How to Test iOS Applications
The iOS Convenience API provides functions for executing common user interface actions, such as tapping and gestures.
How to Use the GestureBuilder class
The readGesture(gesture-file) function returns an instance of the GestureBuilder
class. You can create an instance of a gesture in the script code and use it for playing back gestures, instead of recoding them. Use the Gesture creation methods to dynamically create a gesture.
Here is an example of a two-finger gesture making a curved counter-clockwise movement. For iOS tests, it is recommended to use LogicalPoint
as the unit since playback does not differ on retina and non-retina devices:
var tb = new GestureBuilder(320, 480, GestureBuilder.LogicalPoint); tb.addStroke( 300, 200 ); tb.curveTo(1000, 250, 150, 150, 150, 100, 200 ); tb.addStroke( 100, 400 ); tb.curveTo(1000, 150, 450, 250, 450, 300, 400);; gesture(waitForObject(":some_object"), tb);
Here is an example of a zoom gesture, that is, two fingers moving away from each other, also in one second. This time it is written as one statement:
gesture(waitForObject(":some_object"), new GestureBuilder(320, 480, GestureBuilder.LogicalPoint) .addStroke( 180, 200 ) .lineTo(1000, 100, 120 ) .addStroke( 220, 240 ) .lineTo(1000, 300, 320) .build());
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