Manage breakpoints

Move breakpoints

To move a breakpoint:

  • Drag a breakpoint marker to another line in the text editor.
  • In the Breakpoint Preset view or the Breakpoints view, select Edit Selected Breakpoints, and set the line number in Line number.

Delete breakpoints

To delete breakpoints:

  • Select the breakpoint marker in the text editor.
  • In the Breakpoint Preset view or the Breakpoints view:
    • Select the breakpoint and select Delete.
    • Select Delete Selected Breakpoints, Delete Selected Breakpoints, or Delete Breakpoints of File in the context menu.

Turn breakpoints on and off

To temporarily turn off a breakpoint without deleting it and losing associated data like conditions and commands:

  • Right-click the breakpoint marker in the text editor and select Disable Breakpoint.
  • Select a line that has a breakpoint and select Ctrl+F9 (Ctrl+F8 on macOS).
  • In the Breakpoint Preset view or the Breakpoints view:
    • Select the breakpoint and select Space.
    • Select Disable Breakpoint in the context menu.

A hollow breakpoint icon in the text editor and the views indicates a disabled breakpoint. To re-enable a breakpoint, use any of the above methods.

Other than data breakpoints retain their enabled or disabled state when the debugged application is restarted.

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