New Classes and Functions in Qt 6.4
This page contains a comprehensive list of all new classes and functions introduced in Qt 6.4.
- New Classes
- New Member Functions
- New Functions in Namespaces
- New Macros
- New Enum Types
- New Enum Values
- New Properties
- New Variables
- New QML Types
- New QML Properties
- New QML Methods
New Classes
New Member Functions
Class QAbstractItemModelTester:
(since 6.4) void | setUseFetchMore(bool value) |
Class QByteArray:
(since 6.4) QByteArray | percentDecoded(char percent) const |
(since 6.4) void | resize(qsizetype newSize, char c) |
Class QColor:
(since 6.4) QColor | fromString(QAnyStringView name) |
(since 6.4) bool | isValidColorName(QAnyStringView name) |
Class QColorTransform:
(since 6.4) bool | isIdentity() const |
(since 6.4) QRgbaFloat16 | map(QRgbaFloat16 rgbafp16) const |
(since 6.4) QRgbaFloat32 | map(QRgbaFloat32 rgbafp32) const |
(since 6.4) bool | operator!=(const QColorTransform &ct1, const QColorTransform &ct2) |
(since 6.4) bool | operator==(const QColorTransform &ct1, const QColorTransform &ct2) |
Class QDate:
(since 6.4) QDate | addDuration(std::chrono::days ndays) const |
(since 6.4) QDate | fromStdSysDays(const std::chrono::sys_days &days) |
Class QDateTime:
(since 6.4) QDateTime | addDuration(std::chrono::milliseconds msecs) const |
(since 6.4) QDateTime | fromStdLocalTime(const std::chrono::local_time<std::chrono::milliseconds> &time) |
(since 6.4) QDateTime | fromStdTimePoint(const std::chrono::local_time<std::chrono::milliseconds> &time) |
(since 6.4) QDateTime | fromStdTimePoint(const std::chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration> &time) |
(since 6.4) QDateTime | fromStdTimePoint(std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock, std::chrono::milliseconds> time) |
(since 6.4) QDateTime | fromStdZonedTime(const int &time) |
(since 6.4) QDateTime | operator+(const QDateTime &dateTime, std::chrono::milliseconds duration) |
(since 6.4) QDateTime | operator+(std::chrono::milliseconds duration, const QDateTime &dateTime) |
(since 6.4) QDateTime & | operator+=(std::chrono::milliseconds duration) |
(since 6.4) std::chrono::milliseconds | operator-(const QDateTime &lhs, const QDateTime &rhs) |
(since 6.4) QDateTime | operator-(const QDateTime &dateTime, std::chrono::milliseconds duration) |
(since 6.4) QDateTime & | operator-=(std::chrono::milliseconds duration) |
(since 6.4) std::chrono::sys_time<std::chrono::milliseconds> | toStdSysMilliseconds() const |
(since 6.4) std::chrono::sys_seconds | toStdSysSeconds() const |
Class QFileInfo:
(since 6.4) bool | isAlias() const |
Class QFormLayout:
(since 6.4) bool | isRowVisible(int row) const |
(since 6.4) bool | isRowVisible(QLayout *layout) const |
(since 6.4) bool | isRowVisible(QWidget *widget) const |
(since 6.4) void | setRowVisible(int row, bool on) |
(since 6.4) void | setRowVisible(QLayout *layout, bool on) |
(since 6.4) void | setRowVisible(QWidget *widget, bool on) |
Class QFuture:
(since 6.4) QFuture<U> | unwrap() |
Class QHash:
(since 6.4) auto | asKeyValueRange() && |
(since 6.4) auto | asKeyValueRange() & |
(since 6.4) auto | asKeyValueRange() const && |
(since 6.4) auto | asKeyValueRange() const & |
Class QImage:
(since 6.4) QImage | colorTransformed(const QColorTransform &transform) const & |
(since 6.4) QImage | colorTransformed(const QColorTransform &transform) && |
Class QJniEnvironment:
(since 6.4) jfieldID | findField(jclass clazz, const char *fieldName) |
(since 6.4) jmethodID | findMethod(jclass clazz, const char *methodName) |
