEnginePage:
(since 6.6) QString | devToolsId() const |
Class QWebEngineUrlRequestJob:
(since 6.6) void | setAdditionalResponseHeaders(const QMultiMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> &additionalResponseHeaders) const |
Class QWebSocket:
(since 6.6) void | authenticationRequired(QAuthenticator *authenticator) |
Class QWidget:
(since 6.6) void | setTabOrder(std::initializer_list<QWidget *> widgets) |
Class QXmlStreamReader:
(since 6.6) bool | hasStandaloneDeclaration() const |
New Functions in Namespaces
(since 6.6) QFuture<ValueType> | makeReadyRangeFuture(std::initializer_list<ValueType> values) |
(since 6.6) QFuture<QtFuture::ContainedType<Container>> | makeReadyRangeFuture(Container &&container) |
(since 6.6) QFuture<std::decay_t<T>> | makeReadyValueFuture(T &&value) |
(since 6.6) QFuture<void> | makeReadyVoidFuture() |
New Global Functions
(since 6.6) QString | qWebEngineGetDomainAndRegistry(const QUrl &url) |
New Macros
(since 6.6) | QT_NO_QEXCHANGE |
(since 6.6) | QT_SUPPORTS_INT128 |
(since 6.6) qint128 | Q_INT128_C(literal) |
(since 6.6) | Q_INT128_MAX |
(since 6.6) | Q_INT128_MIN |
(since 6.6) | Q_NODISCARD_CTOR |
(since 6.6) quint128 | Q_UINT128_C(literal) |
(since 6.6) | Q_UINT128_MAX |
New Enum Types
(since 6.6) enum | CommunicationMode { Access, Advertise, Default } |
(since 6.6) enum class | ReferenceSurface { Map, Globe } |
(since 6.6) enum class | Option { DontUseNativeDialog } |
(since 6.6) enum class | UnixProcessFlag { ResetSignalHandlers, IgnoreSigPipe, CloseFileDescriptors, UseVFork, CreateNewSession, …, DisableCoreDumps } |
(since 6.6) enum class | Capability { None, Speak, PauseResume, WordByWordProgress, Synthesize } |
New Enum Values
enum value | BoundaryHint::Utterance |
enum value | ColorRole::Accent |
enum value | Flag::FetchApiAllowed |
enum value | GraphicsApi::Direct3D12 |
enum value | Language::Baluchi |
enum value | Language::Ligurian |
enum value | Language::Rohingya |
enum value | Language::Torwali |
enum value | Property::ListStart |
enum value | RelationFlag::Described |
enum value | RelationFlag::DescriptionFor |
enum value | RelationFlag::FlowsFrom |
enum value | RelationFlag::FlowsTo |
enum value | Resource::GraphicsQueueFamilyIndexResource |
enum value | Resource::GraphicsQueueIndexResource |
enum value | Script::HanifiScript |
enum value | TabPosition::Moving |
enum value | Type::DevicePixelRatioChange |
enum value | WebAction::ChangeTextDirectionLTR |
enum value | WebAction::ChangeTextDirectionRTL |
enum value | WildcardConversionOption::NonPathWildcardConversion |
New Type Aliases
New Properties
New Variables
(since 6.6) | Windows11_23H2 |
New QML Types
New QML Properties
QML Type CaptureSession:
(since 6.6) | windowCapture : WindowCapture |
QML Type CharacterController:
(since 6.6) | enableShapeHitCallback : bool |
QML Type ColorGroup:
(since 6.6) | accent : color |
QML Type Dial:
(since 6.6) | endAngle : real |
(since 6.6) | startAngle : real |
QML Type MediaRecorder:
(since 6.6) | audioBitRate : int |
(since 6.6) | audioChannelCount : int |
(since 6.6) | audioSampleRate : int |
(since 6.6) | encodingMode : enumeration |
(since 6.6) | videoBitRate : int |
(since 6.6) | videoFrameRate : real |
(since 6.6) | videoResolution : Size |
QML Type Path:
(since 6.6) | simplify : bool |
QML Type PathText:
(since 6.6) | font.features : object |
QML Type RenderStats:
(since 6.6) | lastCompletedGpuTime : real |
QML Type ScrollView:
(since 6.6) | effectiveScrollBarHeight : real |
(since 6.6) | effectiveScrollBarWidth : real |
QML Type Shape:
(since 6.6) | boundingRect : rect |
(since 6.6) | preferredRendererType : enumeration |
QML Type SpinBox:
(since 6.6) | live : bool |
QML Type TableView:
(since 6.6) | selectionMode : enumeration |
QML Type Text:
(since 6.6) | font.features : object |
QML Type TextEdit:
(since 6.6) | font.features : object |
QML Type TextInput:
(since 6.6) | font.features : object |
QML Type TextToSpeech:
(since 6.6) | engineCapabilities : enumeration |
QML Type TreeView:
(since 6.6) | rootIndex : QModelIndex |
QML Type XMLHttpRequest:
(since 6.6) | responseURL : string |
QML Type voice:
(since 6.6) | language : enumerator |
New QML Signals
(since 6.6) | aboutToSynthesize(number id) |
(since 6.6) | sayingWord(string word, int id, int start, int length) |
(since 6.6) | shapeHit(PhysicsNode *body, vector3D position, vector3D impulse, vector3D normal) |
(since 6.6) | wrapped(Dial.WrapDirection direction) |
New QML Methods
QML Type TextToSpeech:
(since 6.6) | enqueue(string utterance) |
(since 6.6) list<voice> | findVoices(map criteria) |
QML Type XMLHttpRequest:
(since 6.6) void | overrideMimeType(mime) |
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