Loading placeholder data
Qt Design Studio supports views, models, and delegates, so that when you add a Grid View, List View, or Path View component, the ListModel and the delegate component are added automatically.
However, the missing context of the application presents a challenge. Specific models defined in C++ are the most obvious case. Often, the context is missing simple properties, which are either defined in C++, or in other component files. A typical example is a component that uses the properties of its parent, such as parent.width
Using dummy models
If you open a file in the 2D view that references a C++ model, you see nothing in it. If the data in the model is fetched from the internet, you have no control over it. To get reliable data, dummy data was introduced.
For example, the following code snippet describes the file example.qml that contains a ListView that in turn specifies a C++ model:
ListView { model: dataModel delegate: ContactDelegate { name: name } }
Create a directory named dummydata in the root directory of the project, so that it is not deployed to the device. In the dummydata
directory, create a file (.qml) that has the same name as the value of model
qml/exampleapp/example.qml dummydata/dataModel.qml
Then create the dataModel.qml file that contains the dummy data:
import QtQuick 2.0 ListModel { ListElement { name: "Ariane" } ListElement { name: "Bella" } ListElement { name: "Corinna" } }
Creating dummy context
The following example presents a common pattern:
Item { width: parent.width height: parent.height }
This works nicely for applications but the 2D view displays a zero-sized component. A parent for the opened file does not exist because the context is missing. To get around the missing context, the idea of a dummy context is introduced. If you place a file with the same name as the application (here, example.qml) in the dummydata/context
directory, you can fake a parent context:
import QtQuick 2.0 import QmlDesigner 1.0 DummyContextObject { parent: Item { width: 640 height: 300 } }
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