Qt for MCUs Reference Pages
Class Lists
Used to start Qt Quick Ultralite | |
Application configuration class with text cache and other configurations | |
Container for Application settings | |
Interface for accessing BinaryFiles | |
Provides a convenient way to send and receive events across different parts of the application | |
An image representation that allows direct access to the pixel data | |
Interface for supporting image requests in QML | |
A helper for calling Image::beginWrite() and Image::endWrite() | |
Inherit from this class to expose a model to QML | |
Use the ListProperty class to hold a list of a given type | |
Abstract API to implement fetching of a map tile image | |
Provides abstract implementation for all items or objects used in Qt Quick Ultralite | |
Base class for representing painted item objects | |
This struct provides runtime representation of platform configuration | |
This class provides functionality for communication between host and device | |
This provides the interface to implement by the platform | |
Provides frame rendering statistics | |
This struct contains information about a framebuffer | |
A convenience class used to interface with the queue implementation | |
Interface class providing platform-specific queues to Qt Quick Ultralite | |
Provides performance metrics | |
This class provides an abstract interface to implement platform context | |
A struct containing information related to a single point touch event | |
A convenience class for handling single point touch from the platform | |
Provides a simple memory allocator for functions that might temporarily require some extra memory for caching | |
A memory allocator for use with the C++ standard containers | |
Represents the fill pattern of shapes drawn using DrawingEngine | |
Default implementation | |
Defines a device which can be drawn onto | |
This class provides an abstract interface for blending functions | |
Abstract API to implement access to files | |
Abstract API to implement custom file systems | |
Template class representing a matrix | |
Represents a single gradient stop in a gradient | |
Represents a set of stop points used to define the color transitions of gradients | |
Abstract API to implement custom image decoders | |
This class provides an abstract interface for managing hardware layers | |
Represents a linear gradient used by Brush | |
This class provides an abstract interface for memory allocation | |
This class represents vector path data | |
Represents a path data arc segment | |
Represents a path data cubic bezier segment | |
A convenience class for iterating over path data segments | |
Represents a path data large clockwise arc segment | |
Qul::PlatformInterface::PathDataLargeCounterClockWiseArcSegment | Represents a path data large counterclockwise arc segment |
Represents a path data line segment | |
Represents a path data move segment | |
Represents a path data path separator segment | |
Represents a path data quadratic bezier segment | |
Represents a single path data segment of the Qul::PlatformInterface::PathData class | |
Represents a path data small clockwise arc segment | |
Qul::PlatformInterface::PathDataSmallCounterClockWiseArcSegment | Represents a path data small counterclockwise arc segment |
Generates stroke representation for a shape | |
A structure containing information about precise (bit perfect) pixel data location | |
Defines a point in the plane using integer precision | |
Defines a point in the plane using floating point precision. A point is specified by a x coordinate and an y coordinate which can be accessed using the x() and y() functions. The coordinates of the point are specified using floating point numbers for accuracy. The isNull() function returns true if both x and y are set to 0.0. The coordinates can be set (or altered) using the setX() and setY() functions, or alternatively the rx() and ry() functions which return references to the coordinates (allowing direct manipulation) | |
Defines a rectangle in the plane using integer precision | |
Defines a rectangle in the plane using floating point precision | |
Storage space for RGBA colors | |
Holds information about display size in pixels | |
Defines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precision | |
Defines the size of a two-dimensional object using floating point precision | |
A struct specifying the stroke properties of a path | |
A class containing information about a texture | |
Represents single touch point | |
Specifies 2D transformations of a coordinate system | |
Can be used to hold a property of a given type | |
Public type used in Application::setRootItem() | |
Shared reference to image data | |
Allows creating a signal that can be connected from QML | |
Inherit from this class to expose the C++ class or struct to the QML as a singleton | |
Provides a way to run repetitive and single-shot timers | |
A struct holding the config for an OTF layer | |
A struct holding information about layer's warping capabilities |
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