Qt Quick Ultralite shapes Example
Demonstrates how to use shapes in Qt Quick Ultralite.
This example shows how to use the Shape and ShapePath APIs in QML.
Target platforms
- Infineon TRAVEO T2G (with caveat noted in the Supported Features table)
- RH850 D1M1A
- MIMXRT1050
- MIMXRT1060
- MIMXRT1064
- MIMXRT1170
- STM32F769I
- STM32H750B
Project structure
The shapes example consists of 11 files, CMakeLists.txt
, mcu_shapes.qmlproject
, shapes.qml
, ArcDirection.qml
, ArcRotation.qml
, CapStyles.qml
, CubicCurve.qml
, FillRules.qml
, JoinStyles.qml
, LargeSmallArc.qml
, QuadraticCurve.qml
, and ShapesEntry.qml
CMake project file
The CMake project file contains a basic build script.
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.21.1) project(shapes VERSION 0.0.1 LANGUAGES C CXX ASM) if (NOT TARGET Qul::Core) find_package(Qul) endif() if(QUL_PLATFORM MATCHES "^mimxrt1170-evkb") set(SHAPES_SELECTORS "mimxrt1170-evkb") elseif(QUL_PLATFORM MATCHES "^tviic2d.*") set(SHAPES_SELECTORS "traveo-t2g") endif() qul_add_target(shapes QML_PROJECT mcu_shapes.qmlproject SELECTORS ${SHAPES_SELECTORS} GENERATE_ENTRYPOINT ) app_target_setup_os(shapes)
QmlProject file
The QmlProject file includes the required Qml files and modules
import QmlProject 1.3 Project { mainFile: "shapes.qml" QmlFiles { files: [ "shapes.qml", "ShapesEntry.qml", "FillRules.qml", "JoinStyles.qml", "CapStyles.qml", "QuadraticCurve.qml", "CubicCurve.qml", "ArcDirection.qml", "LargeSmallArc.qml", "ArcRotation.qml" ] } ModuleFiles { MCU.qulModules: ["Shapes"] } }
demonstrates the PathArc direction property.
Shape { width: 100 height: 100 anchors.centerIn: parent scale: root.shapeScale ShapePath { fillColor: "transparent" strokeColor: index === 1 ? "red" : "blue" strokeWidth: 4 startX: 4; startY: 4 PathArc { id: arc x: 96; y: 96 radiusX: 100; radiusY: 100 direction: index === 1 ? PathArc.Clockwise : PathArc.Counterclockwise } } }
demonstrates the PathArc xAxisRotation property.
Shape { width: 200 height: 200 anchors.centerIn: parent scale: root.shapeScale ShapePath { fillColor: "transparent" strokeColor: index === 1 ? "red" : "blue" strokeWidth: 4 startX: 50; startY: 100 PathArc { x: 150; y: 100 radiusX: 50; radiusY: 20 xAxisRotation: index === 1 ? 0 : 45 } } } Shape { width: 200 height: 200 anchors.centerIn: parent scale: root.shapeScale ShapePath { fillColor: "transparent" strokeColor: index === 1 ? "red" : "blue" startX: 50; startY: 100 PathArc { x: 150; y: 100 radiusX: 50; radiusY: 20 xAxisRotation: index === 1 ? 0 : 45 direction: PathArc.Counterclockwise } } }
demonstrates the ShapePath capStyle property.
Shape { anchors.centerIn: parent width: 200 height: 100 scale: root.shapeScale ShapePath { id: capTest strokeColor: "black" strokeWidth: 20 fillColor: "transparent" property int capStyleIdx: 0 capStyle: style(capTest.capStyleIdx) startX: 50; startY: 30 PathSvg { path: "Q 10 80 60 80 L 140 80 Q 190 80 150 30" } } }
demonstrates PathCubic element.
Shape { id: shape anchors.fill: parent ShapePath { strokeWidth: 4 * root.shapeScale strokeColor: "black" fillColor: "#55ff7788" startX: 50 * root.shapeScale startY: 150 * root.shapeScale PathCubic { x: 150 * root.shapeScale y: 150 * root.shapeScale control1X: cp1.x; control1Y: cp1.y control2X: cp2.x; control2Y: cp2.y } } }
demonstrates the ShapePath fillRule property.
Shape { width: 100 height: 100 scale: 1.4 * root.shapeScale anchors.centerIn: parent ShapePath { id: star strokeColor: "blue" fillColor: "#55ff7788" strokeWidth: 3 capStyle: ShapePath.RoundCap joinStyle: ShapePath.RoundJoin PathMove { x: 90; y: 50 } PathLine { x: 50 + 40 * Math.cos(0.8 * 1 * Math.PI); y: 50 + 40 * Math.sin(0.8 * 1 * Math.PI) } PathLine { x: 50 + 40 * Math.cos(0.8 * 2 * Math.PI); y: 50 + 40 * Math.sin(0.8 * 2 * Math.PI) } PathLine { x: 50 + 40 * Math.cos(0.8 * 3 * Math.PI); y: 50 + 40 * Math.sin(0.8 * 3 * Math.PI) } PathLine { x: 50 + 40 * Math.cos(0.8 * 4 * Math.PI); y: 50 + 40 * Math.sin(0.8 * 4 * Math.PI) } PathLine { x: 90; y: 50 } } NumberAnimation on rotation { from: 0 to: 360 duration: 5000 loops: Animation.Infinite } }
demonstrates the ShapePath joinStyle property.
Shape { anchors.centerIn: parent width: 120 height: 120 scale: root.shapeScale ShapePath { id: joinTest strokeColor: "black" strokeWidth: 16 fillColor: "transparent" capStyle: ShapePath.RoundCap property int joinStyleIdx: 0 joinStyle: style(joinStyleIdx) startX: 30 startY: 30 PathLine { x: 100; y: 100 } PathLine { x: 30; y: 100 } } }
demonstrates the PathArc useLargeArc property.
Shape { width: 200 height: 200 anchors.centerIn: parent scale: root.shapeScale ShapePath { fillColor: "transparent" strokeColor: index === 0 ? "red" : "blue" strokeWidth: 4 startX: 50; startY: 100 PathArc { x: 100; y: 150 radiusX: 50; radiusY: 50 useLargeArc: index === 1 } } }
demonstrates PathQuad element be filled with a LinearGradient.
Shape { id: shape width: parent.width height: 100 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter ShapePath { strokeWidth: 4 * root.shapeScale strokeColor: "black" fillGradient: LinearGradient { x1: 50 * root.shapeScale y1: 100 * root.shapeScale x2: (50 + pathQuad.controlX) * root.shapeScale / 2 y2: 50 * root.shapeScale GradientStop { position: 0 color: "#ffffffaa" } GradientStop { position: 1 color: "#ffff7788" } } startX: 50 * root.shapeScale startY: 100 * root.shapeScale closed: true PathQuad { id: pathQuad x: 150 * root.shapeScale y: 100 * root.shapeScale controlX: cp.x; controlY: cp.y } } }
- shapes/+mimxrt1170-evkb/shapes.qml
- shapes/+traveo-t2g/shapes.qml
- shapes/ArcDirection.qml
- shapes/ArcRotation.qml
- shapes/CMakeLists.txt
- shapes/CapStyles.qml
- shapes/CubicCurve.qml
- shapes/FillRules.qml
- shapes/JoinStyles.qml
- shapes/LargeSmallArc.qml
- shapes/QuadraticCurve.qml
- shapes/ShapesEntry.qml
- shapes/mcu_shapes.qmlproject
- shapes/shapes.qml
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