
After your UI wireframe has been approved, you can turn it into an interactive prototype to ensure that you and the developers share a common vision about the UI appearance and functionality. You can create the UI logic to simulate complex experiences and add dynamic behavior. You can then validate your design on desktop, embedded, and mobile device platforms. In the prototyping phase, you can also import assets from 2D and 3D content creation tools to bring your prototype closer to the final UI.
  • Creating UI logic

    You can turn your wireframe into an interactive prototype by adding the logic that enables your components to apply actions or react to mock data from backend systems to simulate complex experiences.

  • Simulating complex experiences

    You can connect UIs to different forms of data from various sources, such as QML-based data models, JavaScript files, and backend services. You can also connect your UI to Simulink to load live data from a Simulink simulation.

  • Dynamic behaviors

    You can create connections between components to enable them to communicate with each other. The connections can be triggered by changes in component property values or in UI states.

  • Validating with target hardware

    You can use the live preview feature to preview a UI file or the entire UI on the desktop, as well as on Android and embedded Linux devices. The changes you make to the UI are instantly visible to you in the preview.

  • Asset creation with other tools

    Describes how to export designs containing 2D and 3D assets into files that you can import to projects in Qt Design Studio, how to import them, and how to export them from Qt Design Studio back to the metadata format.

Available under certain Qt licenses.
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