Installing Squish for Qt

Using a Binary Package

You can install Squish for Qt on Windows, and on Unix-like systems such as Linux, macOS, and Embedded Linux.

For testing Java or Web applications, native macOS or Windows applications, or Qt applications using a standard shared library, install Squish from a binary package.

Once the binary package is unpacked, you can start Squish IDE:

For testing Qt applications on mobile devices, see:

Note: iPhone and iPad applications can only be tested on Apple hardware, either on the devices themselves or on simulators that run under macOS.

Building from Source

You cannot use a standard build to test applications built with a non-standard Qt library, such as a debug library, or running on a platform that is not supported. Instead, you must create and use a custom build of Squish from source packages:

Note: The prebuilt binary packages are built against release versions of the Qt libraries, not against the debug versions. To use Squish with Qt debug libraries, you need to build Squish from source against the same version of Qt, as described in in Installing Squish for Qt from Source Packages.

Before building from sources, read Configure Switches, to learn about the options that are available to you when you run configure.

For more information about using a Squish installation on more than one machine, see Distributing and Sharing an Installation.

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