Squish API

This section introduces the APIs that Squish provides in addition to the standard features of the scripting languages it supports. The Squish APIs provide the facilities that test engineers need to test GUI applications, and offer a wide range of functionality, from interacting with AUT objects, to recording information in test logs, performing verifications, controlling the AUT, and more.

Squish API Functions

Here are some quick links to the Squish API functions (not including the Squish objects or the toolkit-specific convenience functions):

Squish API Function Parameters

For all of the Squish API functions that take an objectOrName argument, it can be a reference to an object or the name of an object.

Some of the Squish API functions can take a modifierState argument that indicates which special keys are pressed at the time of a mouse click. Further, some of the functions take a mouseButton argument that indicates which mouse button was clicked.

The modifierState can be 0 (Modifier.NoModifier, the default), or the following: Modifier.Alt, Modifier.Control, Modifier.Shift. If more than one modifier is used, they must be OR-d together. For example, Modifier.Alt|Modifier.Shift. The form shown here works for Python and JavaScript. For Perl and Ruby, replace the period with two colons: Modifier::Control. For Tcl, use the enum function: enum Modifier Control.

The mouseButton can be any one of: MouseButton.LeftButton, MouseButton.MiddleButton,MouseButton.RightButton, or MouseButton.NoButton.

For Perl use: MouseButton::LeftButton, etc.

For Ruby use: MouseButton::LEFT_BUTTON, etc.

For Tcl use: enum MouseButton LeftButton, etc.

Note: Windows test suites also support two more possible mouse button specifiers, MouseButton.PrimaryButton and MouseButton.SecondaryButton. These values respect the global Windows setting used to swap the mouse buttons. If the buttons are not swapped (the default), the left button is the primary button. Otherwise, the right button is the primary button.

Identifying Objects

Many of the APIs' functions apply to particular objects, so being able to identify the object of interest is particularly important.

Squish provides several naming schemes, but the ones normally used are symbolic names and real names. Symbolic names are the most robust in the face of AUT changes, but real names can sometimes be more convenient to use. See How to Identify and Access Objects for more about names.

For Qt programs, the easiest and most reliable way of identifying an object in code is to set an object name in C++ for all the objects of interest (using the QObject::setObjectName method), and then in test scripts use a real (multi-property) name specifying the object's objectName and its type. For example:

textEdit = findObject("{objectName='ConfigEditor' type='QTextEdit'}")
var textEdit = findObject("{objectName='ConfigEditor' type='QTextEdit'}");
my $textEdit = findObject("{objectName='ConfigEditor' type='QTextEdit'}");
textEdit = findObject("{objectName='ConfigEditor' type='QTextEdit'}")
set textEdit [findObject "{objectName='ConfigEditor' type='QTextEdit'}"]

In practice it would be tedious to give every single widget a unique object name (and currently only Qt supports it), so this approach is most often used when there are two or more identical widgets in the same form. For those toolkits that don't have object names we can use introspection when there are two or more identical widgets. Examples of both approaches are given in How to Create Test Scripts and How to Test Applications - Specifics.

The most common situation is where we need to identify unnamed objects. This can be done using symbolic names or by matching an object's unique set of property values. The necessary information can be obtained using the Spy tool (How to Use the Spy). This tool can provide an object's symbolic name and its property-based (real) name. Another approach is to create a dummy test, interact with the objects of interest and then look in Squish's object map to see the names that Squish uses, and copy any that are needed.

Here's an example that shows both approaches for finding an unnamed object of type QTextEdit. The object is in a QMainWindow whose title is "My App":

# symbolic name
textEdit = waitForObject(":MyApp_QTextEdit")
# real (multi-property) name
textEdit = waitForObject("{type='QTextEdit' unnamed='1' " +
        "visible='1' window=':MyApp_MainWindow'}")
// symbolic name
var textEdit = waitForObject(":MyApp_QTextEdit");
// real (multi-property) name
var textEdit = waitForObject("{type='QTextEdit' unnamed='1' " +
        "visible='1' window=':MyApp_MainWindow'}");
# symbolic name
my $textEdit = waitForObject(":MyApp_QTextEdit");
# real (multi-property) name
my $textEdit = waitForObject("{type='QTextEdit' unnamed='1' " .
        "visible='1' window=':MyApp_MainWindow'}");
# symbolic name
textEdit = waitForObject(":MyApp_QTextEdit")
# real (multi-property) name
textEdit = waitForObject("{type='QTextEdit' unnamed='1' " +
        "visible='1' window=':MyApp_MainWindow'}")
# symbolic name
set textEdit [waitForObject ":MyApp_QTextEdit"]
# real (multi-property) name
set textEdit [waitForObject "{type='QTextEdit' unnamed='1' \
        visible='1' window=':MyApp_MainWindow'}"]

The Object waitForObject(objectOrName) function waits for the identified object to be ready (visible and enabled) and then returns a reference to it.

On the whole it is best to use symbolic names since they are more robust in the face of AUT changes, since they only require us to update the Object Map rather than our test script code if an object's properties change. (Note that for most GUI toolkits the type property is mandatory when using real names.)

Constructors, Functions and Properties

Squish objects blend in seamlessly with the scripting language's native objects. This means that you can use standard language features to construct objects of the wrapped types, invoke member functions, and get, set, and iterate over properties on these objects.

Here are some simple examples:

# create an object of type QPoint
point = QPoint(10, 20)

# read a widget's width property
width = widget.width

# set widget's y-coordinate property
widget.y = 240

# call a member function
widget.setWindowTitle("My Widget")

# call a static function
// create an object of type QPoint
var point = new QPoint(10, 20);

// read a widget's width property
var width = widget.width;

// set widget's y-coordinate property
widget.y = 240;

// call a member function
widget.setWindowTitle("My Widget");

// call a static function
# create an object of type QPoint
my $point = new QPoint(10, 20);

# read a widget's width property
my $width = widget->width;

# set widget's y-coordinate property

# call a member function
$widget->setWindowTitle("My Widget");

# call a static function
# create an object of type QPoint
point = QPoint.new(10, 20)

# read a widget's width property
width = widget.width

# set widget's y-coordinate property
widget.y = 240

# call a member function
widget.setWindowTitle("My Widget")

# call a static function
# create an object of type QPoint
set point [construct QPoint 10 20]

# read a widget's width property
set width [property get $widget width]

# set widget's y-coordinate property
property set $widget y 240

# call a member function
invoke $widget setWindowTitle "My Widget"

# call a static function
invoke QApplication setOverrideCursor [enum Qt WaitCursor]

For Tcl we must use the enum function to get enum values. (See Tcl Notes.)

Functions and Properties (macOS)

The function names in the scripting language API use the following convention: each colon (:) in the selector name is replaced by an underscore (_). So, for example, the +stringWithCString:encoding: selector becomes the script function stringWithCString_encoding_ (note the underscore at the end of the function).

Here are some examples to illustrate the usage.

# create an object of type NSString and initialize it with a value
s = NSString.stringWithUTF8String_("Ambient")

# read an object's intValue property
n = acontrol.intValue

# set an object's intValue property
acontrol.intValue = 33

# call an instance method

# call a class method
s = NSString.stringWithCString_encoding_("Zenith", 4)
// create an object of type NSString and initialize it with a value
var s = NSString.stringWithUTF8String_("Ambient");

// read an object's intValue property
var n = acontrol.intValue;

// set an object's intValue property
acontrol.intValue = 33;

// call an instance method

// call a class method
s = NSString.stringWithCString_encoding_("Zenith", 4);
# create an object of type NSString and initialize it with a value
my $s = NSString::stringWithUTF8String_("Ambient");

# read an object's intValue property
my $n = $acontrol->intValue;

# set an object's intValue property

# call an instance method

# call a class method
$s = NSString::stringWithCString_encoding_("Zenith", 4);
# create an object of type NSString and initialize it with a value
s = NSString.stringWithUTF8String_("Ambient");

# read an object's intValue property
n = acontrol.intValue

# set an object's intValue property
acontrol.intValue = 33

# call an instance method

# call a class method
s = NSString.stringWithCString_encoding_("Zenith", 4)
# create an object of type NSString and initialize it with a value
set s [invoke NSString stringWithUTF8String_ "Ambient"]

# read an object's intValue property
set n [property get $acontrol intValue]

# set an object's intValue property
property set $acontrol intValue 33

# call an instance method
invoke $s characterAtIndex_ 1

# call a class method
set s [invoke NSString stringWithCString_encoding_ "Zenith" 4]

Object Access Functions

Object findObject(objectName)

This function finds and returns (a reference to) the object identified by the symbolic or real (multi-property) name objectName or raises a LookupError exception if no such object can be found. The given name can also be a native script dictionary (resp. hash) value. This function is best used for non-visible objects. For visible objects it is much better to use the Object waitForObject(objectOrName) function instead.

SequenceOfObjects findAllObjects(objectName)

This function finds and returns a list of object references identified by the symbolic or real (multi-property) name objectName. Because it can return multiple object references, the name must not contain the occurrence property. The given name can also be a native script dictionary (resp. hash) value.

SequenceOfObjects object.children(object)

This function takes an object reference (as returned by the Object findObject(objectName) function or by the Object waitForObject(objectOrName) function), and returns a list of the object's child objects. The return type is scripting language-specific, e.g., a tuple in Python, and an array in the other languages. Examples are given below.

Test cases that rely on the order of the children encountered in this list, may find that the order changes (or even possibly, new children appear in the list) due to many different factors, such as:

  • Enhancements to Squish
  • Updates to the toolkit libraries
  • Changes in the AUT
obj = waitForObject(":MyWidget")
children = object.children(obj)
# iterate over tuple
for child in children:
var obj = waitForObject(":MyWidget");
var children = object.children(obj);
// iterate over array
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) {
    var child = children[i];
my $obj = waitForObject(":MyWidget");
my @children = object::children($obj);
# iterate over array
foreach $child (@children) {
obj = waitForObject(":MyWidget")
children = Squish::Object.children(obj)
# iterate over array
for child in children
    # ...
set obj [waitForObject ":MyWidget"]
set children [object children $obj]
foreach child $children {

Object object.convertTo(object, typeName)

This function converts the given object to an object of the type specified by the typeName string. (A suitable object can be obtained using the Object waitForObject(objectOrName) function or the Object findObject(objectName) function.) For example:

font = object.convertTo(variant, "QFont")

In this example, if variant is a variable of type QVariant and it holds a QFont object, the underlying QFont object will be returned. If the object is invalid or null or if the typeName is unrecognized or if the conversion isn't possible (e.g., QFont to int), a catchable exception will be raised.

This function can also do other kinds of conversions, e.g., int to String. See also, the Object cast(object, type) function which can be used for downcasting (which object.convertTo cannot do).

Note: In Qt5, Squish can extract pointers to custom QObject-derived classes from QVariant and cast them to the correct type if the custom class is registered with QMetaType. The magic is to not use object.convertTo(myVariant, "CustomClassName") as the above example suggests (which is valid for other cases), but instead to use object.convertTo(myVariant, "QObject").

Object object.createNull(type)

This function creates a null pointer or object with the specified type as type.

widget = object.createNull(QWidget)

Boolean object.exists(objectName)

This function returns a true value if the object with the symbolic or real (multi-property) name objectName exists; otherwise it returns a false value. The given name can also be a native script dictionary (resp. hash) value.

If you know that a particular object exists and you just want to access it (for example, to examine its properties or to perform an action on it or with it), then use the Object waitForObject(objectOrName) function if the object is visible; or use the Object findObject(objectName) function if the object is hidden.

Object object.parent(object)

This function takes an object reference (as returned by the Object findObject(objectName) function or by the Object waitForObject(objectOrName) function), and returns the parent object.

If the given object has no parent, the function returns a null value - the exact type of which depending on the scripting language (i.e. None in Python, null in JavaScript, nil in Ruby etc.).

KeyValueMap object.properties(object)

This function takes an object reference (as returned by the Object findObject(objectName) function or by the Object waitForObject(objectOrName) function), and returns a key–value map that holds all of the object's properties. The keys are property names and the values are the property values. The return type is scripting language-specific, e.g., a Python dict, a JavaScript Object, or a Perl hash. Examples are given below.

For Tcl the data is written to an array whose name must be given as an additional parameter. The same array should not be used in a second or subsequent call unless you call array unset on it before each use.

widget = waitForObject(":MyWidget")
properties = object.properties(widget)
# Best to use .iteritems(), .iterkeys(), or .itervalues() in Python 2
for name, value in properties.iteritems():
    test.log("%s = %s" % (name, value))
var widget = waitForObject(":MyWidget");
var properties = object.properties(widget);
for (var name in properties) {
    test.log(name + " = " + properties[name]);
my $widget = waitForObject(":MyWidget");
my %properties = object::properties($widget);
while (($name, $value) = each(%properties)) {
    test::log("$name = $value");
widget = waitForObject(":MyWidget")
properties = Squish::Object.properties(widget)
properties.each {|key, value| Test.log("#{key} = #{value}")}
set widget [waitForObject ":MyWidget"]
object properties $widget properties
foreach key [array names properties] {
    set value [toString $properties($key)]
    test log "$key = $value"

ScreenRectangle object.globalBounds(object)

This function takes an object reference (as returned by the Object findObject(objectName) function or by the Object waitForObject(objectOrName) function), and returns the bounding rectangle for the object in screen coordinates as a ScreenRectangle.

These values are identical to what Squish uses during object highlight. The values may however not be identical to toolkit specific geometry information since Squish may further limit the global bounding rectangle to what is really visible on screen (i.e. if parts of an object are clipped away by one of its parent objects).

var obj = waitForObject(":MyWidget");
var rect = object.globalBounds(obj);
test.verify(rect.width > 200);
y $obj = waitForObject(":MyWidget");
my $rect = object::globalBounds($obj);
test::verify($rect->width > 200);
obj = waitForObject(":MyWidget")
rect = object.globalBounds(obj)
test.verify(rect.width > 200)
obj = waitForObject(":MyWidget")
rect = Squish::Object.globalBounds(obj)
Test.verify(rect.width > 200)
set obj [waitForObject ":MyWidget"]
set rect [object globalBounds $obj]
test verify [expr [property get $rect width] > 200]

Image object.grabScreenshot(object, [parameterMap])

This function takes an object reference (as returned by the Object findObject(objectName) function or by the Object waitForObject(objectOrName) function), and returns a screenshot of its current visual as an Image Object.