(since 6.4) jfieldID | findStaticField(jclass clazz, const char *fieldName) |
(since 6.4) jmethodID | findStaticMethod(jclass clazz, const char *methodName) |
Class QJniObject:
(since 6.4) auto | callMethod(const char *methodName, Args &&... args) const |
(since 6.4) auto | callMethod(const char *methodName, const char *signature, Args &&... args) const |
(since 6.4) QJniObject | callObjectMethod(const char *methodName, Args &&... args) const |
(since 6.4) auto | callStaticMethod(const char *className, const char *methodName, Args &&... args) |
(since 6.4) auto | callStaticMethod(jclass clazz, const char *methodName, Args &&... args) |
(since 6.4) auto | callStaticMethod(jclass clazz, jmethodID methodId, Args &&... args) |
(since 6.4) auto | callStaticMethod(const char *className, const char *methodName, const char *signature, Args &&... args) |
(since 6.4) QJniObject | callStaticObjectMethod(const char *className, const char *methodName, Args &&... args) |
(since 6.4) QJniObject | callStaticObjectMethod(jclass clazz, const char *methodName, Args &&... args) |
(since 6.4) QJniObject | construct(Args &&... args) |
Class QLatin1StringView:
(since 6.4) const char * | constBegin() const |
(since 6.4) const char * | constData() const |
(since 6.4) const char * | constEnd() const |
(since 6.4) qsizetype | count(QChar ch, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const |
(since 6.4) qsizetype | count(QLatin1StringView l1, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const |
(since 6.4) qsizetype | count(QStringView str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const |
(since 6.4) bool | empty() const |
(since 6.4) QLatin1Char | first() const |
(since 6.4) QLatin1Char | last() const |
(since 6.4) qsizetype | length() const |
(since 6.4) double | toDouble(bool *ok) const |
(since 6.4) float | toFloat(bool *ok) const |
(since 6.4) int | toInt(bool *ok, int base) const |
(since 6.4) long | toLong(bool *ok, int base) const |
(since 6.4) qlonglong | toLongLong(bool *ok, int base) const |
(since 6.4) short | toShort(bool *ok, int base) const |
(since 6.4) uint | toUInt(bool *ok, int base) const |
(since 6.4) ulong | toULong(bool *ok, int base) const |
(since 6.4) qulonglong | toULongLong(bool *ok, int base) const |
(since 6.4) ushort | toUShort(bool *ok, int base) const |
Class QLine:
(since 6.4) QLineF | toLineF() const |
Class QListWidgetItem:
(since 6.4) void | setTextAlignment(Qt::Alignment alignment) |
Class QMap:
(since 6.4) auto | asKeyValueRange() && |
(since 6.4) auto | asKeyValueRange() & |
(since 6.4) auto | asKeyValueRange() const && |
(since 6.4) auto | asKeyValueRange() const & |
Class QMargins:
(since 6.4) QMarginsF | toMarginsF() const |
Class QMetaType:
(since 6.4) size_t | qHash(QMetaType key, size_t seed) |
Class QMqttSubscriptionProperties:
(since 6.4) bool | noLocal() const |
(since 6.4) void | setNoLocal(bool noloc) |
Class QMultiHash:
(since 6.4) auto | asKeyValueRange() && |
(since 6.4) auto | asKeyValueRange() & |
(since 6.4) auto | asKeyValueRange() const && |
(since 6.4) auto | asKeyValueRange() const & |
Class QMultiMap:
(since 6.4) auto | asKeyValueRange() && |
(since 6.4) auto | asKeyValueRange() & |
(since 6.4) auto | asKeyValueRange() const && |
(since 6.4) auto | asKeyValueRange() const & |
Class QMutexLocker:
(since 6.4) bool | isLocked() const |
(since 6.4) QMutexLocker<Mutex> & | operator=(QMutexLocker<Mutex> &&other) |
(since 6.4) void | swap(QMutexLocker<Mutex> &other) |
Class QNetworkInformation:
(since 6.4) bool | loadBackendByFeatures(QNetworkInformation::Features features) |
