(You can also check this code in the repository)
# Copyright (C) 2013 Riverbank Computing Limited.
# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
from __future__ import annotations
import sys
from PySide6.QtCore import QSizeF, Qt
from PySide6.QtWidgets import (QApplication, QGraphicsAnchorLayout,
QGraphicsProxyWidget, QGraphicsScene,
QGraphicsView, QGraphicsWidget,
QPushButton, QSizePolicy)
def create_item(minimum, preferred, maximum, name):
w = QGraphicsProxyWidget()
w.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Preferred)
return w
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
scene = QGraphicsScene()
scene.setSceneRect(0, 0, 800, 480)
min_size = QSizeF(30, 100)
pref_size = QSizeF(210, 100)
max_size = QSizeF(300, 100)
a = create_item(min_size, pref_size, max_size, "A")
b = create_item(min_size, pref_size, max_size, "B")
c = create_item(min_size, pref_size, max_size, "C")
d = create_item(min_size, pref_size, max_size, "D")
e = create_item(min_size, pref_size, max_size, "E")
f = create_item(QSizeF(30, 50), QSizeF(150, 50), max_size, "F")
g = create_item(QSizeF(30, 50), QSizeF(30, 100), max_size, "G")
l = QGraphicsAnchorLayout() # noqa: E741
w = QGraphicsWidget(None, Qt.Window)
w.setPos(20, 20)
# Vertical.
l.addAnchor(a, Qt.AnchorTop, l, Qt.AnchorTop)
l.addAnchor(b, Qt.AnchorTop, l, Qt.AnchorTop)
l.addAnchor(c, Qt.AnchorTop, a, Qt.AnchorBottom)
l.addAnchor(c, Qt.AnchorTop, b, Qt.AnchorBottom)
l.addAnchor(c, Qt.AnchorBottom, d, Qt.AnchorTop)
l.addAnchor(c, Qt.AnchorBottom, e, Qt.AnchorTop)
l.addAnchor(d, Qt.AnchorBottom, l, Qt.AnchorBottom)
l.addAnchor(e, Qt.AnchorBottom, l, Qt.AnchorBottom)
l.addAnchor(c, Qt.AnchorTop, f, Qt.AnchorTop)
l.addAnchor(c, Qt.AnchorVerticalCenter, f, Qt.AnchorBottom)
l.addAnchor(f, Qt.AnchorBottom, g, Qt.AnchorTop)
l.addAnchor(c, Qt.AnchorBottom, g, Qt.AnchorBottom)
# Horizontal.
l.addAnchor(l, Qt.AnchorLeft, a, Qt.AnchorLeft)
l.addAnchor(l, Qt.AnchorLeft, d, Qt.AnchorLeft)
l.addAnchor(a, Qt.AnchorRight, b, Qt.AnchorLeft)
l.addAnchor(a, Qt.AnchorRight, c, Qt.AnchorLeft)
l.addAnchor(c, Qt.AnchorRight, e, Qt.AnchorLeft)
l.addAnchor(b, Qt.AnchorRight, l, Qt.AnchorRight)
l.addAnchor(e, Qt.AnchorRight, l, Qt.AnchorRight)
l.addAnchor(d, Qt.AnchorRight, e, Qt.AnchorLeft)
l.addAnchor(l, Qt.AnchorLeft, f, Qt.AnchorLeft)
l.addAnchor(l, Qt.AnchorLeft, g, Qt.AnchorLeft)
l.addAnchor(f, Qt.AnchorRight, g, Qt.AnchorRight)
view = QGraphicsView(scene)