The screenshot behavior can be configured through entries passed via the optional parameterMap argument.

  • delay - The delay before taking the screenshot in milliseconds. The default value is 1000 (1 second) to allow the AUT to react to the latest inputs and reach a stable state before taking a screenshot. Reducing it to 0 may be useful to improve the test execution time, especially in case of a series of consecutive grabScreenshot() calls.
var obj = waitForObject(":MyWidget");
var img = object.grabScreenshot(obj, {delay: 0});
y $obj = waitForObject(":MyWidget");
my $img = object::grabScreenshot($obj, {"delay" => 0});
obj = waitForObject(":MyWidget")
img = object.grabScreenshot(obj, {"delay": 0})
obj = waitForObject(":MyWidget")
img = Squish::Object.grabScreenshot(obj, {"delay" => 0})
set obj [waitForObject ":MyWidget"]
set img [object grabScreenshot $obj {delay 0}]
test attachImage $img

—deprecated— QImage grabWidget(object)

This function takes a screenshot of the object window (or widget) and returns it as an QImage object.

Note: Instead of using grabWidget to get an AUT-side QImage, it is easier to capture an Image Object using Image object.grabScreenshot(object, [parameterMap]). The Image.save(fileName) function allows you to save directly to a location on the squishrunner host.

SequenceOfObjects object.topLevelObjects()

This function returns a list of all of the AUT's top-level objects. The return type is scripting language-specific, e.g., a tuple in Python, and an array in the other languages. Examples are given below.

topLevels = object.topLevelObjects()
# iterate over tuple
for obj in topLevels:
    children = object.children(obj)
var topLevels = object.topLevelObjects();
// iterate over array
for (var i = 0; i < topLevels.length; ++i) {
    var obj = topLevels[i];
    var children = object.children(obj)
my @topLevels = object::topLevelObjects();
# iterate over array
foreach $obj (@topLevels) {
    my @children = object::children(obj)
topLevels = Squish::Object.topLevelObjects()
# iterate over array
for obj in topLevels
    children = Squish::Object.children(obj)
set topLevels [object topLevelObjects]
foreach obj $topLevels {
    set children [object children $obj]

ScreenRectangle findImage(imageFile, [parameterMap], [searchRegion])

This function will perform a search of the template image as stored in imageFile on the display also showing the currently running application. On success the location of the found image is returned as a ScreenRectangle. Functions like mouseClick() or tapObject() can then emulate a user interaction on the detected location.

The search for the sub-image is performed left to right, top to bottom. The first successful match is returned. For selection of other matches use the occurrence parameter as described below.

All available screens making up the desktop will be searched. At least on Windows and X11-based systems. For searches on multi-screen setup on macOS please inquire with technical support.

The search behavior can be configured through entries passed via the optional parameterMap argument.

  • occurrence - The occurrence index. By default the first match (with index 1) will be returned. Index values 2 and higher will select consecutive matches as far as available.
  • tolerant - Boolean switch that enables tolerant image search mode. In this mode some differences between the template image and the desktop screenshot are allowed. The default value is the value of testSettings.imageSearchTolerant property.
  • threshold - Threshold on the correlation between template image and a desktop screenshot, expressed as a percentage. A correlation higher than the threshold is considered a match against the template image. Usable values for this parameter usually fall between 99.0 and 100.0. The default value is the value of the testSettings.imageSearchThreshold property. This parameter is ignored if the tolerant parameter is set to false.
  • multiscale - Boolean switch that enables scaled image search mode. In this mode the template image is expanded into a series of images of different sizes. Those image are subsequently used as template images for the image search. The default value is the value of the testSettings.imageSearchMultiscale property. This parameter is ignored if the tolerant parameter is set to false.
  • minScale - Lower bound on the template image series sizes, expressed as a percentage. The resized template image sizes will span between minScale and maxScale of the original image size. The default value is the value of the testSettings.imageSearchMinScale property. This parameter is ignored if either the tolerant or the multiscale parameters are set to false.
  • maxScale Upper bound on the template image series sizes, expressed as a percentage. The resized template image sizes will span between minScale and maxScale of the original image size. The default value is the value of the testSettings.imageSearchMaxScale property. This parameter is ignored if either the tolerant or the multiscale parameters are set to false.
# Click on icon.png
mouseClick( findImage("icon.png") )
# Click on second occurrence of icon.png
mouseClick( findImage("icon.png", {"occurrence": 2}) )
// Click on icon.png
mouseClick( findImage("icon.png") );
// Click on second occurrence of icon.png
mouseClick( findImage("icon.png", {"occurrence": 2}) );
# Click on icon.png
mouseClick( findImage("icon.png") );
# Click on second occurrence of icon.png
mouseClick( findImage("icon.png", {"occurrence" => 2}) );
# Click on icon.png
mouseClick( findImage("icon.png") )
# Click on second occurrence of icon.png
mouseClick( findImage("icon.png", {"occurrence" => 2}) )
# Click on icon.png
invoke mouseClick [waitForImage "icon.png"]
# Click on second occurrence of icon.png
invoke mouseClick [waitForImage "icon.png" {occurrence 2 timeout 10000}]

This function will perform a single check of the screen content only. If it fails to find the sub-image an exception will be thrown. A call is useful in case a) the presence of the sub-image is almost certain or b) a quick check of the presence is wanted. In all other cases the ScreenRectangle waitForImage(imageFile, [parameterMap], [searchRegion]) function is preferred for timing-independent look-ups.

The matching algorithm performs a pixel-by-pixel color value comparison. The screen content and sub-image content therefore have to match 100% unless the tolerant search mode is enabled.

# Click on icon.png
mouseClick( findImage("icon.png", {'tolerant': True,
                                   'threshold': 99.7,
                                   'multiscale': True,
                                   'minScale': 100.0,
                                   'maxScale': 150.0}) )
// Click on icon.png
mouseClick( findImage("icon.png", {tolerant: true,
                                   threshold: 99.7,
                                   multiscale: true,
                                   minScale: 100.0,
                                   maxScale: 150.0}) );
# Click on icon.png
mouseClick( findImage("icon.png", {tolerant => true,
                                   threshold => 99.7,
                                   multiscale => true,
                                   minScale => 100.0,
                                   maxScale => 150.0}) );
# Click on icon.png
mouseClick( findImage("icon.png", {"tolerant" => true,
                                   "threshold" => 99.7,
                                   "multiscale" => true,
                                   "minScale" => 100.0,
                                   "maxScale" => 150.0}) )
# Check whether icon.png is displayed on screen
invoke mouseClick [ findImage "icon.png" {tolerant true \
                                          threshold 99.7 \
                                          multiscale true \
                                          minScale 100.0 \
                                          maxScale 150.0} ]

In case a searchRegion is specified as the last argument, the search is performed only within the area corresponding to it. The search region can be an AUT object, a ScreenRectangle object or an array of such objects. It can also be a special string value "all", in which case all top-level objects are used.

The searchRegion can also be an Image Object object. In such case no new screenshots are taken and the specified image is used instead. Currently it is not possible to limit the search scope to a portion of an Image object; please use the Image.copy() to cut the relevant section.

# Find icon.png on the MyWidget object
findImage("icon.png", {}, waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) )

# Find icon.png on multiple objects
findImage("icon.png", {}, [ waitForObject( names.MyWidget ),
                            waitForObject( names.MyOtherWidget ) ] )

# Find icon.png on the left half of the MyWidget object
bounds = object.globalBounds( waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) )
bounds.width = bounds.width / 2
findImage("icon.png", {}, bounds )

# Find icon.png in the specified area
findImage("icon.png", {}, UiTypes.ScreenRectangle( 100, 100, 200, 300 ) )

# Find icon.png on all top-level objects
findImage("icon.png", {}, "all" )
// Find icon.png on the MyWidget object
findImage("icon.png", {}, waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) );

// Find icon.png on multiple objects
findImage("icon.png", {}, [ waitForObject( names.MyWidget ),
                            waitForObject( names.MyOtherWidget ) ] );

// Find icon.png on the left half of the MyWidget object
var bounds = object.globalBounds( waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) );
bounds.width = bounds.width / 2
findImage("icon.png", {}, bounds );

// Find icon.png in the specified area
findImage("icon.png", {}, UiTypes.ScreenRectangle( 100, 100, 200, 300 ) );

// Find icon.png on all top-level objects
findImage("icon.png", {}, "all" );
# Find icon.png on the MyWidget object
findImage("icon.png", {}, waitForObject( names::MyWidget ) );

# Find icon.png on multiple objects
findImage("icon.png", {}, ( waitForObject( names::MyWidget ),
                            waitForObject( names::MyOtherWidget ) ) );

# Find icon.png on the left half of the MyWidget object
my $bounds = object::globalBounds( waitForObject( names::MyWidget ) );
$bounds->width = $bounds->width / 2;
findImage("icon.png", {}, bounds );

# Find icon.png in the specified area
findImage("icon.png", {}, new UiTypes::ScreenRectangle( 100, 100, 200, 300 ) );

# Find icon.png on all top-level objects
findImage("icon.png", {}, "all" )
# Find icon.png on the MyWidget object
findImage("icon.png", {}, waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) );

# Find icon.png on multiple objects
findImage("icon.png", {}, [ waitForObject( names.MyWidget ),
                            waitForObject( names.MyOtherWidget ) ] );

# Find icon.png on the left half of the MyWidget object
bounds = Squish::Object.globalBounds( waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) );
bounds.width = bounds.width / 2
findImage("icon.png", {}, bounds );

# Find icon.png in the specified area
findImage("icon.png", {}, UiTypes::ScreenRectangle.new( 100, 100, 200, 300 ) );

# Find icon.png on all top-level objects
findImage("icon.png", {}, "all" );
# Find icon.png on the MyWidget object
findImage "icon.png" {} [ waitForObject $names::MyWidget ]

# Find icon.png on multiple objects
findImage "icon.png" {} { [ waitForObject $names::MyWidget ],
                          [ waitForObject $names::MyOtherWidget ] }

# Find icon.png on the left half of the MyWidget object
set bounds [object globalBounds [ waitForObject $names::MyWidget ] ]
property set $bounds width [ expr [ property get $bounds width ] / 2 ]
findImage "icon.png" {} $bounds

# Find icon.png in the specified area
findImage "icon.png" {} [ construct ScreenRectangle 100 100 200 300 ]

# Find icon.png on all top-level objects
findImage "icon.png" {} "all"

String getOcrText([parameterMap], [searchRegion])

This function will perform optical character recognition on the display also showing the currently running application and return all text lines.

The OCR will be performed over all available screens making up the desktop. At least on Windows and X11-based systems. For OCR on multi-screen setup on macOS please inquire with technical support.

The search behavior can be configured through entries passed via the optional parameterMap argument.

  • language - The language hint for OCR engine. Use an empty string to use the OCR engine defaults. The default value is the value of testSettings.defaultOcrLanguage property.
  • profiles - An array of OCR engine specific profile names. This parameter is used only with engines that support profiles.
  • options - A map of engine-specific option names and values. These options are passed to the OCR engine after loading the specified profiles.
  • scaleFactor - Image up-scale factor. The source image is upscaled by that factor before it is passed to the OCR engine. The default value is 3.5. It can be set to a lower value to improve the OCR performance in case the text is rendered with a large font.
# Get all text using German language hint
test.log( getOcrText( { "language": "German" } ) )
// Get all text using German language hint
test.log( getOcrText( { language: "German" } ) )
# Get all text using German language hint
test::log( getOcrText( { language => "German" } ) )
# Get all text using German language hint
Test.log( getOcrText( { "language" => "German" } ) )
# Get all text using German language hint
test log [ getOcrText { language "German" } ]

In case a searchRegion is specified as the last argument, the OCR is performed only within the area corresponding to it. The search region can be an AUT object, a ScreenRectangle object or an array of such objects. It can also be a special string value "all", in which case all top-level objects are used.

The searchRegion can also be an Image Object object. In such case no new screenshots are taken and the specified image is used instead. Currently it is not possible to limit the OCR scope to a portion of an Image object; please use the Image.copy() to cut the relevant section.

# Find all text on the MyWidget object
test.log( getOcrText( {}, waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) )

# Find all text on multiple objects
test.log( getOcrText( {}, [ waitForObject( names.MyWidget ),
                            waitForObject( names.MyOtherWidget ) ] ) )

# Find all text on the left half of the MyWidget object
bounds = object.globalBounds( waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) )
bounds.width = bounds.width / 2
test.log( getOcrText( {}, bounds ) )

# Find all text in the specified area
test.log( getOcrText( {}, UiTypes.ScreenRectangle( 100, 100, 200, 300 ) ) )

# Find all text on all top-level objects
test.log( getOcrText( {}, "all" ) )
# Find all text on the MyWidget object
test.log( getOcrText( {}, waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) ) );

// Find all text on multiple objects
test.log( getOcrText( {}, [ waitForObject( names.MyWidget ),
                            waitForObject( names.MyOtherWidget ) ] ) );

// Find all text on the left half of the MyWidget object
var bounds = object.globalBounds( waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) );
bounds.width = bounds.width / 2
test.log( getOcrText( {}, bounds ) );

// Find all text in the specified area
test.log( getOcrText( {}, new UiTypes.ScreenRectangle( 100, 100, 200, 300 ) ) );

// Find all text on all top-level objects
test.log( getOcrText( {}, "all" ) );
# Find all text on the MyWidget object
test::log( getOcrText( {}, waitForObject( names::MyWidget ) ) );

# Find all text on multiple objects
test::log( getOcrText( {}, ( waitForObject( names::MyWidget ),
                            waitForObject( names::MyOtherWidget ) ) ) );

# Find all text on the left half of the MyWidget object
my $bounds = object::globalBounds( waitForObject( names::MyWidget ) );
$bounds->width = $bounds->width / 2;
test::log( getOcrText( {}, bounds ) );

# Find all text in the specified area
test::log( getOcrText( {}, new UiTypes::ScreenRectangle( 100, 100, 200, 300 ) ) );

# Find all text on all top-level objects
test::log( getOcrText( {}, "all" ) )
# Find all text on the MyWidget object
Test.log( getOcrText( {}, waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) ) );

# Find all text on multiple objects
Test.log( getOcrText( {}, [ waitForObject( names.MyWidget ),
                            waitForObject( names.MyOtherWidget ) ] ) );

# Find all text on the left half of the MyWidget object
bounds = Squish::Object.globalBounds( waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) );
bounds.width = bounds.width / 2
Test.log( getOcrText( {}, bounds ) );

# Find all text in the specified area
Test.log( getOcrText( {}, UiTypes::ScreenRectangle.new( 100, 100, 200, 300 ) ) );

# Find all text on all top-level objects
Test.log( getOcrText( {}, "all" ) );
# Find all text on the MyWidget object
test log [ getOcrText {} [ waitForObject $names::MyWidget ] ]

# Find all text on multiple objects
test log [ getOcrText {} { [ waitForObject $names::MyWidget ],
                           [ waitForObject $names::MyOtherWidget ] } ]

# Find all text on the left half of the MyWidget object
set bounds [object globalBounds [ waitForObject $names::MyWidget ] ]
property set $bounds width [ expr [ property get $bounds width ] / 2 ]
test log [ getOcrText {} $bounds ]

# Find all text in the specified area
test log [ getOcrText {} [ construct ScreenRectangle 100 100 200 300 ] ]

# Find all text on all top-level objects
test log [ getOcrText {} "all" ]

ScreenRectangle findOcrText(text, [parameterMap], [searchRegion])

This function will perform optical character recognition on the display also showing the currently running application and search for the specific text within the result set. It will return a ScreenRectangle object corresponding to the location of the text.

