Qul::PlatformInterface::Brush Class

class Qul::PlatformInterface::Brush

Represents the fill pattern of shapes drawn using DrawingEngine. More...

Header: #include <platforminterface/drawingengine.h>
Since: Qt Quick Ultralite (Platform) 1.8

Public Types

enum Pattern { SolidPattern, LinearGradientPattern }

Public Functions

Brush(Qul::PlatformInterface::Rgba32 color)
Brush(const Qul::PlatformInterface::LinearGradient &linearGradient)
Qul::PlatformInterface::Rgba32 color() const
const Qul::PlatformInterface::LinearGradient &linearGradient() const
Qul::PlatformInterface::Brush::Pattern pattern() const

Detailed Description

A brush has a pattern as specified by the pattern() method.

See also DrawingEngine::blendPath.

Member Type Documentation

enum Brush::Pattern

Defines the different brush patterns that are supported.

Qul::PlatformInterface::Brush::SolidPattern1A solid color pattern.
Qul::PlatformInterface::Brush::LinearGradientPattern0A linear gradient pattern.

Member Function Documentation

[explicit] Brush::Brush(Qul::PlatformInterface::Rgba32 color)

Constructs a Qul::PlatformInterface::Brush::SolidPattern brush with the given color.

[explicit] Brush::Brush(const Qul::PlatformInterface::LinearGradient &linearGradient)

Constructs a Qul::PlatformInterface::Brush::LinearGradient brush with the given linearGradient.

Qul::PlatformInterface::Rgba32 Brush::color() const

Returns the brush color.

Calling this function is only valid if the brush has the Qul::PlatformInterface::Brush::SolidPattern pattern. Otherwise, an assert will be triggered.

const Qul::PlatformInterface::LinearGradient &Brush::linearGradient() const

Returns the linear gradient parameters of the brush.

Calling this function is only valid if the brush has the Qul::PlatformInterface::Brush::LinearGradient pattern. Otherwise, an assert will be triggered.

Qul::PlatformInterface::Brush::Pattern Brush::pattern() const

Returns the brush pattern.

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