
List the binary resources to be added to the project.


Each element of the list is the path to an binary file. All file formats are accepted. Paths relative to the project path are accepted, as well as absolute paths.

The path for a binary resource is used as a URI to identify the resource for the Qul::BinaryResource. If the URI identifier needs to be different than the path, the BinaryFiles.MCU.base and BinaryFiles.MCU.prefix properties can be used.


This property is accepted in any context where its parent node is accepted. It takes a list of non-empty strings.

Code example:

BinaryFiles {
    files: ["data/foo.bin", "other.abc"]


This property was introduced in Qt Quick Ultralite 2.9.

See also BinaryFiles.MCU.prefix, BinaryFiles.MCU.base, and BinaryFiles.directory.

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