Designer-Developer Workflow
Note: In this section, you are using advanced menu items. These are not visible by default. To toggle the visibility of advanced menu items, see Customizing the Menu Bar.
Qt Design Studio enables designers and developers to work together on common projects to develop applications. Designers use the views in the Design mode to modify UI files (.ui.qml), whereas developers use Qt Creator to work on the Qt Quick (.qml) and other files that are needed to implement the application logic and to prepare the application for production.
Qt Design Studio projects come with boilerplate code for a working Qt 6 application that you can build and run in Qt Creator using CMake. Therefore, you can open, build, and run the projects with Qt Creator.
Qt Design Studio continues to use the .qmlproject file format, while Qt Creator uses a CMakeLists.txt file as the project file. This enables you to share your project as a fully working C++ application with developers.
To export a Qt Design Studio project for Qt Creator, you need:
- Qt Creator 13.0 or above.
- Qt Design Studio 4.5 or above.
Exporting a Qt Design Studio Project
- Create or open your Qt Design Studio project with Qt Design Studio 4.5 or above.
Note: If you are creating a new project in Qt Design Studio, select the Target Qt Version that is not higher than the Qt version used in your Qt Creator.
- Go to File > Export Project > Enable Automatic CMake Generation. This creates a CMakeLists.txt file in your project folder.
Note: Enabling this option tracks the changes made to the project in Qt Creator and automatically updates in Qt Design Studio. The connection works unless you deactivate the option.
Opening the Qt Design Studio Project in Qt Creator
Open the CMakeLists.txt file in Qt Creator. To open:
- In Qt Creator, select File > Open File or Project.
- Browse through your project directory and select the CMakeLists.txt. Then select Open.
- Select the Qt version and then Configure Project.
Note: If your Qt Design Studio project was created with a more updated Qt than the one available in Qt Creator, the import doesn't work. Use Qt Online Installer to install the latest Qt version. If successfully opened, all the files are accessible in the Projects view.
- To run the project, select Run.
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