Extending QML - Using Custom Property Types

This is the fourth of a series of 6 examples forming a tutorial about extending QML with Python.

The PieChart type currently has a string-type property and a color-type property. It could have many other types of properties. For example, it could have an int-type property to store an identifier for each chart:

class PieChart(QQuickPaintedItem):
    chartIdChanged = Signal()

    @Property(int, notify=chartIdChanged)
    def chartId(self):

    def setChartId(self, chartId):
// QML
PieChart {
    chartId: 100

Aside from int, we could use various other property types. Many of the Qt data types such as QColor, QSize and QRect are automatically supported from QML.

If we want to create a property whose type is not supported by QML by default, we need to register the type with the QML engine.

For example, let’s replace the use of the property with a type called PieSlice that has a color property. Instead of assigning a color, we assign an PieSlice value which itself contains a color:

 4import Charts
 5import QtQuick
 7Item {
 8    width: 300; height: 200
10    PieChart {
11        id: chart
12        anchors.centerIn: parent
13        width: 100; height: 100
15        pieSlice: PieSlice {
16            anchors.fill: parent
17            color: "red"
18        }
19    }
21    Component.onCompleted: console.log("The pie is colored " + chart.pieSlice.color)

Like PieChart, this new PieSlice type inherits from QQuickPaintedItem, is exposed via @QmlElement and declares its properties with the Property decorator:

24class PieSlice (QQuickPaintedItem):
26    def __init__(self, parent=None):
27        QQuickPaintedItem.__init__(self, parent)
28        self._color = QColor()
30    @Property(QColor, final=True)
31    def color(self):
32        return self._color
34    @color.setter
35    def color(self, value):
36        self._color = value
38    def paint(self, painter):
39        pen = QPen(self._color, 2)
40        painter.setPen(pen)

To use it in PieChart, we modify the color property declaration and associated method signatures:

58        self._name = value
60    @Property(PieSlice, final=True)
61    def pieSlice(self):
62        return self._pieSlice
64    @pieSlice.setter
65    def pieSlice(self, value):

There is one thing to be aware of when implementing setPieSlice(). The PieSlice is a visual item, so it must be set as a child of the PieChart using setParentItem() so that the PieChart knows to paint this child item when its contents are drawn.

As with PieChart, we add the Charts type namespace, version 1.0:

15from PySide6.QtQuick import QQuickPaintedItem, QQuickView, QQuickItem
17# To be used on the @QmlElement decorator
18# (QML_IMPORT_MINOR_VERSION is optional)

Download this example

// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause

import Charts
import QtQuick

Item {
    width: 300; height: 200

    PieChart {
        id: chart
        anchors.centerIn: parent
        width: 100; height: 100

        pieSlice: PieSlice {
            anchors.fill: parent
            color: "red"

    Component.onCompleted: console.log("The pie is colored " + chart.pieSlice.color)
# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
from __future__ import annotations

"""PySide6 port of the qml/tutorials/extending-qml/chapter4-customPropertyTypes example
   from Qt v5.x"""

import os
from pathlib import Path
import sys

from PySide6.QtCore import Property, QUrl
from PySide6.QtGui import QGuiApplication, QPen, QPainter, QColor
from PySide6.QtQml import QmlElement
from PySide6.QtQuick import QQuickPaintedItem, QQuickView, QQuickItem

# To be used on the @QmlElement decorator

class PieSlice (QQuickPaintedItem):

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        QQuickPaintedItem.__init__(self, parent)
        self._color = QColor()

    @Property(QColor, final=True)
    def color(self):
        return self._color

    def color(self, value):
        self._color = value

    def paint(self, painter):
        pen = QPen(self._color, 2)
        painter.setRenderHints(QPainter.RenderHint.Antialiasing, True)
        painter.drawPie(self.boundingRect().adjusted(1, 1, -1, -1), 90 * 16, 290 * 16)

class PieChart (QQuickItem):
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        QQuickItem.__init__(self, parent)
        self._name = None
        self._pieSlice = None

    @Property(str, final=True)
    def name(self):
        return self._name

    def name(self, value):
        self._name = value

    @Property(PieSlice, final=True)
    def pieSlice(self):
        return self._pieSlice

    def pieSlice(self, value):
        self._pieSlice = value

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = QGuiApplication(sys.argv)

    view = QQuickView()
    qml_file = os.fspath(Path(__file__).resolve().parent / 'app.qml')
    if view.status() == QQuickView.Status.Error:
    res = app.exec()
    # Deleting the view before it goes out of scope is required to make sure all child QML instances
    # are destroyed in the correct order.
    del view