(since 6.4) bool | loadBackendByName(QStringView backend) |
Class QObject:
(since 6.4) bool | isQuickItemType() const |
(since 6.4) void | setObjectName(QAnyStringView name) |
Class QPoint:
(since 6.4) QPointF | toPointF() const |
Class QPolygon:
(since 6.4) QPolygonF | toPolygonF() const |
Class QQmlApplicationEngine:
(since 6.4) void | objectCreationFailed(const QUrl &url) |
Class QQuickRenderTarget:
(since 6.4) QQuickRenderTarget | fromD3D11Texture(void *texture, uint format, const QSize &pixelSize, int sampleCount) |
(since 6.4) QQuickRenderTarget | fromMetalTexture(MTLTexture *texture, uint format, const QSize &pixelSize, int sampleCount) |
(since 6.4) QQuickRenderTarget | fromOpenGLTexture(uint textureId, uint format, const QSize &pixelSize, int sampleCount) |
(since 6.4) QQuickRenderTarget | fromPaintDevice(QPaintDevice *device) |
(since 6.4) QQuickRenderTarget | fromVulkanImage(VkImage image, VkImageLayout layout, VkFormat format, const QSize &pixelSize, int sampleCount) |
(since 6.4) bool | mirrorVertically() const |
(since 6.4) void | setMirrorVertically(bool enable) |
Class QRect:
(since 6.4) QRectF | toRectF() const |
Class QSGMaterialShader:
(since 6.4) int | combinedImageSamplerCount(int binding) const |
Class QSize:
(since 6.4) QSizeF | toSizeF() const |
Class QStringView:
(since 6.4) qsizetype | count(QLatin1StringView l1, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const |
(since 6.4) int | localeAwareCompare(QStringView other) const |
Class QTableWidgetItem:
(since 6.4) void | setTextAlignment(Qt::Alignment alignment) |
Class QTcpServer:
(since 6.4) void | pendingConnectionAvailable() |
Class QTemporaryDir:
(since 6.4) QTemporaryDir & | operator=(QTemporaryDir &&other) |
(since 6.4) void | swap(QTemporaryDir &other) |
Class QTextCursor:
(since 6.4) void | insertMarkdown(const QString &markdown, QTextDocument::MarkdownFeatures features) |
Class QTextDocumentFragment:
(since 6.4) QTextDocumentFragment | fromMarkdown(const QString &markdown, QTextDocument::MarkdownFeatures features) |
(since 6.4) QString | toMarkdown(QTextDocument::MarkdownFeatures features) const |
(since 6.4) QString | toRawText() const |
Class QTextStream:
(since 6.4) QTextStream & | operator>>(char16_t &c) |
Class QTextToSpeech:
(since 6.4) bool | setEngine(const QString &engine, const QVariantMap ¶ms) |
Class QTimeZone:
(since 6.4) QTimeZone | fromStdTimeZonePtr(const int *timeZone) |
Class QTreeWidgetItem:
(since 6.4) void | setTextAlignment(int column, Qt::Alignment alignment) |
Class QVarLengthArray:
(since 6.4) void | resize(qsizetype size, const T &v) |
Class QVersionNumber:
(since 6.4) QVersionNumber | fromString(QAnyStringView string, qsizetype *suffixIndex) |
Class QVoice:
(since 6.4) QDataStream & | operator<<(QDataStream &stream, const QVoice &voice) |
(since 6.4) QDebug | operator<<(QDebug debug, const QVoice &voice) |
(since 6.4) QDataStream & | operator>>(QDataStream &stream, QVoice &voice) |
(since 6.4) void | swap(QVoice &other) |
Class QWebEnginePage:
(since 6.4) void | fileSystemAccessRequested(QWebEngineFileSystemAccessRequest request) |
Class QWebSocket:
(since 6.4) QWebSocketHandshakeOptions | handshakeOptions() const |
(since 6.4) void | open(const QNetworkRequest &request, const QWebSocketHandshakeOptions &options) |
(since 6.4) void | open(const QUrl &url, const QWebSocketHandshakeOptions &options) |
(since 6.4) QString | subprotocol() const |
Class QWebSocketServer:
(since 6.4) void | setSupportedSubprotocols(const QStringList &protocols) |
(since 6.4) QStringList | supportedSubprotocols() const |
