Accessing output, issue, and warning messages

Qt Design Studio Output view

Qt Design Studio projects generate output information that represent the executed processes. It also shows you the issues that stop a project from getting executed or gives you warnings about probable failures. Warning messages generated in the Issues relate to the code and design problems, and warning messages generated in the Output relate to the runtime failures.

Accessing the Output messages

When you run a project, details about the runtime execution processes is listed in the output view. To access these messages, select the Output button .

Runtime execution process related output messages

Accessing the Issue and Warning messages

Technical problems in the Qt Design Studio project are visible in the Output view. To access these issues, select the Warning button the Error button .

Select the filename from the issue notification to jump into the location of the error. It takes you to the location of the issue in the view (2D, 3D, or Code) you are currently in.

Message typeMessage example
Issue notification

Warning notification

To clear the Output view, select the Clear View button . To close the Output view, select the Distribute origin none button .

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