Qt Quick Ultralite perspective_transforms Example
// Copyright (C) 2024 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial import QtQuick 2.12 import Constants 1.0 import PerspectiveTransformsConfiguration 1.0 import "controls" Rectangle { id: root color: Constants.backgroundColor IdleTimer { id: idleTimer property int coverDir: 1 onSwitchCover: { var idx = Math.round(currentState.selectedCover) idx = idx + coverDir if (idx >= (currentState.numberOfCovers-1) || idx <= 0) { coverDir = -coverDir } currentState.selectedCover = idx slider_cover.value = idx } onSwitchFlowType: { currentState.switchViewType((currentState.currentViewType + 1) % CoverFlowType.NumTypes) } } CoverFlowState { id: currentState screenWidth: root.width screenHeight: root.height } CoverFlow { anchors.fill: parent currentState: currentState } // Cover Flow Type switch controls Column { anchors{ horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter top: Configuration.enableCoverAndCameraControls ? parent.top : undefined bottom: Configuration.enableCoverAndCameraControls ? undefined : parent.bottom topMargin: Constants.controlsMarginS } width: parent.width * 0.9 Row { spacing: Constants.controlsMarginM anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter RadioButton { text: "Carousel" checked: currentState.currentViewType == CoverFlowType.Carousel onClicked: { currentState.switchViewType(CoverFlowType.Carousel) } onPressedChanged: { idleTimer.reset(pressed) } } RadioButton { text: "Circle" checked: currentState.currentViewType == CoverFlowType.Circle onClicked: { currentState.switchViewType(CoverFlowType.Circle) } onPressedChanged: { idleTimer.reset(pressed) } } RadioButton { text: "Circle 2D" checked: currentState.currentViewType == CoverFlowType.Circle2D onClicked: { currentState.switchViewType(CoverFlowType.Circle2D) } onPressedChanged: { idleTimer.reset(pressed) } } RadioButton { text: "Perspective" checked: currentState.currentViewType == CoverFlowType.Perspective onClicked: { currentState.switchViewType(CoverFlowType.Perspective) } onPressedChanged: { idleTimer.reset(pressed) } } } } // Cover + camera control slider Column { visible: Configuration.enableCoverAndCameraControls anchors{ horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter bottom: parent.bottom bottomMargin: Constants.controlsMarginM } width: parent.width - Constants.controlsMarginL * 2 spacing: Constants.controlsMarginM Row { id: coverControls spacing: 80 width: parent.width property int controlWidth: (coverControls.width - coverControls.spacing) / 2 Slider { id: slider_cover width: coverControls.controlWidth value: 0 stepSize: 1 to: currentState.numberOfCovers-1 text: "Current cover: " + (value+1) onValueChanged: { currentState.selectedCover = slider_cover.value } onPressedChanged: { idleTimer.reset(pressed) } } Slider { id: slider_modelSize width: coverControls.controlWidth value: 4 stepSize: 1 to: currentState.maximumNumberofCovers - 1 text: "Number of covers: " + (value + 1) textHorizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight onValueChanged: { currentState.numberOfCovers = (slider_modelSize.value + 1) } } } Row { id: cameraControls spacing: 40 width: parent.width property int controlWidth: (cameraControls.width - cameraControls.spacing * 2) / 3 Slider { id: slider_height value: 0.5 width: cameraControls.controlWidth text: "Camera Height" enabled: currentState.currentViewType != CoverFlowType.Perspective onValueChanged: { currentState.cameraHeight = -1.2 + 2 * (slider_height.value - 0.5) } onPressedChanged: { idleTimer.reset(pressed) } } Slider { id: slider_viewAngle value: 0.5 text: "View Angle" textHorizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter width: cameraControls.controlWidth enabled: currentState.currentViewType != CoverFlowType.Perspective onValueChanged: { currentState.viewAngle = -21 + 30 * (slider_viewAngle.value - 0.5) } onPressedChanged: { idleTimer.reset(pressed) } } Item { width: cameraControls.controlWidth CheckBox { id: checkbox_reflection text: "Show reflections" anchors.right: parent.right checked: true onCheckedChanged: { currentState.showReflection = checkbox_reflection.checked } } } } } SequentialAnimation { running: Configuration.enableViewAngleIdleAnimation loops: Animation.Infinite NumberAnimation { target: currentState; property: "viewAngle"; to: -12.0; duration: 5000} NumberAnimation { target: currentState; property: "viewAngle"; to: -21.0; duration: 5000} } }