BaseKey QML Type
Common parent for all key types. More...
Import Statement: | import QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard.Components |
Since: | Qt Quick Ultralite 2.9 |
Inherits: | |
Inherited By: | 11 typesBackspaceKey, ChangeLanguageKey, EnterKey, FillerKey, HideKeyboardKey, InputModeKey, Key, ModeKey, ShiftKey, SpaceKey, and SymbolModeKey |
- active : bool
- alternativeKeys : string
- displayAlternativeKeys : string
- displayText : string
- functionKey : bool
- highlighted : bool
- key : int
- keyType : int
- noKeyEvent : bool
- noModifier : bool
- pressed : bool
- repeat : bool
- showPreview : bool
- smallText : string
- smallTextVisible : bool
- text : string
- uppercased : bool
- weight : real
- clicked()
Detailed Description
BaseKey is a common type for all keys in keyboard layout.
This type should not be used directly in the layouts. The specialized key types, such as Key or EnterKey should be used instead.
Without a key panel element, the key is invisible. Refer to styling documentation to learn more about how to style the key panel.
Property Documentation
active : bool |
This property holds the active status of the key.
This property is automatically set to true when the key is pressed.
alternativeKeys : string |
Sets either a string or a list of strings as alternative keys.
If the value is a string, the alternative keys are presented as individual characters of that string. If the value is a list of strings, the list is used instead.
The alternative keys view shown to the user on press-and-hold a key if this property set.
Note: If the alternative keys contains the key text
, it will be filtered from the alternative keys presented to user and its position will be used as an indicator for the highlighted item instead.
The default is empty list.
is an opaque value type that accepts string or list of strings.
displayAlternativeKeys : string |
This property allows overriding the list of key strings shown to the user in the alternative keys view. What is being actually sent to the input methods is the keys at the respective indices in alternativeKeys.
It accepts either a string or list of key strings.
displayText : string |
Sets the display text.
This string is rendered in the keyboard layout.
The default value is the key text.
functionKey : bool |
Sets the function key attribute.
The default is false.
highlighted : bool |
Sets the highlighted status of the key.
The default is false.
key : int |
Sets the key code for input method processing.
The default is Qt.Key_unknown.
keyType : int |
Key type for the specialized key. Possible values:
For example, SpaceKey sets this value to QtVirtualKeyboard.KeyType.SpaceKey.
noKeyEvent : bool |
This property controls whether the key emits key events for input method processing. When true, the key events are disabled.
By default, the key event is emitted if the key is not unknown or the text is not empty.
noModifier : bool |
Disables key modifiers on the emitted key.
The default is false.
pressed : bool |
This property holds the pressed status of the key.
The pressed status can only be true if the key is both enabled and active. When the key state becomes pressed, it triggers a key down event for the input engine. A key up event is triggered when the key is released.
repeat : bool |
Sets the key repeat attribute.
If the repeat is enabled, the key will repeat the input events while held down. The repeat should not be used if alternativeKeys is also set.
The default is false.
Note: This property currently has no effect.
showPreview : bool |
Sets the show preview attribute.
By default, the character preview popup is not shown for function keys.
smallText : string |
Sets the small text rendered in the corner of the key.
The default value based on the default item in the alternative keys.
smallTextVisible : bool |
Sets the visibility of small text.
The default value is inherited from KeyboardLayout.smallTextVisible
text : string |
Sets the key text for input method processing.
In most cases, this is the Unicode representation of the key code.
The default value is an empty string.
uppercased : bool |
This property holds the uppercase status of the key.
By default, this property reflects the uppercase status of the keyboard.
weight : real |
Sets the key weight value which determines the relative size of the key.
Use this property to change the key size in the layout.
The default value is inherited from KeyboardLayout.keyWeight
Signal Documentation
clicked() |
This signal is triggered when the key is pressed, allowing custom processing of key.
Note: The corresponding handler is onClicked
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