The OCR will be performed over all available screens making up the desktop. At least on Windows and X11-based systems. For OCR on multi-screen setup on macOS please inquire with technical support.

The search behavior can be configured through entries passed via the optional parameterMap argument.

  • occurrence - The occurrence index. By default the first text match (with index 1) will be returned. Index values 2 and higher will select consecutive matches as far as available.
  • language - The language hint for OCR engine. Use an empty string to use the OCR engine defaults. The default value is the value of testSettings.defaultOcrLanguage property.
  • profiles - An array of OCR engine specific profile names. This parameter is used only with engines that support profiles.
  • options - A map of engine-specific option names and values. These options are passed to the OCR engine after loading the specified profiles.
  • scaleFactor - Image up-scale factor. The source image is upscaled by that factor before it is passed to the OCR engine. The default value is 3.5. It can be set to a lower value to improve the OCR performance in case the text is rendered with a large font.
# Click on text
mouseClick( findOcrText( "Test Text" ) )
# Click on text in German
mouseClick( findOcrText( "Test Text", { "language": "German" } ) )
// Click on text
mouseClick( findOcrText( "Test Text" ) );
// Click on text in German
mouseClick( findOcrText( "Test Text", { language: "German" } ) );
# Click on text
mouseClick( findOcrText( "Test Text" ) );
# Click on text in German
mouseClick( findOcrText( "Test Text", { "language" => "German" } ) );
# Click on text
mouseClick( findOcrText( "Test Text" ) )
# Click on text in German
mouseClick( findOcrText( "Test Text", { "language" => "German" } ) )
# Click on text
invoke mouseClick[ findOcrText "Test Text" ]
# Click on text in German
invoke mouseClick[ findOcrText "Test Text" { language "German" } ]

This function will perform a single OCR of the screen content only. If it fails to find the specified text an exception will be thrown. A call is useful in case a) the presence of the text is almost certain or b) a quick check of the presence is wanted. In all other cases the ScreenRectangle waitForOcrText(text, [parameterMap], [searchRegion]) function is preferred for timing-independent look-ups.

In case a searchRegion is specified as the last argument, the OCR is performed only within the area corresponding to it. The search region can be an AUT object, a ScreenRectangle object or an array of such objects. It can also be a special string value "all", in which case all top-level objects are used.

The searchRegion can also be an Image Object object. In such case no new screenshots are taken and the specified image is used instead. Currently it is not possible to limit the OCR scope to a portion of an Image object; please use the Image.copy() to cut the relevant section.

# Click on text on the MyWidget object
mouseClick( findOcrText( "Click me", {}, waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) )

# Click on text on multiple objects
mouseClick( findOcrText( "Click me", {}, [ waitForObject( names.MyWidget ),
                                                   waitForObject( names.MyOtherWidget ) ] ) )

# Click on text on the left half of the MyWidget object
bounds = object.globalBounds( waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) )
bounds.width = bounds.width / 2
mouseClick( findOcrText( "Click me", {}, bounds ) )

# Click on text in the specified area
mouseClick( findOcrText( "Click me", {}, UiTypes.ScreenRectangle( 100, 100, 200, 300 ) ) )

# Click on text on all top-level objects
mouseClick( findOcrText( "Click me", {}, "all" ) )
# Click on text on the MyWidget object
mouseClick( findOcrText( "Click me", {}, waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) ) );

// Click on text on multiple objects
mouseClick( findOcrText( "Click me", {}, [ waitForObject( names.MyWidget ),
                                                   waitForObject( names.MyOtherWidget ) ] ) );

// Click on text on the left half of the MyWidget object
var bounds = object.globalBounds( waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) );
bounds.width = bounds.width / 2
mouseClick( findOcrText( "Click me", {}, bounds ) );

// Click on text in the specified area
mouseClick( findOcrText( "Click me", {}, new UiTypes.ScreenRectangle( 100, 100, 200, 300 ) ) );

// Click on text on all top-level objects
mouseClick( findOcrText( "Click me", {}, "all" ) );
# Click on text on the MyWidget object
mouseClick( findOcrText( "Click me", {}, waitForObject( names::MyWidget ) ) );

# Click on text on multiple objects
mouseClick( findOcrText( "Click me", {}, ( waitForObject( names::MyWidget ),
                                                   waitForObject( names::MyOtherWidget ) ) ) );

# Click on text on the left half of the MyWidget object
my $bounds = object::globalBounds( waitForObject( names::MyWidget ) );
$bounds->width = $bounds->width / 2;
mouseClick( findOcrText( "Click me", {}, bounds ) );

# Click on text in the specified area
mouseClick( findOcrText( "Click me", {}, new UiTypes::ScreenRectangle( 100, 100, 200, 300 ) ) );

# Click on text on all top-level objects
mouseClick( findOcrText( "Click me", {}, "all" ) )
# Click on text on the MyWidget object
mouseClick( findOcrText( "Click me", {}, waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) ) );

# Click on text on multiple objects
mouseClick( findOcrText( "Click me", {}, [ waitForObject( names.MyWidget ),
                                                   waitForObject( names.MyOtherWidget ) ] ) );

# Click on text on the left half of the MyWidget object
bounds = Squish::Object.globalBounds( waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) );
bounds.width = bounds.width / 2
mouseClick( findOcrText( "Click me", {}, bounds ) );

# Click on text in the specified area
mouseClick( findOcrText( "Click me", {}, UiTypes::ScreenRectangle.new( 100, 100, 200, 300 ) ) );

# Click on text on all top-level objects
mouseClick( findOcrText( "Click me", {}, "all" ) );
# Click on text on the MyWidget object
invoke mouseClick [ findOcrText "Click me" {} [ waitForObject $names::MyWidget ] ]

# Click on text on multiple objects
invoke mouseClick [ findOcrText "Click me" {} { [ waitForObject $names::MyWidget ],
                                                        [ waitForObject $names::MyOtherWidget ] } ]

# Click on text on the left half of the MyWidget object
set bounds [object globalBounds [ waitForObject $names::MyWidget ] ]
property set $bounds width [ expr [ property get $bounds width ] / 2 ]
invoke mouseClick [ findOcrText "Click me" {} $bounds ]

# Click on text in the specified area
invoke mouseClick [ findOcrText "Click me" {} [ construct ScreenRectangle 100 100 200 300 ] ]

# Click on text on all top-level objects
invoke mouseClick [ findOcrText "Click me" {} "all" ]

SequenceOfObjects findAllOcrText(text, [parameterMap], [searchRegion])

This function will perform optical character recognition on the display also showing the currently running application and search for the specific text within the result set. It will return a sequence of ScreenRectangle objects corresponding to the locations of the specified text.

The OCR will be performed over all available screens making up the desktop. At least on Windows and X11-based systems. For OCR on multi-screen setup on macOS please inquire with technical support.

The search behavior can be configured through entries passed via the optional parameterMap argument.

  • language - The language hint for OCR engine. Use an empty string to use the OCR engine defaults. The default value is the value of testSettings.defaultOcrLanguage property.
  • profiles - An array of OCR engine specific profile names. This parameter is used only with engines that support profiles.
  • options - A map of engine-specific option names and values. These options are passed to the OCR engine after loading the specified profiles.
  • scaleFactor - Image up-scale factor. The source image is upscaled by that factor before it is passed to the OCR engine. The default value is 3.5. It can be set to a lower value to improve the OCR performance in case the text is rendered with a large font.
# Check whether 'Test Text' is displayed on screen 3 times
test.compare( len( findAllOcrText( "Test Text", { "language": "German" } ) ), 3 )
// Check whether 'Test Text' is displayed on screen 3 times
test.compare( findAllOcrText( "Test Text", { "language": "German" } ).length, 3 )
# Check whether 'Test Text' is displayed on screen 3 times
my @locations = findAllOcrText( "Test Text", { language => "German" } );
test::compare( scalar @locations, 3 )
# Check whether 'Test Text' is displayed on screen 3 times
Test.compare( findAllOcrText( "Test Text", { "language" => "German" } ).length, 3 );
# Check whether 'Test Text' is displayed on screen 3 times
test compare [ llength [ findAllOcrText "Test Text" { language "German" } ] ] 3

In case a searchRegion is specified as the last argument, the OCR is performed only within the area corresponding to it. The search region can be an AUT object, a ScreenRectangle object or an array of such objects. It can also be a special string value "all", in which case all top-level objects are used.

The searchRegion can also be an Image Object object. In such case no new screenshots are taken and the specified image is used instead. Currently it is not possible to limit the OCR scope to a portion of an Image object; please use the Image.copy() to cut the relevant section.

# Check whether 'Test Text' is displayed on MyWidget 3 times
test.compare( len( findAllOcrText( "Test Text", {}, waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) ) ), 3 )

# Check whether 'Test Text' is displayed on multiple widgets 3 times
test.compare( len( findAllOcrText( "Test Text", {}, [ waitForObject( names.MyWidget ),
                                                               waitForObject( names.MyOtherWidget ) ] ) ), 3 )

# Check whether 'Test Text' is displayed on the left half of the MyWidget object
bounds = object.globalBounds( waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) )
bounds.width = bounds.width / 2
test.compare( len( findAllOcrText( "Test Text", {}, bounds ) ), 3 )

# Check whether 'Test Text' is displayed on the specified area
test.compare( len( findAllOcrText( "Test Text", {}, UiTypes.ScreenRectangle( 100, 100, 200, 300 ) ) ), 3 )

# Check whether 'Test Text' is displayed on all top-level objects
test.compare( len( findAllOcrText( "Test Text", {}, "all" ) ), 3 )
// Check whether 'Test Text' is displayed on MyWidget 3 times
test.compare( findAllOcrText( "Test Text", {}, waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) ).length , 3 )

// Check whether 'Test Text' is displayed on multiple widgets 3 times
test.compare( findAllOcrText( "Test Text", {}, [ waitForObject( names.MyWidget ),
                                                          waitForObject( names.MyOtherWidget ) ] ).length, 3 )

// Check whether 'Test Text' is displayed on the left half of the MyWidget object
bounds = object.globalBounds( waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) )
bounds.width = bounds.width / 2
test.compare( findAllOcrText( "Test Text", {}, bounds ) .length, 3 )

// Check whether 'Test Text' is displayed on the specified area
test.compare( findAllOcrText( "Test Text", {}, UiTypes.ScreenRectangle( 100, 100, 200, 300 ) ).length, 3 )

// Check whether 'Test Text' is displayed on all top-level objects
test.compare( findAllOcrText( "Test Text", {}, "all" ).length, 3 )
# Check whether 'Test Text' is displayed on MyWidget 3 times
my @locations = findAllOcrText( "Test Text", {}, waitForObject( names::MyWidget ) );
test::compare( scalar @locations, 3 )

# Check whether 'Test Text' is displayed on multiple widgets 3 times
my @locations = findAllOcrText( "Test Text", {}, ( waitForObject( names::MyWidget ),
                                                            waitForObject( names::MyOtherWidget ) ) );
test::compare( scalar @locations, 3 )

# Check whether 'Test Text' is displayed on the left half of the MyWidget object
my $bounds = object::globalBounds( waitForObject( names::MyWidget ) );
$bounds->width = $bounds->width / 2;
my @locations = findAllOcrText( "Test Text", {}, $bounds );
test::compare( scalar @locations, 3 )

# Check whether 'Test Text' is displayed on the specified area
my @locations = findAllOcrText( "Test Text", {}, new UiTypes::ScreenRectangle( 100, 100, 200, 300 ) );
test::compare( scalar @locations, 3 )

# Check whether 'Test Text' is displayed on all top-level objects
my @locations = findAllOcrText( "Test Text", {}, "all" );
test::compare( scalar @locations, 3 )
# Check whether 'Test Text' is displayed on MyWidget 3 times
Test.compare( findAllOcrText( "Test Text", {}, waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) ).length, 3 );

# Check whether 'Test Text' is displayed on multiple widgets 3 times
Test.compare( findAllOcrText( "Test Text", {}, [ waitForObject( names.MyWidget ),
                                                          waitForObject( names.MyOtherWidget ) ] ).length, 3 );

# Check whether 'Test Text' is displayed on the left half of the MyWidget object
bounds = Squish::Object.globalBounds( waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) );
bounds.width = bounds.width / 2
Test.compare( findAllOcrText( "Test Text", {}, bounds ).length, 3 );

# Check whether 'Test Text' is displayed on the specified area
Test.compare( findAllOcrText( "Test Text", {}, UiTypes::ScreenRectangle.new( 100, 100, 200, 300 ) ).length, 3 );

# Check whether 'Test Text' is displayed on all top-level objects
Test.compare( findAllOcrText( "Test Text", {}, "all" ).length, 3 );
# Check whether 'Test Text' is displayed on MyWidget 3 times
test compare [ llength [ findAllOcrText "Test Text" {} [ waitForObject $names::MyWidget ] ] ] 3

# Check whether 'Test Text' is displayed on multiple widgets 3 times
test compare [ llength [ findAllOcrText "Test Text" {} { [ waitForObject $names::MyWidget ],
                                                                  [ waitForObject $names::MyOtherWidget ] } ] ] 3

# Check whether 'Test Text' is displayed on the left half of the MyWidget object
set bounds [object globalBounds [ waitForObject $names::MyWidget ] ]
property set $bounds width [ expr [ property get $bounds width ] / 2 ]
test compare [ llength [ findAllOcrText "Test Text" {} $bounds ] ] 3

# Check whether 'Test Text' is displayed on the specified area
test compare [ llength [ findAllOcrText "Test Text" {} [ construct ScreenRectangle 100 100 200 300 ] ] ] 3

# Check whether 'Test Text' is displayed on all top-level objects
test compare [ llength [ findAllOcrText "Test Text" {} "all" ] ] 3

Synchronization Functions

Boolean waitFor(condition)

The condition is a piece of code to evaluate, passed as a string or as a function reference, and that is expected to return a Boolean value. The waitFor function loops one or more times, and on each iteration it executes the condition code and reads its return value. After each execution, if the condition code's return value is true, waitFor will finish and return true. Otherwise, the waitFor function will perform another iteration, that is, execute the condition code again, and again check its return value, repeating endlessly—or until the condition code returns true, in which case waitFor will finish and return true.

