InputEngine QML Type

Maps the user input to the input methods. More...

Import Statement: import QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard
Since: Qt Quick Ultralite 2.9


Detailed Description

The input engine is responsible for routing input events to input methods. The actual input logic is implemented by the input methods.

The input engine also includes the default input method, which takes care of default processing if the active input method does not handle the event.

InputEngine is available via InputContext.inputEngine.

Property Documentation

InputMode : enumeration

This enum specifies the input mode for the input method.

LatinThe default input mode for latin text.
NumericOnly numeric input is allowed.
DialableOnly dialable input is allowed.
PinyinPinyin input mode for Chinese.
CangjieCangjie input mode for Chinese.
ZhuyinZhuyin input mode for Chinese.
HangulHangul input mode for Korean.
HiraganaHiragana input mode for Japanese.
KatakanaKatakana input mode for Japanese.
FullwidthLatinFullwidth latin input mode for East Asian languages.
GreekGreek input mode.
CyrillicCyrillic input mode.
ArabicArabic input mode.
HebrewHebrew input mode.
ChineseHandwritingChinese handwriting input mode.
JapaneseHandwritingJapanese handwriting input mode.
KoreanHandwritingKorean handwriting input mode.
ThaiThai input mode.
StrokeStroke input mode for Chinese.
RomajiRomaji input mode for Japanese.

inputMode : int

Use this property to get or set the current input mode. The InputEngine::inputModes property provides the list of valid input modes for the current input method and locale.

The following is a predefined list of input modes that you can choose from:

InputEngine.InputMode.LatinThe default input mode for latin text.
InputEngine.InputMode.NumericOnly numeric input is allowed.
InputEngine.InputMode.DialableOnly dialable input is allowed.
InputEngine.InputMode.PinyinPinyin input mode for Chinese.
InputEngine.InputMode.CangjieCangjie input mode for Chinese.
InputEngine.InputMode.ZhuyinZhuyin input mode for Chinese.
InputEngine.InputMode.HangulHangul input mode for Korean.
InputEngine.InputMode.HiraganaHiragana input mode for Japanese.
InputEngine.InputMode.KatakanaKatakana input mode for Japanese.
InputEngine.InputMode.FullwidthLatinFullwidth latin input mode for East Asian languages.
InputEngine.InputMode.GreekGreek input mode.
InputEngine.InputMode.CyrillicCyrillic input mode.
InputEngine.InputMode.ArabicArabic input mode.
InputEngine.InputMode.HebrewHebrew input mode.
InputEngine.InputMode.ChineseHandwritingChinese handwriting.
InputEngine.InputMode.JapaneseHandwritingJapanese handwriting.
InputEngine.InputMode.KoreanHandwritingKorean handwriting.
InputEngine.InputMode.ThaiThai input mode.
InputEngine.InputMode.StrokeStroke input mode for Chinese.
InputEngine.InputMode.RomajiRomaji input mode for Japanese.

wordCandidateListVisibleHint : bool [read-only]

Use this property to check if the word candidate list should be visible in the UI.

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