SafeImage QML Type

Provides a safety-critical QML image type that can be validated using Qt Safe Renderer's output verification. More...

Import Statement: import QtQuickUltralite.SafeRenderer
Since: Qt Quick Ultralite 2.9


Detailed Description

SafeImage is an image type whose integrity can be verified from the display content with Qt Safe Renderer's output verification.

Note: Qt Safe Renderer is currently in Technical Preview status for Qt Quick Ultralite. A full Qt Safe Renderer support for Qt Quick Ultralite comes in the QSR 2.2 release.

SafeImage supports the same image formats as Image.

To add SafeImage to a QML application:

import QtQuickUltralite.SafeRenderer

SafeImage {
    id: drive
    objectName: "drive"
    width: 40
    height: 50
    x: 70
    y: 70
    source: "images/drive.png"
    fillColor: "#000000"

See also Qt Quick Ultralite application with safety-critical items.

Property Documentation

fillColor : color

This property holds the background fill color of the item. It affects the non-opaque images only, and its default value is transparent.

Note: If you are using the output verification feature, do not use the default value "transparent". Instead, define an opaque background color.

height : real

This property holds the image height. The default value is 64.

opacity : real

This property holds the opacity of the item. Opacity is specified as a number between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque). The default value is 1.0.

source : string

This property holds the resource locator of the image. The image format and URL scheme can be any format or scheme supported by Qt.

SafeImage accepts an absolute resource URI, for example "images/drive.png".

Note: Resource URI must be lower-case.

width : real

This property holds the image width. The default value is 64.

x : real

This property holds the x-coordinate position of the image.

y : real

This property holds the y-coordinate position of the image.

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