This function is designed as a quick and easy way to poll for a condition in the AUT, where each condition execution takes a very short time (typically a fraction of a second), and always returns true or false. This is useful if you want to synchronize your script execution to a certain state in the AUT.

See How to Create and Use Synchronization Points for examples of use.

Boolean waitFor(condition, timeoutMSec)

The condition is a piece of code to evaluate, passed as a string or as a function reference, and that is expected to return a Boolean value. The waitFor function loops one or more times, and on each iteration it executes the condition code and reads its return value. After each execution, if the condition code's return value is true, waitFor will finish and return true. If the condition code returned false, the waitFor function checks to see if the time it has been running has exceeded the timeoutMSec—if it has, waitFor finishes and returns false; otherwise it does another iteration, starting with another execution of the condition code.

This function is designed as a quick and easy way to poll for a condition in the AUT, where each condition execution takes a very short time (typically a fraction of a second), and always returns true or false. This is useful if you want to synchronize your script execution to a certain state in the AUT.

See How to Create and Use Synchronization Points for examples of use.

ApplicationContext waitForApplicationLaunch()

ApplicationContext waitForApplicationLaunch(timeoutSecs)

Waits for a new application to start up, which Squish then hooks into. If the hooking succeeds it returns an ApplicationContext object representing the application that was started. This is used by Squish for test scripts which access multiple applications which are started by the AUT. (See also, Application Context.)

The optional parameter timeoutSecs (an integer number of seconds) can be specified to tell Squish how long it should be prepared to wait for the application to appear before throwing an error. If specified, this value overrides squishrunner's default AUT timeout. If not specified the squishserver's default is used—this is 20 seconds, unless it has been changed; see Squish Server Settings dialog.

Object waitForObject(objectOrName)

Object waitForObject(objectOrName, timeoutMSec)

Waits until the objectOrName object is accessible (i.e., it exists and is visible and enabled). It returns a reference to the object if successful or raises a (catchable) LookupError exception on failure, i.e., if the function times out. The function waits for the time defined by the testSettings.waitForObjectTimeout property or if the optional timeoutMSec parameter is used, that many milliseconds. This function is useful if you want to synchronize your script execution.

The given name can also be a native script dictionary (resp. hash) value.

This function is only suitable for objects that are (or become) visible; for non-visible objects consider using the Object waitForObjectExists(name) function instead. And if you only want to know if an object exists, use the Boolean object.exists(objectName) function.

Additional processing can be done on waited-for objects in a user-defined callback function. See waitUntilObjectReady(anObject) for more details.

Object waitForObjectExists(name)

Object waitForObjectExists(name, timeoutMSec)

Waits until the object identified by name exists. The given name can be a native script dictionary (resp. hash) value. It returns a reference to the object if successful or raises a (catchable) LookupError exception on failure, i.e., if the function times out. The function waits for the time defined by the testSettings.waitForObjectTimeout property or if the optional timeoutMSec parameter is used, that many milliseconds.

Object waitForObjectItem(objectOrName, itemOrIndex)

Object waitForObjectItem(objectOrName, itemOrIndex, timeoutMSec)

Waits until the objectOrName object is accessible (i.e., it exists and is visible and enabled), and contains an item that is identified by the itemOrIndex and that is itself accessible.

The given name can also be a native script dictionary (resp. hash) value.

This function is typically used to access items inside containers such as lists, tables, and trees.

The itemOrIndex for a table can be a row/column string like "4/21". In a tree, it can be a period (.)-separated path string such as Mammals.Felines.Cats. In a list where strings may appear multiple times, a specific item can be selected by appending (_) followed by the item's occurrence index, to the non-unique string. For example, "itemtext_3" would retrieve the third item in the list which contains the "itemtext" string.

Note: When passing string literals to the waitForObjectItem() function which actually contain characters mentioned in the previous paragraph ((/), (.) and (_)), these characters need to be escaped by (\\) (two backslashes) to make waitForObjectItem() function work properly. Without escaping, the waitForObjectItem() function would truncate a given string passed as itemOrIndex, treating anything which follows after a recognized delimiter as being either 'row/col', 'index' or 'path' parameter!

The return value depends on the Squish edition:

  • Java, Qt and Windows: The return value is a reference to the item. (The reference can be used with other Squish functions.)
  • Web and other Squish editions: The return value is a reference to the object identified by objectOrName (not the item).

The function raises a (catchable) LookupError exception on failure, i.e., if it times out.

The function waits for the time defined by the testSettings.waitForObjectTimeout property or if the optional timeoutMSec parameter is used, that many milliseconds.

Additional processing can be done on the object items before this function returns, by providing a user-defined callback function. See waitUntilObjectItemReady(item) for details.

ScreenRectangle waitForImage(imageFile, [parameterMap], [searchRegion])

This function waits for an image as specified by imageFile to appear on the screen, by repeatedly calling ScreenRectangle findImage(imageFile, [parameterMap], [searchRegion]) until a timeout is reached. In case of success, the location of the image as found on the screen will be returned as a ScreenRectangle. Interaction functions like mouseClick(screenPoint, modifierState, button), doubleClick(screenPoint, modifierState, button) or tapObject(screenPoint, modifierState) can be used to click or tap on the detected location.

The behavior of the search can be customized through additional parameters passed to the optional parameterMap of key-value pairs, where a key can be one of these:

  • interval - Number of milliseconds to wait in between image search retries. The default is 1000 (1 second).
  • timeout - Amount of time in milliseconds to search for an image before reporting that the image is not found. The default is 20000 (20 seconds).
  • occurrence - The occurrence index. By default the first match (with index 1) will be returned. Index values 2 and higher will select consecutive matches as far as available.
  • tolerant - Boolean switch that enables tolerant image search mode. In this mode some differences between the template image and the desktop screenshot are allowed. The default value is the value of testSettings.imageSearchTolerant property.
  • threshold - Threshold on the correlation between template image and a desktop screenshot, expressed as a percentage. A correlation higher than the threshold is considered a match against the template image. Usable values for this parameter usually fall between 99.0 and 100.0. The default value is the value of the testSettings.imageSearchThreshold property. This parameter is ignored if the tolerant parameter is set to false.
  • multiscale - Boolean switch that enables scaled image search mode. In this mode the template image is expanded into a series of images of different sizes. Those image are subsequently used as template images for the image search. The default value is the value of the testSettings.imageSearchMultiscale property. This parameter is ignored if the tolerant parameter is set to false.
  • minScale - Lower bound on the template image series sizes, expressed as a percentage. The resized template image sizes will span between minScale and maxScale of the original image size. The default value is the value of the testSettings.imageSearchMinScale property. This parameter is ignored if either the tolerant or the multiscale parameters are set to false.
  • maxScale Upper bound on the template image series sizes, expressed as a percentage. The resized template image sizes will span between minScale and maxScale of the original image size. The default value is the value of the testSettings.imageSearchMaxScale property. This parameter is ignored if either the tolerant or the multiscale parameters are set to false.
# Click on icon.png
// Click on icon.png
# Click on icon.png
# Click on icon.png
# Click on icon.png
invoke mouseClick [waitForImage "icon.png"]

By default this function will repeatedly grab the screen content until successful or until 20 seconds have passed. Longer (or shorter) waiting periods can be set in milliseconds via a timeout value passed through the parameterMap. In order to perform a single image search, use the ScreenRectangle findImage(imageFile, [parameterMap], [searchRegion]) function.

# Click on second icon.png, wait maximum 10 seconds
mouseClick(waitForImage("icon.png", {"occurrence": 2, "timeout": 10000})
// Click on second icon.png, wait maximum 10 seconds
mouseClick(waitForImage("icon.png", {occurrence: 2, timeout: 10000}));
# Click on second icon.png, wait maximum 10 seconds
mouseClick(waitForImage("icon.png", {"occurrence" => 2, "timeout" => 10000}));
# Click on second icon.png, wait maximum 10 seconds
mouseClick(waitForImage("icon.png", {"occurrence" => 2, "timeout" => 10000}))
# Click on second icon.png, wait maximum 10 seconds
invoke mouseClick [waitForImage "icon.png" {occurrence 2 timeout 10000}]

The matching algorithm performs a pixel-by-pixel color value comparison. The screen content and sub-image content therefore have to match 100% unless the tolerant search mode is enabled.

# Click on icon.png, found with tolerance of 99.7
mouseClick(waitForImage("icon.png", {'tolerant': True,
                                     'threshold': 99.7,
                                     'multiscale': True,
                                     'minScale': 100.0,
                                     'maxScale': 150.0})
// Click on icon.png, found with tolerance of 99.7
mouseClick(waitForImage("icon.png", {tolerant: true,
                                     threshold: 99.7,
                                     multiscale: true,
                                     minScale: 100.0,
                                     maxScale: 150.0}));
# Click on icon.png, found with tolerance of 99.7
mouseClick(waitForImage("icon.png", {tolerant => true,
                                     threshold => 99.7,
                                     multiscale => true,
                                     minScale => 100.0,
                                     maxScale => 150.0}));
# Click on icon.png, found with tolerance of 99.7
mouseClick(waitForImage("icon.png", {"tolerant" => true,
                                     "threshold" => 99.7,
                                     "multiscale" => true,
                                     "minScale" => 100.0,
                                     "maxScale" => 150.0}))
# Click on icon.png, found with tolerance of 99.7
invoke mouseClick [waitForImage "icon.png" {tolerant true \
                                            threshold 99.7 \
                                            multiscale true \
                                            minScale 100.0 \
                                            maxScale 150.0}]

In case a searchRegion is specified as the last argument, the search is performed only within the area corresponding to it. The search region can be an AUT object, a ScreenRectangle object or an array of such objects. It can also be a special string value "all", in which case all top-level objects are used.

The searchRegion can also be an Image Object object. In such case no new screenshots are taken and the specified image is used instead. Currently it is not possible to limit the search scope to a portion of an Image object; please use the Image.copy() to cut the relevant section. Since the Image object specified as the search region cannot possibly change overtime, this function will not perform the image search repetitively and will return the results immediately.

# Find icon.png on the MyWidget object
waitForImage("icon.png", {}, waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) )

# Find icon.png on multiple objects
waitForImage("icon.png", {}, [ waitForObject( names.MyWidget ),
                               waitForObject( names.MyOtherWidget ) ] )

# Find icon.png on the left half of the MyWidget object
bounds = object.globalBounds( waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) )
bounds.width = bounds.width / 2
waitForImage("icon.png", {}, bounds )

# Find icon.png in the specified area
waitForImage("icon.png", {}, UiTypes.ScreenRectangle( 100, 100, 200, 300 ) )

# Find icon.png on all top-level objects
waitForImage("icon.png", {}, "all" )
// Find icon.png on the MyWidget object
waitForImage("icon.png", {}, waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) );

// Find icon.png on multiple objects
waitForImage("icon.png", {}, [ waitForObject( names.MyWidget ),
                               waitForObject( names.MyOtherWidget ) ] );

// Find icon.png on the left half of the MyWidget object
var bounds = object.globalBounds( waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) );
bounds.width = bounds.width / 2
waitForImage("icon.png", {}, bounds );

// Find icon.png in the specified area
waitForImage("icon.png", {}, UiTypes.ScreenRectangle( 100, 100, 200, 300 ) );

// Find icon.png on all top-level objects
waitForImage("icon.png", {}, "all" );
# Find icon.png on the MyWidget object
waitForImage("icon.png", {}, waitForObject( names::MyWidget ) );

# Find icon.png on multiple objects
waitForImage("icon.png", {}, ( waitForObject( names::MyWidget ),
                               waitForObject( names::MyOtherWidget ) ) );

# Find icon.png on the left half of the MyWidget object
my $bounds = object::globalBounds( waitForObject( names::MyWidget ) );
$bounds->width = $bounds->width / 2;
waitForImage("icon.png", {}, bounds );

# Find icon.png in the specified area
waitForImage("icon.png", {}, new UiTypes::ScreenRectangle( 100, 100, 200, 300 ) );

# Find icon.png on all top-level objects
waitForImage("icon.png", {}, "all" )
# Find icon.png on the MyWidget object
waitForImage("icon.png", {}, waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) );

# Find icon.png on multiple objects
waitForImage("icon.png", {}, [ waitForObject( names.MyWidget ),
                               waitForObject( names.MyOtherWidget ) ] );

# Find icon.png on the left half of the MyWidget object
bounds = Squish::Object.globalBounds( waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) );
bounds.width = bounds.width / 2
waitForImage("icon.png", {}, bounds );

# Find icon.png in the specified area
waitForImage("icon.png", {}, UiTypes::ScreenRectangle.new( 100, 100, 200, 300 ) );

# Find icon.png on all top-level objects
waitForImage("icon.png", {}, "all" );
# Find icon.png on the MyWidget object
waitForImage "icon.png" {} [ waitForObject $names::MyWidget ]

# Find icon.png on multiple objects
waitForImage "icon.png" {} { [ waitForObject $names::MyWidget ],
                             [ waitForObject $names::MyOtherWidget ] }

# Find icon.png on the left half of the MyWidget object
set bounds [object globalBounds [ waitForObject $names::MyWidget ] ]
property set $bounds width [ expr [ property get $bounds width ] / 2 ]
waitForImage "icon.png" {} $bounds

# Find icon.png in the specified area
waitForImage "icon.png" {} [ construct ScreenRectangle 100 100 200 300 ]

# Find icon.png on all top-level objects
waitForImage "icon.png" {} "all"

ScreenRectangle waitForOcrText(text, [parameterMap], [searchRegion])

This function will perform optical character recognition on the display also showing the currently running application and search for the specific text within the result set. It will return a ScreenRectangle object corresponding to the location of the text.

