Viewing applications on Android

Run and preview your Qt Design Studio projects in Qt UI Viewer with a direct network connection in real-time.

Installing Qt UI Viewer

To install Qt UI Viewer on your Android device:

  1. Open the Google Play store on your Android device.
  2. Search for Qt UI Viewer.
  3. Select Install.

Qt UI Viewer in the Google Play Store

Creating a network connection between Qt Design Studio and Qt UI Viewer

Note: Use the same network to connect both Qt Design Studio and your Android device where you have installed Qt UI Viewer.

  1. Open Qt UI Viewer on your Android device. Find the IP address and note it down.
  2. Open or create a project in Qt Design Studio.
  3. Select the run dropdown from the top toolbar, and then select Device Manager.

    Device Manager in the run dropdown

  4. In Set target device IP write the IP address you have noted from Qt UI Viewer. Then, select the Plus button . Your device is now added to the list of available devices.
    • To update the device name, edit Alias.
    • To show your device in the run dropdown, always keep Enabled turned on.
    • If you are connected to the same network, and Qt UI Viewer is running on your Android device, the Status is Online.

    {Add an device in the Device Manager}

Note: You can connect multiple Android devices to Qt Design Studio. Then, run a Qt Design Studio project on any of the devices by selecting them from the run dropdown, and selecting the Run Project button .

Previewing a Qt Design Studio project in Qt UI Viewer

Once you have created a network connection between Qt Design Studio and Qt UI Viewer:

  1. Open or create a project in Qt Design Studio.
  2. Open Qt UI Viewer on your Android device.
  3. Select your Android device from the run dropdown.

    Android device listed in the run dropdown.

  4. Select the Run Project button .

Every time you close Qt UI Viewer or Qt Design Studio, you need to follow the above process to preview it again in Qt UI Viewer.

To fit the preview on your Android device's screen, select Settings in the Qt UI Viewer and turn on Auto-scale. Qt UI Viewer follows the orientation of your Android device.

To keep your Android device awake, select Settings in the Qt UI Viewer and turn on Keep screen on.

Settings of the Qt UI Viewer

Removing a connected Android device from Qt Design Studio

  1. Open or create a project in Qt Design Studio.
  2. Select the run dropdown from the top toolbar, and then select Device Manager.
  3. Select the device you want to remove from the list of devices and select the Minus button .

    Remove a device from Device Manager.

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