Version 3.3.1

Test Center 3.3.1 is a patch level release, that is primarily centered around providing support for model based test results, that will be introduced with Squish 8.0. See the following sections for a complete list of all changes.

Model Based Test Results

  • This update includes support for importing results from the new model-based test type that will be introduced in Squish 8.0.


  • Added support for coverage reports from Coco 7.1.1.
  • Resolved an issue where table verification point results were missing.
  • Addressed a bug where the "With Failures" filter failed to show all relevant results.
  • Fixed an issue with the history page not returning all results when the tests between batches differed.
  • Resolved an issue with some redirects not working correctly when using the application.ini UrlRootPath setting.

Reportgen Result Upload

There have been several smaller improvements and fixes in regards to the testcenter reportgen result upload.

  • Improved throughput and reliability of the reportgen upload.
  • Resolved an issue with uploading captured videos.
  • Added missing summary information.
  • Added detail message to log and verification events.
  • Fixed missing location for log messages.
  • If Test Center shuts down during a reportgen upload, the partial result is now retained.


  • Polarion test creation now includes steps when used with scenario outlines, incorporating example data rather than treating the examples as steps.
  • Fixed an issue where Polarion tests with an empty test name caused import errors.
  • The Azure DevOps connection test now also works with newly entered URLs.

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