New Functions in Namespaces
(since 6.4) QLatin1StringView | operator""_L1(const char *str, size_t size) |
(since 6.4) QLatin1Char | operator""_L1(char ch) |
(since 6.4) QByteArray | operator""_ba(const char *str, size_t size) |
(since 6.4) QString | operator""_s(const char16_t *str, size_t size) |
(since 6.4) bool | qIsPolishScheduled(const QQuickWindow *window) |
(since 6.4) bool | qWaitForPolish(const QQuickWindow *window, int timeout) |
(since 6.4) bool | qWaitForPolish(const QQuickItem *item, int timeout) |
New Macros
(since 6.4) | QCOMPARE_EQ(computed, baseline) |
(since 6.4) | QCOMPARE_GE(computed, baseline) |
(since 6.4) | QCOMPARE_GT(computed, baseline) |
(since 6.4) | QCOMPARE_LE(computed, baseline) |
(since 6.4) | QCOMPARE_LT(computed, baseline) |
(since 6.4) | QCOMPARE_NE(computed, baseline) |
(since 6.4) | QTRY_COMPARE_EQ(computed, baseline) |
(since 6.4) | QTRY_COMPARE_EQ_WITH_TIMEOUT(computed, baseline, timeout) |
(since 6.4) | QTRY_COMPARE_GE(computed, baseline) |
(since 6.4) | QTRY_COMPARE_GE_WITH_TIMEOUT(computed, baseline, timeout) |
(since 6.4) | QTRY_COMPARE_GT(computed, baseline) |
(since 6.4) | QTRY_COMPARE_GT_WITH_TIMEOUT(computed, baseline, timeout) |
(since 6.4) | QTRY_COMPARE_LE(computed, baseline) |
(since 6.4) | QTRY_COMPARE_LE_WITH_TIMEOUT(computed, baseline, timeout) |
(since 6.4) | QTRY_COMPARE_LT(computed, baseline) |
(since 6.4) | QTRY_COMPARE_LT_WITH_TIMEOUT(computed, baseline, timeout) |
(since 6.4) | QTRY_COMPARE_NE(computed, baseline) |
(since 6.4) | QTRY_COMPARE_NE_WITH_TIMEOUT(computed, baseline, timeout) |
(since 6.4) | Q_CONSTINIT |
New Enum Types
(since 6.4) enum | PolygonMode { Fill, Line } |
New Enum Values
enum value | Error::InvalidResponseError |
enum value | Error::MissingPermissionsError |
enum value | Error::MissingPermissionsError |
enum value | Error::MissingPermissionsError |
enum value | Error::MissingPermissionsError |
enum value | Error::MissingPermissionsError |
enum value | Resource::RedirectPaintDevice |
enum value | SocketError::MissingPermissionsError |
New Properties
New Variables
(since 6.4) | polygonMode |
(since 6.4) | MacOSVentura |
(since 6.4) | Windows11_21H2 |
(since 6.4) | Windows11_22H2 |
New QML Types
New QML Properties
QML Type Model:
(since 6.4) | castsReflections : bool |
QML Type ReflectionProbe:
(since 6.4) | debugView : bool |
QML Type SceneEnvironment:
(since 6.4) | skyBoxCubeMap : QtQuick3D::CubeMapTexture |
(since 6.4) | skyboxBlurAmount : real |
(since 6.4) | specularAAEnabled : bool |
QML Type SpriteParticle3D:
(since 6.4) | castsReflections : bool |
QML Type TableView:
(since 6.4) | animate : bool |
(since 6.4) | keyNavigationEnabled : bool |
(since 6.4) | pointerNavigationEnabled : bool |
(since 6.4) | selectionBehavior : enumeration |
QML Type View3D:
(since 6.4) | renderFormat : enumeration |
QML Type WaylandSurface:
(since 6.4) | isOpaque : bool |
QML Type WebSocket:
(since 6.4) | negotiatedSubprotocol : string |
(since 6.4) | requestedSubprotocols : list<string> |
QML Type WebSocketServer:
(since 6.4) | supportedSubprotocols : list<string> |
New QML Methods
QML Type TableView:
(since 6.4) point | cellAtIndex(QModelIndex modelIndex) |
(since 6.4) int | columnAtIndex(QModelIndex modelIndex) |
(since 6.4) QModelIndex | modelIndex(point cell) |
(since 6.4) int | rowAtIndex(QModelIndex modelIndex) |
QML Type TreeView:
(since 6.4) | collapseRecursively(row) |
(since 6.4) | expandRecursively(row, depth) |
(since 6.4) | expandToIndex(QModelIndex index) |
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