
Most Squish IDE views are shown by default in one or several perspectives. To show hidden views, select Window > Show View.

Application Objects

Shows all the application objects that the Squish IDE currently knows about and presents them in a tree hierarchy.


Shows a list of the currently set breakpoints.

Call Hierarchy

Shows the functions called from or by the selected function as a tree.


Provides a script console.


Shows the filename and line number where the application was interrupted including a full backtrace.


Provides tabbed editors for viewing and editing the test scripts of a test suite's test case.

Global Scripts

Shows the global script folders and the scripts they contain.


Displays images opened from Test Suites and Test Results views.

Image Selection Editor

Enables you to mark a region of the desktop's screenshot to copy it and store it on disk for subsequent searches.


Shows the methods that can be called by the object highlighted in the Application Objects view.

Object Map

Enables you to rename, add, edit, and delete entries from the test suite's object map.


Shows the active file's structure: classes and functions and their variables.


Shows the properties of the object selected in the Application Objects view.

Runner/Server Log

Logs messages from the squishrunner and squishserver.


Shows search results.

Test Center

Shows test results uploaded to the Test Center.

Test Results

Shows the results of the most recent test run.

Test Suite Settings

Shows test suite-specific information.

Test Suites

Shows the current test suite, its test cases, their resources, and the test suite's resources.

Test Summary

Shows a summary of of the most recent test run's results.


Shows the test script's variables, which may include AUT objects, and their values.

Verification Point Creator

Accumulates a list of one or more property verifications ready to be inserted into a test case's script.

Video Player

Enables you to replay videos that were captured as part of the test execution.

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