Configure NXP i.MX RT1170 pins

To get Qt Quick Ultralite working on your NXP i.MX RT1170, configure the functional groups and pin configuration. The following subsections provide instructions on how to add and modify the functional groups, and check the pin configuration using the MCUXpresso IDE.

Creating new functional groups

Open the Functional group properties window in the MCUXpresso IDE and create the following two new functional groups:

  • BOARD_InitMipiPanelPins
  • BOARD_InitGpioPins

Configuring the functional groups

Use the Functional group properties window in the MCUXpresso IDE to modify the following functional groups:

  • BOARD_InitPins

    Rename the BOARD_InitPins functional group as BOARD_InitLpuartPins. Make sure that the call by the default initialization function is set to true.

  • BOARD_InitMipiPanelPins

    Make sure that the call by the default initialization function is set to true.

  • BOARD_InitGpioPins

    Make sure that the call by the default initialization function is set to true.

Close the Functional group properties window after you have made the modifications listed above.

Checking the pin configuration

Use the Pins Tool of the MCUXpresso IDE to make sure that the pin configuration is set as specified in the functional group-specific tables below.

Note: If a pin property is not listed or the value is empty, use the default value.


PinSoftware Input OnPull/Keeper selectDrive strength


PinPeripheralSignalSoftware Input OnPull up/down configPull/Keeper selectOpen drainDrive strength
R14GPIO9gpio_io,00Pull DownKeeperNormal
N7LPI2C5SDAEnabledPull DownEnabledNormal
N12GPIO2gpio_mux_io,31Pull Down


PinPeripheralSignalDirectionGPIO interrupt
T8GPIO13gpio_io,00InputRising Edge

Changing the pin definition

After configuring the pins, select the Update Code button in the MCUXpresso IDE to generate the pin configuration code.

By default, the touch interrupt is set to happen on GPIO8 pin, which enables interrupt handling on CM4 core but not on CM7. The pin configuration defined earlier routes the interrupt to GPIO2, which can be accessed from the CM7 core, but you'll have to manually change the pin definition as follows:

  1. Open the board/board.h file.
  2. Find the #define BOARD_MIPI_PANEL_TOUCH_INT_GPIO GPIO8 line and replace GPIO8 with GPIO2.

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