ArcItem QML Type

Defines an arc shape with the given start and end values. More...

Import Statement: import QtQuickUltralite.Studio.Components
Since: Qt Quick Ultralite 2.7



Detailed Description

You can define an arc shape by setting values to its begin and end properties. The arc can be just a line or a filled outline. The strokeColor and strokeWidth properties define the appearance of the line or outline.

The arc's area between start and end points, or inside the outline is painted using a solid fill color defined by the fillColor property, or a gradient, defined using one of the ShapeGradient subtypes. If you enable both fillcolor and gradient, the gradient is used.

To create an arc with an outline, set its outlineArc property to true. The arcWidth property defines the total width of the arc's outline, including the outline and the fill.

The end points of the arc's outline can be rounded caps depending on the values of the round, roundBegin, and roundEnd properties. If an arc does not have an outline, its capStyle property defines how the line ends (square or rounded).

Property Documentation

arcWidth : real [default]

The total width of an arc that has an outline, including the outline and fill.

See also begin, end, and strokeWidth.

begin : real [default]

The position in degrees where the arc begins.

To create a circle, set the value of this property to 0 and the value of the end property to 360.

capStyle : int

The cap style of the line if the arc does not have an outline.

ShapePath.FlatCapA square line end that does not cover the end point of the line.
ShapePath.SquareCapA square line end that covers the end point and extends beyond it by half the line width.
ShapePath.RoundCapA rounded line end.

The default capStyle is ShapePath.FlatCap, meaning that a square line end does not cover the end point.

See also round, roundBegin, roundEnd, and ShapePath::capStyle.

end : real [default]

The position in degrees where the arc ends.

To create a circle, set the value of this property to 360 and the value of the begin property to 0.

fillColor : color

The arc's fill color.

If the arc is just a line, the area between its begin and end points is filled. If the arc has an outline, the area within the outline is filled.

A gradient defines the fill for the arc. If you enable both fillcolor and gradient, the gradient is used.

When set to transparent, no filling occurs.

The default value is white.

gradient : int

Gradient for the arc's fill color. If it is enabled, the fillColor is ignored and the arc is filled using one of the ShapeGradient subtypes.

By default, no gradient is enabled and the value is null. In this case, the fill uses a solid color based on the value of fillColor.

outlineArc : bool

Whether the arc has an outline.

See also arcWidth, begin, end, round, roundBegin, and roundEnd.

round : bool

Whether the arc outline end points have round caps.

The roundBegin and roundEnd properties can be used to specify the caps separately for the end points.

roundBegin : bool

Whether the arc outline begins with a round cap.

See also round and roundEnd.

roundEnd : bool

Whether the arc outline ends with a round cap.

See also round and roundBegin.

strokeColor : color

The color of the arc line or outline.

When set to transparent, no line is drawn.

The default value is red.

strokeWidth : int [default]

The width of the arc line or outline.

When set to a negative value, no line is drawn.

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