Qul::MapTileFetcher Class

class Qul::MapTileFetcher

The MapTileFetcher class provides an abstract API to implement fetching of a map tile image. More...

Header: #include <qul/maptilefetcher.h>
Since: Qt Quick Ultralite 2.10

Public Functions

virtual bool getTileImage(const Qul::Private::TileSpec &spec, Qul::Private::TileImage &tileImage) = 0

Detailed Description

Map item depends on Qul::MapTileFetcher::getTileImage API to get map tile image to render.

Note: This class is a technical preview and it will change in subsequent releases.

See also Qul::Application::addMapTileFetcher.

Member Function Documentation

[pure virtual] bool MapTileFetcher::getTileImage(const Qul::Private::TileSpec &spec, Qul::Private::TileImage &tileImage)

Implement this method to fetch a map tile image.

Returns true if fetching a map tile image was successful and false otherwise.

spec specifies the requested zoom, x and y of a map tile.

The user stores the fetched map tile image a Texture object in tileImage.

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