When a Squish package is installed, most files are put into the specified directory. The files that Squish creates outside of its own directory are listed here:
- Configuration files stored in the Squish User Settings directory, by default in
. - License file stored as
. - Test results written to
%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\Squish Test Results
or~/.squish/Test Results
To uninstall Squish, run the <SQUISHDIR>/Uninstall
script or activate it from the corresponding application's menu item (Windows/macOS). On Windows, this will un-set some registry values that were set at install time.
It is best to keep the license file and to leave the configuration files alone so that if you install a new version it will already have all your settings in place. However, to do a complete uninstallation, delete the configuration directory (and on Windows the test results directory) and the license file, in addition to the Squish directory.
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