The OCR will be performed over all available screens making up the desktop. At least on Windows and X11-based systems. For OCR on multi-screen setup on macOS please inquire with technical support.

The search behavior can be configured through entries passed via the optional parameterMap argument.

  • interval - Minimal number of milliseconds to wait in between OCR search retries. The default is 1000 (1 second). The actual interval between separate OCR attempts is dependent on OCR engine performance, and may be significantly longer.
  • timeout - Amount of time in milliseconds to search for the specified text before reporting that the text is not found. The default is 20000 (20 seconds).
  • occurrence - The occurrence index. By default the first text match (with index 1) will be returned. Index values 2 and higher will select consecutive matches as far as available.
  • language - The language hint for OCR engine. Use an empty string to use the OCR engine defaults. The default value is the value of testSettings.defaultOcrLanguage property.
  • profiles - An array of OCR engine specific profile names. This parameter is used only with engines that support profiles.
  • options - A map of engine-specific option names and values. These options are passed to the OCR engine after loading the specified profiles.
  • scaleFactor - Image up-scale factor. The source image is upscaled by that factor before it is passed to the OCR engine. The default value is 3.5. It can be set to a lower value to improve the OCR performance in case the text is rendered with a large font.
# Click on second 'Hier klicken' occurrence, wait maximum 10 seconds
mouseClick(waitForOcrText("Hier klicken", {"occurrence": 2, "language": "German"})
// Click on second 'Hier klicken' occurrence, wait maximum 10 seconds
mouseClick(waitForOcrText("Hier klicken", {occurrence: 2, language: "German"}));
# Click on second 'Hier klicken' occurrence, wait maximum 10 seconds
mouseClick(waitForOcrText("Hier klicken", {"occurrence" => 2, "language" => "German"}));
# Click on second 'Hier klicken' occurrence, wait maximum 10 seconds
mouseClick(waitForOcrText("Hier klicken", {"occurrence" => 2, "language" => "German"}))
# Click on second 'Hier klicken' occurrence, wait maximum 10 seconds
invoke mouseClick [waitForOcrText "Hier klicken" {occurrence 2 language "German"}]

By default this function will repeatedly grab the screen content until successful or until 20 seconds have passed. Longer (or shorter) waiting periods can be set in milliseconds via a timeout value passed through the parameterMap. In order to perform a single OCR search, use the ScreenRectangle findOcrText(text, [parameterMap], [searchRegion]) function.

# Click on second 'Click me' occurrence, wait maximum 10 seconds
mouseClick(waitForOcrText("Click me", {"occurrence": 2, "timeout": 10000})
// Click on second 'Click me' occurrence, wait maximum 10 seconds
mouseClick(waitForOcrText("Click me", {occurrence: 2, timeout: 10000}));
# Click on second 'Click me' occurrence, wait maximum 10 seconds
mouseClick(waitForOcrText("Click me", {"occurrence" => 2, "timeout" => 10000}));
# Click on second 'Click me' occurrence, wait maximum 10 seconds
mouseClick(waitForOcrText("Click me", {"occurrence" => 2, "timeout" => 10000}))
# Click on second 'Click me' occurrence, wait maximum 10 seconds
invoke mouseClick [waitForOcrText "Click me" {occurrence 2 timeout 10000}]

In case a searchRegion is specified as the last argument, the OCR is performed only within the area corresponding to it. The search region can be an AUT object, a ScreenRectangle object or an array of such objects. It can also be a special string value "all", in which case all top-level objects are used.

The searchRegion can also be an Image Object object. In such case no new screenshots are taken and the specified image is used instead. Currently it is not possible to limit the OCR scope to a portion of an Image object; please use the Image.copy() to cut the relevant section. Since the Image object specified as the search region cannot possibly change overtime, this function will not perform the OCR repetitively and will return the results immediately.

# Click on text on the MyWidget object
mouseClick( waitForOcrText( "Click me", {}, waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) )

# Click on text on multiple objects
mouseClick( waitForOcrText( "Click me", {}, [ waitForObject( names.MyWidget ),
                                              waitForObject( names.MyOtherWidget ) ] ) )

# Click on text on the left half of the MyWidget object
bounds = object.globalBounds( waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) )
bounds.width = bounds.width / 2
mouseClick( waitForOcrText( "Click me", {}, bounds ) )

# Click on text in the specified area
mouseClick( waitForOcrText( "Click me", {}, UiTypes.ScreenRectangle( 100, 100, 200, 300 ) ) )

# Click on text on all top-level objects
mouseClick( waitForOcrText( "Click me", {}, "all" ) )
# Click on text on the MyWidget object
mouseClick( waitForOcrText( "Click me", {}, waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) ) );

// Click on text on multiple objects
mouseClick( waitForOcrText( "Click me", {}, [ waitForObject( names.MyWidget ),
                                              waitForObject( names.MyOtherWidget ) ] ) );

// Click on text on the left half of the MyWidget object
var bounds = object.globalBounds( waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) );
bounds.width = bounds.width / 2
mouseClick( waitForOcrText( "Click me", {}, bounds ) );

// Click on text in the specified area
mouseClick( waitForOcrText( "Click me", {}, new UiTypes.ScreenRectangle( 100, 100, 200, 300 ) ) );

// Click on text on all top-level objects
mouseClick( waitForOcrText( "Click me", {}, "all" ) );
# Click on text on the MyWidget object
mouseClick( waitForOcrText( "Click me", {}, waitForObject( names::MyWidget ) ) );

# Click on text on multiple objects
mouseClick( waitForOcrText( "Click me", {}, ( waitForObject( names::MyWidget ),
                                              waitForObject( names::MyOtherWidget ) ) ) );

# Click on text on the left half of the MyWidget object
my $bounds = object::globalBounds( waitForObject( names::MyWidget ) );
$bounds->width = $bounds->width / 2;
mouseClick( waitForOcrText( "Click me", {}, bounds ) );

# Click on text in the specified area
mouseClick( waitForOcrText( "Click me", {}, new UiTypes::ScreenRectangle( 100, 100, 200, 300 ) ) );

# Click on text on all top-level objects
mouseClick( waitForOcrText( "Click me", {}, "all" ) )
# Click on text on the MyWidget object
mouseClick( waitForOcrText( "Click me", {}, waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) ) );

# Click on text on multiple objects
mouseClick( waitForOcrText( "Click me", {}, [ waitForObject( names.MyWidget ),
                                              waitForObject( names.MyOtherWidget ) ] ) );

# Click on text on the left half of the MyWidget object
bounds = Squish::Object.globalBounds( waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) );
bounds.width = bounds.width / 2
mouseClick( waitForOcrText( "Click me", {}, bounds ) );

# Click on text in the specified area
mouseClick( waitForOcrText( "Click me", {}, UiTypes::ScreenRectangle.new( 100, 100, 200, 300 ) ) );

# Click on text on all top-level objects
mouseClick( waitForOcrText( "Click me", {}, "all" ) );
# Click on text on the MyWidget object
invoke mouseClick [ waitForOcrText "Click me" {} [ waitForObject $names::MyWidget ] ]

# Click on text on multiple objects
invoke mouseClick [ waitForOcrText "Click me" {} { [ waitForObject $names::MyWidget ],
                                                   [ waitForObject $names::MyOtherWidget ] } ]

# Click on text on the left half of the MyWidget object
set bounds [object globalBounds [ waitForObject $names::MyWidget ] ]
property set $bounds width [ expr [ property get $bounds width ] / 2 ]
invoke mouseClick [ waitForOcrText "Click me" {} $bounds ]

# Click on text in the specified area
invoke mouseClick [ waitForOcrText "Click me" {} [ construct ScreenRectangle 100 100 200 300 ] ]

# Click on text on all top-level objects
invoke mouseClick [ waitForOcrText "Click me" {} "all" ]

Interaction Functions

doubleClick(screenPoint, modifierState, button)

doubleClick(screenRectangle, modifierState, button)

This function performs a mouse double click at the position specified by screenPoint or at the center of the rectangle specified by screenRectangle. Both positions are in screen global coordinates. The optional modifierState and button arguments specify keyboard modifiers and the mouse button that are held down during the click. See Squish API Function Parameters for a list of valid modifierState and button values.


This function performs a key press of the specified key keyboard key. This key argument is either a single character or a special key which is written between angle brackets (<>). E.g., "<Ctrl>" for the control key, "<Alt>" for the alt key, "<Shift>", "<Return>" for the enter key and "<Tab>" for the tab key.


This function performs a key release of the specified key keyboard key. This key argument is either a single character or a special key which is written between angle brackets (<>), see keyPress(key).

mouseClick(screenPoint, modifierState, button)

mouseClick(screenRectangle, modifierState, button)

This function performs a mouse click at the position specified by screenPoint or at the center of the rectangle specified by screenRectangle. Both positions are in screen global coordinates. The optional modifierState and button arguments specify keyboard modifiers and the mouse button that are held down during the click. See Squish API Function Parameters for a list of valid modifierState and button values.

mouseMove(x, y)


mouseMove(objectOrName, x, y)

This function moves the mouse to position x and y relative to the top-left of the objectOrName widget if one is specified, or relative to the current screen otherwise.

If no coordinates are specified, the mouse is moved to the middle of the objectOrName widget.

This function is useful if you want to trigger events that need the mouse to be at a particular position. For example, tooltips normally only appear when the mouse is over a certain area.



mousePress(mouseButton, modifierState)

mousePress(x, y, mouseButton)

mousePress(x, y, mouseButton, modifierState)


mousePress(objectOrName, mouseButton)

mousePress(objectOrName, mouseButton, modifierState)

mousePress(objectOrName, x, y, mouseButton)

mousePress(objectOrName, x, y, mouseButton, modifierState)

This function performs a mouse press. All the parameters are optional, but either both or neither of the coordinates (x,y) must be present.

If x and y coordinates are given, the press takes place at those coordinates, either relative to the objectOrName object if one is specified, or relative to the current screen otherwise. If no coordinates are given the press takes place on the middle of the objectOrName object if one is specified, or wherever the mouse happens to be otherwise.

By default MouseButton.LeftButton is used, but this can be changed by specifying the optional mouseButton argument. Similarly a default modifier state of no modifiers is used, but this can be changed by specifying the modifierState argument. See Squish API Function Parameters for which values are valid for the mouseButton argument and for the modifierState argument.

Note: When executing tests on Windows systems, MouseButton.PrimaryButton is used by default instead of MouseButton.LeftButton. This means that Squish will perform a click with the right mouse button in case Windows was configured to have swapped mouse buttons.

There is a toolkit-specific version of this function that may have different arguments: mousePress() (Windows).



mouseRelease(mouseButton, modifierState)

mouseRelease(x, y, mouseButton)

mouseRelease(x, y, mouseButton, modifierState)


mouseRelease(objectOrName, mouseButton)

mouseRelease(objectOrName, mouseButton, modifierState)

mouseRelease(objectOrName, x, y, mouseButton)

mouseRelease(objectOrName, x, y, mouseButton, modifierState)

This function performs a mouse release. All the parameters are optional excepting that either both or neither of the coordinates must be present.

If x and y coordinates are given, the release takes place at those coordinates, either relative to the objectOrName object if one is specified, or relative to the current screen otherwise. If no coordinates are given the release takes place on the middle of the objectOrName object if one is specified, or wherever the mouse happens to be otherwise.

By default MouseButton.LeftButton is used, but this can be changed by specifying the optional mouseButton argument. Similarly a default modifier state of no modifiers is used, but this can be changed by specifying the modifierState argument. See Squish API Function Parameters for which values are valid for the mouseButton argument and for the modifierState argument.

Note: When executing tests on Windows systems, MouseButton.PrimaryButton is used by default instead of MouseButton.LeftButton. This means that Squish will perform a click with the right mouse button in case Windows was configured to have swapped mouse buttons.

There is a toolkit-specific version of this function that may have different arguments: mouseRelease() (Windows).

tapObject(screenPoint, modifierState)

tapObject(screenRectangle, modifierState)

This function performs a touch tap at the position specified by screenPoint or at the center of the rectangle specified by screenRectangle. Both positions are in screen global coordinates. The optional modifierState argument specifies keyboard modifiers that are held down during the click. See Squish API Function Parameters for a list of valid modifierState values.

Debugging Functions

str className(object)

This function returns the object's class name as a string. (A suitable object can be obtained using the Object waitForObject(objectOrName) function or the Object findObject(objectName) function.)

Note: This function is only available to Python test scripts. For other script languages, use the String typeName(object) function.

highlightObject(objectOrName, [msec])

This function highlights the screen position of the object specified by objectOrName through a red rectangle. Such a visual confirmation can be useful if there is doubt about whether an object found via Object waitForObject(objectOrName), ScreenRectangle waitForImage(imageFile, [parameterMap], [searchRegion]) and related functions is the correct object.

The red overlay will remain on the screen for 3 seconds unless overridden by the optional timeout parameter.

Boolean isNull(object)

This function returns a true value if the object is null (e.g., a null-pointer in C++); otherwise it returns a false value. (A suitable object can be obtained using the Object waitForObject(objectOrName) function or the Object findObject(objectName) function.)

String typeName(object)

This function returns the object's class name as a string. (A suitable object can be obtained using the Object waitForObject(objectOrName) function or the Object findObject(objectName) function.) For objects that are created in test scripts, this is their actual type name. For widgets and other application objects, Squish tries to return the correct type name, and if that isn't possible, returns "Object", the name of Squish's generic object type, instead.

JavaScript, Perl, Ruby, and Tcl scripts should always return the correct type name. Python scripts usually return "Object" for application objects, but Squish's API for Python includes the str className(object) function, which returns the correct class name of the object it is given, whether that object is created in a test script or is an application object.


This function will cause the debugger to stop at this position.

test.attachFile(pathToFile, message)

This function will copy the file referenced by pathToFile into the test report directory specified when starting Squish and create an entry in the test report pointing to the file copy if the report generator supports this. The optional message allows to specify a short description of the attachment and will be included in the report as well.

The pathToFile can specify the file to attach using an absolute or a relative path. In the case that a relative is being used it'll be appended to the current working directory of the script interpreter running the test.

