JavaScript Notes and Extension APIs

Note: Squish assumes that all test.js files use the UTF-8 encoding. If you expect to edit such files outside of the Squish IDE, make sure that the editor loads and saves the files using UTF-8.

Squish JavaScript API Classes and Objects

Squish has added the below types/classes/objects to the JavaScript interpreter.

File Object

Provides file handling operations.

FormData Object

Container for handling data from forms.

OS Object

Provides operations for interaction with the Operating System.


API for accessing SQL databases.

Socket Object

TCP Client Socket.

WebSocket Object

Blocking API for text communication via WebSocket protocol.

XML Object

Provides a parse method which returns an XMLNode.

XMLHttpRequest Object

HTTP client API.

console Object (deprecated)

Provides an assert method.

JavaScript Language Documentation

In theory, any JavaScript book or online resource is suitable for learning about the language or for looking up functions. Unfortunately most authors don't make a clear distinction between features that are part of the JavaScript language itself and browser-specific extensions. When reading such texts beware of any example code that makes use of the window or document objects since these are provided by browsers and are not part of the language.

By keeping in mind the distinction between the pure language (which is what Squish supports) and browser-specific extensions, you'll be able to find the information you need from a variety of books and online resources while avoiding confusion. Here are some useful online JavaScript language resources:

If you prefer books, a good JavaScript book is JavaScript: The Definitive Guide by David Flanagan.

Language Core

The JavaScript engine shipped with Squish is based on the ECMAScript language specification (ECMA 262 Edition 3, plus parts of later editions). The language core that is defined in this standard encompasses operators, control structures, objects, and other features commonly found in a scripting language. The subset of supported built-in classes and members can be found in Squish ECMAScript Support.

The pure JavaScript (i.e., ECMAScript) language has no built-in support for file handling or networking, unlike other scripting languages such as Python and Tcl. This is because JavaScript has been designed to be a small language that can be safely embedded into applications. However, JavaScript is also designed to be extened by custom APIs specific to the embedding application. In the case of web browsers there are hundreds of functions and properties that allow for the manipulation of HTML documents via the DOM API, for example. In the case of Squish we have added numerous functions specific to testing. And we have also added some general purposes classes described below. And if the features we have added are not sufficient for your needs contact support and request an enhancement.

Note: Some JavaScript functions take a path parameter. This can be a directory or a filename (and can include the full path), such as C:\My Documents\test-plan.odt or /home/user/test-plan.odt. In most scripting languages, including JavaScript, the backslash character (\) is used to start an escape sequence inside strings and so cannot be written by itself. For this reason, when writing Windows paths in JavaScript strings we must escape the backslash—for example, "C:\\My Documents\\test-plan.odt".

Squish ECMAScript Support

This section is about the ECMAScript API subset that is supported in Squish. Squish also adds non-standard objects like File, XML and SQL, and a testing-specific API which are listed in Squish JavaScript API Classes and Objects.


as, break, case, catch, const, continue, default, delete, do, else, export, extends, false, finally, for, from, function, if, in, instanceof, import, let, new, null, of, return, static, super, switch, this, throw, true, try, typeof, var, void, while, with


{}, \c {}, (, ), [, ], ., ,, ; <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=, ===, !==, +, -, *, /, %,**, ++, --, <<, >>, >>>, &, |, ^, !, ~, &&, ||, ??, ... ?, :, =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, **=, <<=, >>=,>>>=, &=, |=,^=, &&=, ||=, ??= and =>.

Here is a list of ECMASCRIPT-supported types available from Squish test cases.


ECMAScript Array type.


ECMAScript Boolean type.


ECMAScript Date type.


ECMAScript Error type.


ECMAScript Function type.

Global Object

ECMAScript globals.

JSON Object

ECMAScript JSON object.


ECMAScript Map type.

Math Object

ECMAScript Math object.


ECMAScript Number type


ECMAScript Object type


ECMAScript RegExp type.


ECMAScript Set type.


ECMAScript String type.

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