Creating the platform configuration file

platform\<BOARD_MANUFACTURER_NAME>\<YOUR_PLATFORM>\CMakeLists.txt is your platform's primary configuration file. It specifies all sources, include directories, compile definitions, and other parameters your platform requires. For more information about the CMake syntax, see CMake Documentation. You can also use platform\boards\qt\example-baremetal\CMakeLists.txt as a basis for your platform's CMakeLists.txt.

Note: When you are defining sources, include directories or other attributes for your platform, you must specify Platform as the target for these definitions.

Setting platform properties

Platform-related configurations are set in the target platform CMakeLists.txt file as the Platform target properties. A list of the all properties with default values and descriptions is presented in the following table:

Common properties

Property nameDefault valueDecription
QUL_PLATFORM_DEFAULT_SCREEN_WIDTH480The default screen width in pixels. Currently used only by the desktop backend.
QUL_PLATFORM_DEFAULT_SCREEN_HEIGHT272The default screen height in pixels. Currently used only by the desktop backend.
QUL_PLATFORM_DEFAULT_TEXT_CACHE_ENABLEDOFFThe default value for text caching on the target platform. See QUL_PLATFORM_DEFAULT_TEXT_CACHE_ENABLED for more information.
QUL_PLATFORM_DEFAULT_TEXT_CACHE_SIZE24*1024The default size for text cache on the target platform. See QUL_PLATFORM_DEFAULT_TEXT_CACHE_SIZE for more information.
QUL_PLATFORM_DEFAULT_NUM_FRAMES_TO_PRESERVE_ASSETS0The default number of frames to preserve assets on the target platform. See QUL_PLATFORM_DEFAULT_NUM_FRAMES_TO_PRESERVE_ASSETS for more information.
QUL_PLATFORM_REQUIRED_IMAGE_ALIGNMENT1The minimum alignment required for image data on the target platform. See QUL_PLATFORM_REQUIRED_IMAGE_ALIGNMENT for more information.
QUL_PLATFORM_REQUIRED_PIXEL_WIDTH_ALIGNMENT1The image width will be a multiple of this value on the target platform. See QUL_PLATFORM_REQUIRED_PIXEL_WIDTH_ALIGNMENT for more information.
QUL_PLATFORM_EXCLUDED_EXAMPLESList of examples that should be excluded from the build. It is defined in the CMake list format, where each value is delimited or separated by a semicolon.

The following example disables the multitask and image_cache examples:

        QUL_PLATFORM_EXCLUDED_EXAMPLES "multitask;image_cache"
QUL_PLATFORM_EXCLUDED_DEMOSList of demos that should be excluded from the build. It is defined in the CMake list format, where each value is delimited or separated by a semicolon.

The following example disables the automotive and motor_cluster demos:

        QUL_PLATFORM_EXCLUDED_DEMOS "automotive;motor_cluster"
QUL_PLATFORM_EXCLUDED_TESTSList of tests that should be excluded from the build. It is defined in the CMake list format, where each value is delimited or separated by a semicolon.

The following example disables the controls and flickable tests:

        QUL_PLATFORM_EXCLUDED_TESTS "controls;flickable"

Infineon platform-specific properties

Property nameDecription
QUL_PRIVATE_INFINEON_RESOURCE_GENERATORPath to ResourceGenerator.exe binary file, which is found in Infineon SDK directory. Set this property to compile the resources.

NXP platform-specific properties

Property nameDecription
NXP_CHIP_NAMEName of NXP chip family name, such as MIMXRT1052xxxxB. Set this variable to be able to flash targets.
NXP_CONNECT_SCRIPTName of the connect script from MCUXpressoIDE, such as RT1050_connect.scp. Set this variable to be able to connect to the flash targets.
NXP_RESET_SCRIPTName of the reset script from MCUXpressoIDE, such as RT1170_reset.scp. Currently this variable is required only by NXP RT1170 to be able to properly restart board after flashing.
NXP_PARTFILES_DIRPath to directory containing NXP part files in XML format. Set this variable to be able to use it while flashing targets.

STM platform-specific properties

Property nameDecription
STM32_EXTERNAL_LOADERPath to the STM32 external loader file, to be able to flash the external memory.

Example properties set in platform CMakeLists.txt:

        NXP_CHIP_NAME "MIMXRT1052xxxxB"
        NXP_CONNECT_SCRIPT "RT1050_connect.scp"
        # variables cannot be expanded that's why there is "\" before "$". It will be later evaluated at CMake runtime using
        # qul_private_evaluate_path_from_target_property() function
        NXP_PARTFILES_DIR "\${QUL_PLATFORM_TARGET_DIR}/../mimxrt1050-evk-common/cmake"
        QUL_PLATFORM_EXCLUDED_DEMOS "automotive;motor_cluster"
        QUL_PLATFORM_EXCLUDED_EXAMPLES "freertos_app_switch;imagedecoder;layers;multiscreen;map"
        QUL_PLATFORM_EXCLUDED_TESTS "layers;layers_with_shapes;layer_transparency;resource_storage_section"

Source files

Implementing your platform port will require some source code to be written and built with the platform library. You can add source files, include directories and compiler defines to the Platform target as you proceed with writing the code for your port.

The following is the CMakeLists.txt file for the example-baremetal platform:

target_sources(Platform PRIVATE
    # Add platform source files here

target_include_directories(Platform PRIVATE
    # Add platform specific include directories here

target_compile_definitions(Platform PRIVATE
    # Insert platform specific compile flags here
    # e.g. APPLICATION_ADDRESS=0x90000000

Specifying vendor SDK-specific settings

BSPConfig.cmake contains all settings that are required for using functions from the vendor SDK, like GPIO or interrupt handlers. These are usually compiler defines for a specific board and include paths.

These settings will be available as an interface library target in CMake to let applications that need to use board SDK functions outside of the platform library also inherit these options.

See Platform SDK Config.

target_compile_definitions(PlatformBSPConfig INTERFACE
    # Platform SDK specific compile definitions

target_include_directories(PlatformBSPConfig INTERFACE
    # Platform SDK specific include directories
    # eg. ${QUL_BOARD_SDK_DIR}/Drivers/BSP/STM32F769I-Discovery/

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