Currently only the XML3, the HTML and the JSON report generators have dedicated support for attachments. Other generators can be used with test.attachFile, but will only generate a normal log message including the path to the attached file and the provided message.

The copied file will appear in an attachments subdirectory that is going to be inside a directory named after the testcase. In turn the testcase directory will be inside a directory named after the suite, which is placed in the test report directory. The name of the copied file will match the file name of the originally specified file. If a file of that name already exists in the report directory a number will be added to make the file name unique.

For report generators that do not require specifying a test report directory but rather take a file (like xml2, xml or xmljunit) you can either specify --resultdir when invoking squishrunner to specify the test report directory or Squish will fall back to generate the attachments directory inside the testcase that is currently being executed when test.attachFile is being invoked.


This function will create a screenshot of the desktop from the system where the currently active AUT is running and store that in the test report directory. In addition an entry is being logged in the test report indicating the path of the screenshot file as well as including the specified message.

The screenshot will be stored in the lossless PNG format under the same attachments subdirectory as files attached using the test.attachFile(pathToFile, message) function and thus the same restrictions and comments regarding the used report generator apply for this function too.

This API is a shorthand for test.attachImage(grabDesktopScreenshot(), message).

test.attachImage(image, message)

This function will store the specified image in the test report directory. In addition an entry is being logged in the test report indicating the path of the image file as well as including the specified message.

The image will be stored in the lossless PNG format under the same attachments subdirectory as files attached using the test.attachFile(pathToFile, message) function and thus the same restrictions and comments regarding the used report generator apply for this function too.


This function will start the desktop video capture on the system where the application under test is running. The video file will be stored as part of the test report and logged in the test report using the specified message. The message is optional: if it is not specified, a default message containing the application name will be added to the report.

At any point in the script, there can be only one video capture for a given application context. Attempting to start another video capture on the same application context will result in an error.

The video capture will be stopped when the application under test terminates or is disconnected from, either through the test script commands or as part of the ending of the test case. In case of sudden, unexpected terminations of the application under test, the video file may be incomplete.

The video capture can be explicitly terminated at any point after starting it using the test.stopVideoCapture(message).

If video capture is enabled for all applications through --enable-video-capture commandline option, then this function will only add a log message to the test report (see also Playback option –enable-video-capture).

Note: The video capture feature has some technical limitations listed in Known Video Capture Limitations in our Knowledge Base.


This function will stop the desktop video capture on the system where the application under test is running. The end of the video capture will be logged in the test report using the specified message.The message is optional: if it is not specified, a default message containing the application name will be added to the report.

Attempting to stop video capture where no capture is currently active will result in an exception being thrown. Starting the video capture is done through test.startVideoCapture(message), or by enabling it on the commandline using --enable-video-capture option (see also Playback option –enable-video-capture).

If video capture is enabled for all applications through --enable-video-capture commandline option, then this function will only add a log message to the test report. The video capture will be terminated automatically when the application has been terminated.

Conversion Functions

Object cast(object, type)

Casts the object to the given type and returns a reference to that object, or to a new copy of the object if the object is of an immutable type. (A suitable object can be obtained using the Object waitForObject(objectOrName) function or the Object findObject(objectName) function.) The desired type can be specified either by name (as a string) or by using a type object.

For mutable objects the object itself is modified.

If the cast fails the object reference is returned unchanged.

Note: Python programmers should be aware that integer type conversions such as int(x) will not work; use x = cast(x, int) or x = cast(x, "int") instead. Or if you prefer, do import __builtin__ (Python 2) or import builtins (Python 3), and then use x = __builtin__.int(x) (Python 2) or x = builtins.int(x) (Python 3). This is necessary because Squish implements its own int object in Python.

This function makes it possible to downcast (e.g., from QWidget to QTextEdit). See Event Handlers for Specific Objects for an example of use. See also the Object object.convertTo(object, typeName) function.

Verification Functions

The compare, verify, and exception functions are used to record the results of tests applied to a running AUT in Squish's test log as passes or fails. The other functions can be used to programmatically record any kind of test results in the test log. See also, the Verification Point Creator view and How to Create and Use Verification Points.


This function grabs an image of the screen the AUT is running on and returns it as a Image Object.

var img = grabDesktopScreenshot();
my $img = grabDesktopScreenshot();
img = grabDesktopScreenshot()
img = grabDesktopScreenshot()
set img [grabDesktopScreenshot]
test attachImage $img


This function grabs an image of the screen the AUT is running on and stores it on the computer where the squishide (or squishrunner) is executing.

If no path is specified the file gets stored in the working directory of the squishrunner process. (The default working directory of squishrunner is the path of the test case that it is currently executing.)

If a relative path is specified it is relative to the working directory of the squishrunner process. (The default working directory of squishrunner is the path of the test case that it is currently executing.)

If an absolute path is specified that path is used as is.

The filename should have a suffix denoting the image format to be used. Here's an example of use that is legal in JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and Perl:


And for Tcl:

saveDesktopScreenshot "screen.png"

The available formats vary, but will always include at least the following:

  • .bmp — Windows Bitmap
  • .png — Portable Network Graphics
  • .ppm — Portable Pixmap
  • .xbm — X11 Bitmap (monochrome)
  • .xpm — X11 Pixmap

This API is a shorthand for calling grabDesktopScreenshot() followed by a call to Image.save(fileName) on the resulting image.

saveObjectSnapshot(objectNameOrReference, snapshotImageFile.xml)

This function grabs a snapshot of an object and saves it to the specified file in the xml format. The object snapshot is a state of an object, including all of its properties and its children with children's properties.

If a relative path of the snapshot is specified, it is relative to the working directory of the squishrunner process. (The default working directory of squishrunner is the path of the test case that it is currently executing.)

If an absolute path is specified that path is used as is.

What is actually saved in the snapshot can be customized by making changes to another .xml file located in SQUISHDIR/etc/edition_snapshot_filter.xml, where <edition> is the Squish edition you are using, such as java, qt, web, windows, mac, ios, or android. With this, you can exclude certain classes or properties of classes, and decide if the real name or the symbolic name should be included in the output.

Here's an example of use that is legal in JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and Perl:

saveObjectSnapshot( objectNameOrReference, "objectSnapshot.xml" );

And for Tcl:

saveObjectSnapshot objectNameOrReference "objectSnapshot.xml"

Boolean test.compare(value1, value2)

Boolean test.compare(value1, value2, message)

This function compares value1 and value2, and if they are equal, a test result of type PASS is added to the test log and this function returns a true value. Otherwise a test result of type FAIL is added to the test log and a false value is returned.

If the optional message parameter (of type string—e.g., a comment, bug number, or test plan reference) is present, it will be added to the test result no matter whether the test passed or failed.

The testSettings.breakOnFailure property can be used to make the debugger stop in case the verification fails.

The testSettings.throwOnFailure property can be used to make this function raise a script exception in case the verification fails.

Boolean test.exception(code)

Boolean test.exception(code, message)

This function executes the code passed as a string in code, expecting it to raise an exception. If an exception is raised a test result of type PASS is added to the test log and this function returns a true value. Otherwise a test result of type FAIL is added to the test log and a false value is returned.

If the optional message parameter (of type string—e.g., a comment, bug number, or test plan reference) is present, it will be added to the test result no matter whether the test passed or failed.

The testSettings.breakOnFailure property can be used to make the debugger stop in case the given code did not raise an exception.

The testSettings.throwOnFailure property can be used to make this function raise a script exception in case the given code did not raise an exception.


test.fail(message, detail)

This function unconditionally adds a FAIL entry to Squish's test log with the given message string, and with the detail string, if one is given.

The testSettings.breakOnFailure property can be used to make the debugger stop at this function.

The testSettings.throwOnFailure property can be used to make this function additionally raise a script exception.


test.fatal(message, detail)

This function unconditionally adds a FATAL entry to Squish's test log with the given message string, and with the detail string, if one is given.

The testSettings.breakOnFailure property can be used to make the debugger stop at this function.

The testSettings.throwOnFailure property can be used to make this function additionally raise a script exception.


test.log(message, detail)

This function unconditionally adds a LOG entry to Squish's test log with the given message string, and with the detail string, if one is given.


test.pass(message, detail)

This function unconditionally adds a PASS entry to Squish's test log with the given message string, and with the detail string, if one is given.

Note: Since pass is a reserved word in Python, the Python version of this function is called test.passes.


This function returns the number of results of the given resultCategory of the current test case. The resultCategory must be one of the strings: "errors", "fails", "fatals", "passes", "testcases", "tests", "warnings", "xfails", or "xpasses".

The result counts are only gathered for the currently running test case.

Boolean test.verify(condition)

Boolean test.verify(condition, message)

This function evaluates the condition and if it evaluates to a true value (e.g., true or 1), a test result of type PASS is added to the test log. Otherwise a result of type FAIL is added to the test log. In either case the function returns the result of evaluating the condition, (i.e., a true value on PASS and a false value on FAIL).

If the optional message parameter (of type string—e.g., a comment, bug number, or test plan reference) is present, it will be added to the test result whether the test passed or failed.

The testSettings.breakOnFailure property can be used to make the debugger stop in case the verification fails.

The testSettings.throwOnFailure property can be used to make this function raise a script exception in case the verification fails.

Boolean test.vp(name)

Boolean test.vp(name, message)

This function executes the verification point called name. If the verification point's comparison succeeds, a test result of type PASS is added to the test log and this function returns a true value. Otherwise a result of type FAIL is added to the test log and a false value is returned.

If the verification point refers to an object that is not found, the function will return a false value, and possibly pop up an object not found dialog, if Squish is configured that way.

If the optional message parameter (of type string—e.g., a comment, bug number, or test plan reference) is present, it will be added to the test result whether the test passed or failed.

In the event of a FAIL, the testcase proceeds to the next test statement unless squishrunner is configured to --abortOnFail.

The testSettings.breakOnFailure property can be used to make the debugger stop in case the verification fails.

The testSettings.throwOnFailure property can be used to make this function raise a script exception in case the verification fails.

Boolean test.vpWithObject(name, objectNameOrReference)

This function executes the verification point called name where comparison will be performed with the objectNameOrReference instead of an object present in the VP file. If the verification point's comparison succeeds, a test result of type PASS is added to the test log and this function returns a true value. Otherwise a result of type FAIL is added to the test log and a false value is returned. If the VP contains/verifies more than a single object, test.vpWithObject() will log an ERROR.

The testSettings.breakOnFailure property can be used to make the debugger stop in case the verification fails.

The testSettings.throwOnFailure property can be used to make this function raise a script exception in case the verification fails.

Boolean test.vpWithImage(name, imageOrFilePath)

This function executes the screenshot verification point called name where comparison will be performed with the imageOrFilePath instead of obtaining a screenshot of the object specified in the verification point file. The imageOrFilePath can be either a Image object or a path to the image file. If the verification point's comparison succeeds, a test result of type PASS is added to the test log and this function returns a true value. Otherwise a result of type FAIL is added to the test log and a false value is returned. If the VP contains/verifies more than a single object or is not a screenshot VP, test.vpWithImage() will log an ERROR.

The testSettings.breakOnFailure property can be used to make the debugger stop in case the verification fails.

The testSettings.throwOnFailure property can be used to make this function raise a script exception in case the verification fails.


test.warning(message, detail)

This function unconditionally adds a WARNING entry to Squish's test log with the given message string, and with the detail string, if one is given.


test.skip(message, detail)

This function skips further execution of the current script test case, or the current BDD scenario (or BDD scenario outline iteration), by throwing an exception and adding a SKIPPED entry to Squish's test log with the given message string, and with the detail string, if one is given. If the test case logged verification failures before the skip, it is still considered failed.

Boolean test.xcompare(value1, value2)

Boolean test.xcompare(value1, value2, message)

This function is used to handle expected failures in test scripts. To test for bugs that should be fixed one day.

The function compares value1 and value2, and if they are not equal, a test result of type XFAIL (eXpected FAILure) is added to the test log and this function returns a false value. Otherwise a test result of type XPASS (uneXpected PASS) is added to the test log and a true value is returned.

The 'expected fail' result is intended for cases where you know a comparison or verification will go wrong right now due to a bug in the AUT

In test cases where you want to ensure that a property never has a certain value, we suggest using test.verify(), or to use test.fail() directly with an if-construct.

If the optional message parameter (of type string—e.g., a comment, bug number, or test plan reference) is present, it will be added to the test result whether the test passed or failed.

The testSettings.breakOnFailure property can be used to make the debugger stop in case the verification passes unexpectedly.

The testSettings.throwOnFailure property can be used to make this function raise a script exception in case the verification passes unexpectedly.


test.xfail(message, detail)

This function unconditionally adds an XFAIL (eXpected FAILure) entry to Squish's test log with the given message string, and with the detail string, if one is given. The 'expected fail' result is intended for cases where you know a comparison or verification will go wrong right now due to a bug in the AUT.


test.xpass(message, detail)

This function unconditionally adds an XPASS (uneXpected PASS) entry to Squish's test log with the given message string, and with the detail string, if one is given.

Note: The Python version of this function is called test.xpasses, so that it is consistent with the naming of test.passes in the Python API.

Boolean test.xverify(condition)

Boolean test.xverify(condition, message)

This function is used to test for expected failures in test scripts. For handling of bugs that should be fixed one day.

The function evaluates the condition and if it evaluates to a false value (e.g., anything that isn't true or that's non-zero), a test result of type XFAIL (eXpected FAILure) is added to the test log. Otherwise a test result of type XPASS (uneXpected PASS) is added. In either case the function returns the result of evaluating the condition, (i.e., a false value on XFAIL and a true value on XPASS).

If the optional message parameter (of type string—e.g., a comment, bug number, or test plan reference) is present, it will be added to the test result whether the test passed or failed.

The testSettings.breakOnFailure property can be used to make the debugger stop in case the verification passes unexpectedly.

The testSettings.throwOnFailure property can be used to make this function raise a script exception in case the verification passes unexpectedly.

Boolean test.xvp(name)

Boolean test.xvp(name, message)

This function is used to test expected verification point failures. For handling of bugs that should be fixed one day.

This function executes the verification point called name. If the verification point's comparison fails, a test result of type XFAIL (eXpected FAILure) is added to the test log and this function returns a true value. Otherwise a result of type XPASS (uneXpected PASS) is added to the test log and a false value is returned.

If the verification point refers to an object that is not found, the function will return a false value, and possibly pop up an object not found dialog, if Squish is configured that way.

