Qt Design Studio features on MCU projects

The table below provides a summary of how the key Qt Design Studio features are supported for developing MCU projects.

ViewFully supportedPartially supportedNot supportedComments
2DYesNot applicableNot applicableA scene in the 2D view is rendered by the regular Qt Quick and QML, and not as Qt Quick Ultralite and Qt for MCUs, so some imperfections or inaccuracies can occur. Note that the default font used in Qt Design Studio preview and Qt Quick Ultralite are different, and the developer must confirm both fonts are the same.
3DNot applicableNot applicableYesThe 3D view is not a part of Qt Quick Ultralite or Qt for MCUs.
Material Editor and BrowserNot applicableNot applicableYesThe Material Editor and Material Browser views are not a part of Qt Quick Ultralite or Qt for MCUs.
ComponentsYesNot applicableNot applicableShows only the components and modules available for MCU projects.
AssetsYesNot applicableNot applicableShows all the listed assets in the QmlProject file.
NavigatorYesNot applicableNot applicableDisplays the composition of the current component file as a tree structure.
PropertiesYesNot applicableNot applicableShows only the preset properties available for MCU projects (such as by Qt Quick and its modules).
ConnectionsYesNot applicableNot applicableThe Connections view displays all signal handlers in the current file, but it doesn't filter available signals, so you can still see and select signals available in Qt Quick, but not in Qt Quick Ultralite. The same also applies if Action is set to Call Function and Item is set to Qt. See the component documentation to filter available signal/function.
StatesYesNot applicableNot applicableThe feature is fully supported, but there are some limitations listed in Qt for MCUs Known Issues or Limitations. In addition, StateGroup is disabled.
TransitionsYesNot applicableNot applicableNone
TranslationsNot applicableYesNot applicableThe Translations view previews with regular Qt Quick instead of Qt Quick Ultralite, and it can be inaccurate in calculating the text overflow in some translations.
TimelineYesNot applicableNot applicableNone
CurvesYesNot applicableNot applicableLinear interpolation works, and Qt for MCUs supports the easing.bezierCurve property of a keyframe in Qt for MCUs 2.6 or higher.
CodeYesNot applicableNot applicableThe Code view uses regular Qt Quick instead of Qt Quick Ultralite, so it may not show an error if you are using or assigning an unsupported property.
Content LibraryNot applicableNot applicableYesThe Content Library view is not a part of Qt Quick Ultralite or Qt for MCUs.
Texture EditorNot applicableNot applicableYesThe Texture Editor view is not a part of Qt Quick Ultralite or Qt for MCUs.

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