KeyboardLayout QML Type

Keyboard layout. More...

Import Statement: import QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard.Components
Since: Qt Quick Ultralite 2.9



Detailed Description

This type is the root element of the keyboard layout. Use this element to build a new keyboard layout.


import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Layouts
import QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard

KeyboardLayout {
    KeyboardRow {
        Key {
            key: Qt.Key_Q
            text: "q"
        Key {
            key: Qt.Key_W
            text: "w"
        Key {
            key: Qt.Key_E
            text: "e"
        Key {
            key: Qt.Key_R
            text: "r"
        Key {
            key: Qt.Key_T
            text: "t"
        Key {
            key: Qt.Key_Y
            text: "y"

Note: The bundled layouts contain sharedLayouts property and createInputMethod() function, which are ignored by the qmltocpp tool. You need not include these in your custom layout.

Property Documentation

inputMethod : AbstractInputMethod

Sets the input method to be used in this layout.

This property allows a custom input method to be used in this layout.

inputMode : int

Sets the input mode to be used in this layout.

By default, the virtual keyboard attempts to preserve the current input mode when switching to a different keyboard layout.

If the current input mode is not valid in the current context, the default input mode is specified by the input method.

keyWeight : real

Specifies the default key weight used for all keys in this keyboard layout. The key weight is a proportional value which affects the size of individual keys in relation to each other.

The default value is 0.

smallTextVisible : bool

Sets the smallTextVisible for all children keys.

The default value is false.

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