If the optional message parameter (of type string—e.g., a comment, bug number, or test plan reference) is present, it will be added to the test result whether the test passed or failed.

In the event of a XPASS, the testcase proceeds to the next test statement unless squishrunner is configured to --abortOnFail.

The testSettings.breakOnFailure property can be used to make the debugger stop in case the verification passes unexpectedly.

The testSettings.throwOnFailure property can be used to make this function raise a script exception in case the verification passes unexpectedly.

StackTrace test.stackTrace()

StackTrace test.stackTrace(startFrame)

StackTrace test.stackTrace(startFrameIndex, maxFrameCount)

This function returns a list of stack frames representing the currently active function calls. The first element in the list contains information about the location of the StackTrace test.stackTrace() call itself, the second element contains information about its caller and so on. The last element in the list is usually the main function call.

Each stack frame value in the returned list features two fields:

  • fileName: The name of the source file in which the function call was done.
  • line: The line number in the script file in which the function call was done.

If the optional startFrameIndex parameter (a number) is given, the given number of most recent frames will be skipped. This is useful for retrieving stack traces from framework functions, in which case the stack trace should possibly not include the code internal to the framework itself. If this parameter is not given it defaults to zero, i.e., no frames are skipped.

If both startFrameIndex as well as maxFrameCount are given, the stack trace will be limited to maxFrameCount frames, i.e., it will not be computed all the way back to the initial call to the main function. This can improve performance for deeply nested script frameworks.




These functions temporarily enforce that test results created by other Squish functions such as Boolean test.xcompare(value1, value2) or Boolean test.verify(condition) will have their report entry rewritten such that the location of the result entry is no longer the place where text.xcompare was called but rather any of the ancestors frames of the current function.

The test.fixateResultContext function adjusts the call stack frame which is used when generating test result entries; by default, it will rewrite the location of all result entries such that they seem to stem from the parent stack frame. The same effect can be achieved by passing an optional argument 1. You can pass other values to reference other ancestor stack frames, e.g., 2 would reference the grand-parent stack framer (the caller of the caller).

Use the test.restoreResultContext to revert the effect of a previous test.fixateResultContext call. Note that the calls can be nested, i.e., multiple subsequent calls to fixateResultContext requires that restoreResultContext gets called multiple times as well.

Here are some examples; note how the test result entry triggered by the call to test.compare will be logged with a location pointing into the main function, not into the libraryFunction function:

def libraryFunction():
  test.compare("Apples", "Oranges")

def main():
function libraryFunction()
  test.compare("Apples", "Oranges");

function main()
sub libraryFunction
  test::compare("Apples", "Oranges");

sub main
require 'squish'

include Squish

def libraryFunction
  Test.compare("Apples", "Oranges")

def main
proc libraryFunction {} {
  test fixateResultContext 1
  test compare "Apples" "Oranges"
  test restoreResultContext

proc main {} {
  • The script file location which is associated with the comparison in case fixateResultContext/restoreResultContext is not used. This is the default - test results are associated with the location of the respective test statement.
  • The script file location which is associated with the comparison with fixateResultContext/restoreResultContext used as shown here. Due to the fixateResultContext call, the test result generated by the test.compare statement is reported at the call site, i.e., the place where libraryFunction is called.

Note: Omitting a call to test.restoreResultContext after calling test.fixateResultContext can result in very misleading test reports.

Boolean test.imagePresent(imageFile, [parameterMap], [searchRegion])

Boolean test.imageNotPresent(imageFile, [parameterMap], [searchRegion])

This function will perform a search of the template image as stored in imageFile on the display also showing the currently running application. On success a test result of type PASS is added to the test log and the function returns true. Otherwise a test result of type FAIL is added to the test log and the function returns false.

The imageNotPresent() variant of the function works exactly the same as imagePresent(), except it waits for the image NOT to be found. It can be used to verify the image absence.

The search for the sub-image is performed left to right, top to bottom. The first successful match is selected. For selection of other matches use the occurrence parameter as described below.

All available screens making up the desktop will be searched. At least on Windows and X11-based systems. For searches on multi-screen setup on macOS please inquire with technical support.

The search behavior can be configured through entries passed via the optional parameterMap argument.

  • occurrence - The occurrence index. By default the first match (with index 1) will be selected. Index values 2 and higher will select consecutive matches.
  • interval - Number of milliseconds to wait in between image search retries. The default is 1000 (1 second).
  • timeout - Amount of time in milliseconds to search for an image before reporting that the image is not found. The default is 20000 (20 seconds).
  • tolerant - Boolean switch that enables tolerant image search mode. In this mode some differences between the template image and the desktop screenshot are allowed. The default value is the value of testSettings.imageSearchTolerant property.
  • threshold - Threshold on the correlation between template image and a desktop screenshot, expressed as a percentage. A correlation higher than the threshold is considered a match against the template image. Usable values for this parameter usually fall between 99.0 and 100.0. The default value is the value of the testSettings.imageSearchThreshold property. This parameter is ignored if the tolerant parameter is set to false.
  • multiscale - Boolean switch that enables scaled image search mode. In this mode the template image is expanded into a series of images of different sizes. Those image are subsequently used as template images for the image search. The default value is the value of the testSettings.imageSearchMultiscale property. This parameter is ignored if the tolerant parameter is set to false.
  • minScale - Lower bound on the template image series sizes, expressed as a percentage. The resized template image sizes will span between minScale and maxScale of the original image size. The default value is the value of the testSettings.imageSearchMinScale property. This parameter is ignored if either the tolerant or the multiscale parameters are set to false.
  • maxScale Upper bound on the template image series sizes, expressed as a percentage. The resized template image sizes will span between minScale and maxScale of the original image size. The default value is the value of the testSettings.imageSearchMaxScale property. This parameter is ignored if either the tolerant or the multiscale parameters are set to false.
  • message - An optional detailed description (of type string) added to the test result no matter whether the test passed or failed, much like message argument of Boolean test.compare(value1, value2).
# Verify the icon.png is displayed
# Verify the icon.png is displayed at least twice
test.imagePresent("icon.png", {"occurrence": 2})
// Verify the icon.png is displayed
// Verify the icon.png is displayed at least twice
test.imagePresent("icon.png", {"occurrence": 2});
# Verify the icon.png is displayed
# Verify the icon.png is displayed at least twice
test::imagePresent("icon.png", {"occurrence" => 2})
# Verify the icon.png is displayed
# Verify the icon.png is displayed at least twice
Test.imagePresent("icon.png", {"occurrence" => 2})
# Verify the icon.png is displayed
test imagePresent "icon.png"
# Verify the icon.png is displayed at least twice
test imagePresent "icon.png" {"occurrence": 2}

By default this function will repeatedly grab the screen content until an image is found or until 20 seconds have passed. Longer (or shorter) waiting periods can be set in milliseconds via a timeout value passed through the parameterMap.

The matching algorithm performs a pixel-by-pixel color value comparison. The screen content and sub-image content therefore have to match 100% unless the tolerant search mode is enabled.

# Verify the icon.png is displayed
test.imagePresent( "icon.png", {'tolerant': True,
                                'threshold': 99.7,
                                'multiscale': True,
                                'minScale': 100.0,
                                'maxScale': 150.0})
// Verify the icon.png is displayed
test.imagePresent("icon.png", {tolerant: true,
                               threshold: 99.7,
                               multiscale: true,
                               minScale: 100.0,
                               maxScale: 150.0});
# Verify the icon.png is displayed
test::imagePresent("icon.png", {tolerant => true,
                                threshold => 99.7,
                                multiscale => true,
                                minScale => 100.0,
                                maxScale => 150.0}) );
# Verify the icon.png is displayed
Test.imagePresent("icon.png", {"tolerant" => true,
                               "threshold" => 99.7,
                               "multiscale" => true,
                               "minScale" => 100.0,
                               "maxScale" => 150.0}) )
# Verify the icon.png is displayed
test imagePresent "icon.png" {tolerant true \
                              threshold 99.7 \
                              multiscale true \
                              minScale 100.0 \
                              maxScale 150.0}

In case a searchRegion is specified as the last argument, the search is performed only within the area corresponding to it. The search region can be an AUT object, a ScreenRectangle object or an array of such objects. It can also be a special string value "all", in which case all top-level objects are used.

The searchRegion can also be an Image Object object. In such case no new screenshots are taken and the specified image is used instead. Currently it is not possible to limit the search scope to a portion of an Image object; please use the Image.copy() to cut the relevant section. Since the Image object specified as the search region cannot possibly change overtime, this function will not perform the image search repetitively and will return the result immediately.

# Verify the icon.png is displayed on the MyWidget object
test.imagePresent("icon.png", {}, waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) )

# Verify the icon.png is displayed on multiple objects
test.imagePresent("icon.png", {}, [ waitForObject( names.MyWidget ),
                            waitForObject( names.MyOtherWidget ) ] )

# Verify the icon.png is displayed on the left half of the MyWidget object
bounds = object.globalBounds( waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) )
bounds.width = bounds.width / 2
test.imagePresent("icon.png", {}, bounds )

# Verify the icon.png is displayed in the specified area
test.imagePresent("icon.png", {}, UiTypes.ScreenRectangle( 100, 100, 200, 300 ) )

# Verify the icon.png is displayed on all top-level objects
test.imagePresent("icon.png", {}, "all" )
// Verify the icon.png is displayed on the MyWidget object
test.imagePresent("icon.png", {}, waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) );

// Verify the icon.png is displayed on multiple objects
test.imagePresent("icon.png", {}, [ waitForObject( names.MyWidget ),
                            waitForObject( names.MyOtherWidget ) ] );

// Verify the icon.png is displayed on the left half of the MyWidget object
var bounds = object.globalBounds( waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) );
bounds.width = bounds.width / 2
test.imagePresent("icon.png", {}, bounds );

// Verify the icon.png is displayed in the specified area
test.imagePresent("icon.png", {}, UiTypes.ScreenRectangle( 100, 100, 200, 300 ) );

// Verify the icon.png is displayed on all top-level objects
test.imagePresent("icon.png", {}, "all" );
# Verify the icon.png is displayed on the MyWidget object
test::imagePresent("icon.png", {}, waitForObject( names::MyWidget ) );

# Verify the icon.png is displayed on multiple objects
test::imagePresent("icon.png", {}, ( waitForObject( names::MyWidget ),
                            waitForObject( names::MyOtherWidget ) ) );

# Verify the icon.png is displayed on the left half of the MyWidget object
my $bounds = object::globalBounds( waitForObject( names::MyWidget ) );
$bounds->width = $bounds->width / 2;
test::imagePresent("icon.png", {}, bounds );

# Verify the icon.png is displayed in the specified area
test::imagePresent("icon.png", {}, new UiTypes::ScreenRectangle( 100, 100, 200, 300 ) );

# Verify the icon.png is displayed on all top-level objects
test::imagePresent("icon.png", {}, "all" )
# Verify the icon.png is displayed on the MyWidget object
Test.imagePresent("icon.png", {}, waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) );

# Verify the icon.png is displayed on multiple objects
Test.imagePresent("icon.png", {}, [ waitForObject( names.MyWidget ),
                            waitForObject( names.MyOtherWidget ) ] );

# Verify the icon.png is displayed on the left half of the MyWidget object
bounds = Squish::Object.globalBounds( waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) );
bounds.width = bounds.width / 2
Test.imagePresent("icon.png", {}, bounds );

# Verify the icon.png is displayed in the specified area
Test.imagePresent("icon.png", {}, UiTypes::ScreenRectangle.new( 100, 100, 200, 300 ) );

# Verify the icon.png is displayed on all top-level objects
Test.imagePresent("icon.png", {}, "all" );
# Verify the icon.png is displayed on the MyWidget object
test imagePresent "icon.png" {} [ waitForObject $names::MyWidget ]

# Verify the icon.png is displayed on multiple objects
test imagePresent "icon.png" {} { [ waitForObject $names::MyWidget ],
                                   [ waitForObject $names::MyOtherWidget ] }

# Verify the icon.png is displayed on the left half of the MyWidget object
set bounds [object globalBounds [ waitForObject $names::MyWidget ] ]
property set $bounds width [ expr [ property get $bounds width ] / 2 ]
test imagePresent "icon.png" {} $bounds

# Verify the icon.png is displayed in the specified area
test imagePresent "icon.png" {} [ construct ScreenRectangle 100 100 200 300 ]

# Verify the icon.png is displayed on all top-level objects
test imagePresent "icon.png" {} "all"

Boolean test.ocrTextPresent(text, [parameterMap], [searchRegion])

Boolean test.ocrTextNotPresent(text, [parameterMap], [searchRegion])

This function will perform optical character recognition on the display also showing the currently running application and search for the specific text within the result set. If the specified text is present, a test result of type PASS is added to the test log and the function returns true. Otherwise a test result of type FAIL is added to the test log and the function returns false.

The ocrTextNotPresent() variant of the function works exactly the same as ocrTextPresent(), except it waits for the text NOT to be found. It can be used to verify the text absence.

The OCR will be performed over all available screens making up the desktop. At least on Windows and X11-based systems. For OCR on multi-screen setup on macOS please inquire with technical support.

The search behavior can be configured through entries passed via the optional parameterMap argument.

  • interval - Minimal number of milliseconds to wait in between OCR search retries. The default is 1000 (1 second). The actual interval between separate OCR attempts is dependent on OCR engine performance, and may be significantly longer.
  • timeout - Amount of time in milliseconds to search for the specified text before reporting that the text is not found. The default is 20000 (20 seconds).
  • occurrence - The occurrence index. By default the first text match (with index 1) will be returned. Index values 2 and higher will select consecutive matches as far as available.
  • language - The language hint for OCR engine. Use an empty string to use the OCR engine defaults. The default value is the value of testSettings.defaultOcrLanguage property.
  • profiles - An array of OCR engine specific profile names. This parameter is used only with engines that support profiles.
  • options - A map of engine-specific option names and values. These options are passed to the OCR engine after loading the specified profiles.
  • scaleFactor - Image up-scale factor. The source image is upscaled by that factor before it is passed to the OCR engine. The default value is 3.5. It can be set to a lower value to improve the OCR performance in case the text is rendered with a large font.
  • message - An optional detailed description (of type string) added to the test result no matter whether the test passed or failed, much like message argument of Boolean test.compare(value1, value2).
# Verify the 'Hier klicken' German text is displayed at least twice
test.ocrTextPresent("Hier klicken", {"occurrence": 2, "language": "German"})
// Verify the 'Hier klicken' German text is displayed at least twice
test.ocrTextPresent("Hier klicken", {occurrence: 2, language: "German"});
# Verify the 'Hier klicken' German text is displayed at least twice
test::ocrTextPresent("Hier klicken", {"occurrence" => 2, "language" => "German"});
# Verify the 'Hier klicken' German text is displayed at least twice
Test.ocrTextPresent("Hier klicken", {"occurrence" => 2, "language" => "German"})
# Verify the 'Hier klicken' German text is displayed at least twice
test ocrTextPresent "Hier klicken" {occurrence 2 language "German"}

By default this function will repeatedly grab the screen content until the specified text is found or until 20 seconds have passed. Longer (or shorter) waiting periods can be set in milliseconds via a timeout value passed through the parameterMap.

