Developing applications for MCUs

As a GUI/application developer, use Qt Design Studio to bring your designs to life. Add further functionality to your applications and utilize the prototyping features of Qt Design Studio to simulate and validate interactions and their dynamic behavior.

With Qt Design Studio, designers and developers can work together on common projects to develop applications. As a designer you can use the views in the Design mode to modify UI files (.ui.qml). For more information, see Implementing applications.

With Qt Creator, you can test, preview, and fine-tune your designs directly on the desktop or on an actual MCU target device. As a developer you can use Qt Creator to work on the Qt Quick (.qml) and other files that are needed to implement the application logic and to prepare the application for production. For more information on how to use Qt Creator to develop applications for MCUs, see Developing for MCUs and How To: Develop for MCUs.

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