In case a searchRegion is specified as the last argument, the OCR is performed only within the area corresponding to it. The search region can be an AUT object, a ScreenRectangle object or an array of such objects. It can also be a special string value "all", in which case all top-level objects are used.

The searchRegion can also be an Image Object object. In such case no new screenshots are taken and the specified image is used instead. Currently it is not possible to limit the OCR scope to a portion of an Image object; please use the Image.copy() to cut the relevant section. Since the Image object specified as the search region cannot possibly change overtime, this function will not perform the OCR repetitively and will return the results immediately.

# Verify the 'Click me' text is displayed on the MyWidget object
test.ocrTextPresent( "Click me", {}, waitForObject( names.MyWidget )

# Verify the 'Click me' text is displayed on multiple objects
test.ocrTextPresent( "Click me", {}, [ waitForObject( names.MyWidget ),
                                       waitForObject( names.MyOtherWidget ) ] )

# Verify the 'Click me' text is displayed on the left half of the MyWidget object
bounds = object.globalBounds( waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) )
bounds.width = bounds.width / 2
test.ocrTextPresent( "Click me", {}, bounds )

# Verify the 'Click me' text is displayed in the specified area
test.ocrTextPresent( "Click me", {}, UiTypes.ScreenRectangle( 100, 100, 200, 300 ) )

# Verify the 'Click me' text is displayed on all top-level objects
test.ocrTextPresent( "Click me", {}, "all" )
# Verify the 'Click me' text is displayed on the MyWidget object
test.ocrTextPresent( "Click me", {}, waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) );

// Verify the 'Click me' text is displayed on multiple objects
test.ocrTextPresent( "Click me", {}, [ waitForObject( names.MyWidget ),
                                       waitForObject( names.MyOtherWidget ) ] );

// Verify the 'Click me' text is displayed on the left half of the MyWidget object
var bounds = object.globalBounds( waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) );
bounds.width = bounds.width / 2
test.ocrTextPresent( "Click me", {}, bounds );

// Verify the 'Click me' text is displayed in the specified area
test.ocrTextPresent( "Click me", {}, new UiTypes.ScreenRectangle( 100, 100, 200, 300 ) );

// Verify the 'Click me' text is displayed on all top-level objects
test.ocrTextPresent( "Click me", {}, "all" );
# Verify the 'Click me' text is displayed on the MyWidget object
test::ocrTextPresent( "Click me", {}, waitForObject( names::MyWidget ) );

# Verify the 'Click me' text is displayed on multiple objects
test::ocrTextPresent( "Click me", {}, ( waitForObject( names::MyWidget ),
                                              waitForObject( names::MyOtherWidget ) ) );

# Verify the 'Click me' text is displayed on the left half of the MyWidget object
my $bounds = object::globalBounds( waitForObject( names::MyWidget ) );
$bounds->width = $bounds->width / 2;
test::ocrTextPresent( "Click me", {}, bounds );

# Verify the 'Click me' text is displayed in the specified area
test::ocrTextPresent( "Click me", {}, new UiTypes::ScreenRectangle( 100, 100, 200, 300 ) );

# Verify the 'Click me' text is displayed on all top-level objects
test::ocrTextPresent( "Click me", {}, "all" );
# Verify the 'Click me' text is displayed on the MyWidget object
Test.ocrTextPresent( "Click me", {}, waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) );

# Verify the 'Click me' text is displayed on multiple objects
Test.ocrTextPresent( "Click me", {}, [ waitForObject( names.MyWidget ),
                                       waitForObject( names.MyOtherWidget ) ] );

# Verify the 'Click me' text is displayed on the left half of the MyWidget object
bounds = Squish::Object.globalBounds( waitForObject( names.MyWidget ) );
bounds.width = bounds.width / 2
Test.ocrTextPresent( "Click me", {}, bounds );

# Verify the 'Click me' text is displayed in the specified area
Test.ocrTextPresent( "Click me", {}, UiTypes::ScreenRectangle.new( 100, 100, 200, 300 ) );

# Verify the 'Click me' text is displayed on all top-level objects
Test.ocrTextPresent( "Click me", {}, "all" );
# Verify the 'Click me' text is displayed on the MyWidget object
test ocrTextPresent "Click me" {} [ waitForObject $names::MyWidget ]

# Verify the 'Click me' text is displayed on multiple objects
test ocrTextPresent "Click me" {} { [ waitForObject $names::MyWidget ],
                                    [ waitForObject $names::MyOtherWidget ] }

# Verify the 'Click me' text is displayed on the left half of the MyWidget object
set bounds [object globalBounds [ waitForObject $names::MyWidget ] ]
property set $bounds width [ expr [ property get $bounds width ] / 2 ]
test ocrTextPresent "Click me" {} $bounds

# Verify the 'Click me' text is displayed in the specified area
test ocrTextPresent "Click me" {} [ construct ScreenRectangle 100 100 200 300 ]

# Verify the 'Click me' text is displayed on all top-level objects
test ocrTextPresent "Click me" {} "all"

Ensuring that functions are always called pairwise

Some functions need to be called in pairs to work correctly. For instance, fixateResultContext & restoreResultContext should go together, just like startsection & endSection. In order to ensure that this is the case even when script exceptions are raised (or the control flow could bypass one of the statements by other means, e.g., a return; statement), it is advisable to wrap the calls to the function pairs into helper functions which ensure that they always go together.

Here are some examples for how to ensure that fixateResultContext and restoreResultContext always go together. The same approach is applicable to startSection & endSection:

# Python 2.5 or newer
def resultsReportedAtCallsite(ancestorLevel = 1):
    class Ctx:
        def __enter__(self):
            test.fixateResultContext(ancestorLevel + 1)
        def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
    return Ctx()

def libraryFunction():
    with resultsReportedAtCallsite():
        test.compare("Apples", "Oranges")
# Python 2.4 or earlier; these versions don't have the 'with' statement yet.
def withResultsReportedAtCallsite(callable, ancestorLevel = 1):
    test.fixateResultContext(ancestorLevel + 1)
        return callable()

def libraryFunction():
    def go():
        test.compare("Apples", "Oranges")
function withResultsReportedAtCallsite(f)
    try {
        return f();
    } finally {

function libraryFunction()
    withResultsReportedAtCallsite(function() {
        test.compare("Apples", "Oranges");
sub withResultsReportedAtCallsite {
    my $code = shift;

sub libraryFunction
    withResultsReportedAtCallsite sub {
        test::compare("Apples", "Oranges");
require 'squish'

include Squish

def withResultsReportedAtCallsite
  Test.fixateResultContext( 2 )

def libraryFunction
  withResultsReportedAtCallsite do
    Test.compare("Apples", "Oranges")
proc withResultsReportedAtCallsite {body} {
    test fixateResultContext 2
    uplevel 1 $body
    test restoreResultContext

proc libraryFunction {} {
    withResultsReportedAtCallsite {
        test compare "Apples" "Oranges"

Grouping test results into sections


test.startSection(title, description)


These functions can be used to group test results into logical units. A set of comparison or log/warning statements can be enclosed in startSection/endSection to have it logged as a distinct result section. The squishide will display result sections as a nested set of test results. Executing tests on the commandline will, except when the XML3 report generator is used, get log messages added to the test report whenever a section starts or ends.

Note: Omitting a call to test.endSection after calling test.startSection can result in very misleading or malformed test reports. For possible solutions, see Ensuring that functions are always called pairwise.

Comparing Files

Boolean test.compareTextFiles(expectedFilePath, actualFilePath)

Boolean test.compareTextFiles(expectedFilePath, actualFilePath, options)

This function compares the expected file specified by expectedFilePath and compares it to the actual file specified by actualFilePath. If they are equal a test result of type PASS is added to the test log and the function returns a true value. Otherwise a test result of type FAIL is added to the test log and a false value is returned. If the files are different a diff that shows which lines have changed is created which can be found in the test result message details.

The optional parameter options can be specified as a map or dictionary. So far the following options can be set:

  • strictLineEndings : If this is set to true the function will pick up if two files use different line endings (e.g., CR+LF on windows or LF on unix). The default is false.
//example 1: no options
test.compareTextFiles("expected.txt", "actual.txt");

//example 2: with options
test.compareTextFiles("expected.txt", "actual.txt", {'strictLineEndings': true});
#example 1: no options
test::compareTextFiles("expected.txt", "actual.txt");

#example 2: with options
test::compareTextFiles("expected.txt", "actual.txt", {"strictLineEndings" => 1});
#example 1: no options
test.compareTextFiles("expected.txt", "actual.txt")

#example 2: with options
test.compareTextFiles("expected.txt", "actual.txt", {'strictLineEndings': True})
#example 1: no options
Test.compareTextFiles("expected.txt", "actual.txt")

#example 2: with options
Test.compareTextFiles("expected.txt", "actual.txt", {'strictLineEndings' => True})
#example 1: no options
test compareTextFiles "expected.txt" "actual.txt"

#example 2: with options
test compareTextFiles "expected.txt" "actual.txt" [dict create strictLineEndings 1]

Boolean test.compareXMLFiles(expectedFilePath, actualFilePath)

Boolean test.compareXMLFiles(expectedFilePath, actualFilePath, options)

This function compares the expected XML file specified by expectedFilePath with the actual XML file specified by actualFilePath. If they are equal, a test result of type PASS is added to the test log and this function returns a true value. Otherwise a test result of type FAIL is added to the test log and a false value is returned. If the files are different the result message details will show in which line and for what reason the comparison failed.

The optional parameter options can be specified as a map or dictionary. So far the following options can be set:

  • ignoreNodeOrder : If this is set to true the function will ignore the order of elements on the same level, i.e., with the same parent element. The default is false.
  • ignoreAttributeOrder : If this is set to true the function will ignore the order of attributes inside an element. The default is true.
  • ignoreComments : If this is set to true the function will ignore all comments. If it is set to false all comments are compared. The default is true.
  • whitespaceInTextHandling : This option can be used to control how whitespaces inside of text elements are processed. This can be set to either preserve, normalize or trim. If this is set to preserve all whitespaces are kept, if this is set to normalize all whitespaces will be normalized and if this is set to trim whitespaces at the start and end of the text elements are removed. The default is normalize.
  • whitespaceInValuesHandling : This option can be used to control how whitespaces inside of attribute values are processed. This can be set to either preserve, normalize or trim. If this is set to preserve all whitespaces are kept, if this is set to normalize all whitespaces will be normalized and if this is set to trim whitespaces at the start and end of the attribute values are removed. The default is preserve.
  • ignoreCDATA : If this is set to true only the text inside the CDATA tags will be compared. The tags itself will be ignored. If this is set to false the tags will also be compared. The default is true.
  • matchSpecialTags : If this is set to true special tags like the declaration, processing instructions and doctype tags will also be compared by value. The default is false.
  • filteredElements : This option accepts a list/array of strings representing tag names. Tags that have a name contained inside the filtered elements list will be ignored when comparing the two documents.
  • filteredAttributes : This option accepts a list/array of strings representing attribute names. Attributes that have a name contained inside the filtered attributes list will be ignored when comparing the two documents.

You can also compare XML files with the Boolean test.compareTextFiles(expectedFilePath, actualFilePath) function but this function has the advantage that it does not consider the file formatting. Instead it looks directly at the structure of the files and compares nodes and attributes.

//example 1: no options
test.compareXMLFiles("expected.xml", "actual.xml");

//example 2: you only need to specify the options you need
test.compareXMLFiles("expected.xml", "actual.xml", {'ignoreNodeOrder': false});

//example 3: with filtered attributes and elements
filteredAttributes = ["version", "xmlns"];
filteredElements = ["uri"];
options = {'ignoreNodeOrder': false,
           'ignoreAttributeOrder': true,
           'filteredAttributes': filteredAttributes,
           'filteredElements': filteredElements,
test.compareXMLFiles("expected.xml", "actual.xml", options);
#example 1: no options
test::compareXMLFiles("expected.xml", "actual.xml");

#example 2: you only need to specify the options you need
test::compareXMLFiles("expected.xml", "actual.xml", {"ignoreNodeOrder" => 0});

#example 3: with filtered attributes and elements
my $filteredAttributes = ["version", "xmlns"];
my $filteredElements = ["uri"];
my $options = {"ignoreNodeOrder" => 0,
               "ignoreAttributeOrder" => 1,
               "filteredAttributes" => $filteredAttributes,
               "filteredElements" => $filteredElements,
               "whitespaceInTextHandling" => "trim"};
test::compareXMLFiles("expected.xml", "actual.xml", $options);
#example 1: no options
test.compareXMLFiles("expected.xml", "actual.xml")

#example 2: you only need to specify the options you need
test.compareXMLFiles("expected.xml", "actual.xml", {'ignoreNodeOrder': False})

#example 3: with filtered attributes and elements
filteredAttributes = ["version", "xmlns"]
filteredElements = ["uri"]
options = {'ignoreNodeOrder': False,
           'ignoreAttributeOrder': True,
           'filteredAttributes': filteredAttributes,
           'filteredElements': filteredElements,
test.compareXMLFiles("expected.xml", "actual.xml", options)
#example 1: no options
Test.compareXMLFiles("expected.xml", "actual.xml")

#example 2: you only need to specify the options you need
Test.compareXMLFiles("expected.xml", "actual.xml", {'ignoreNodeOrder' => false})

#example 3: with filtered attributes and elements
filteredAttributes = ["version", "xmlns"]
filteredElements = ["uri"]
options = {'ignoreNodeOrder' => false,
           'ignoreAttributeOrder' => true,
           'filteredAttributes' => filteredAttributes,
           'filteredElements' => filteredElements,
           'whitespaceInTextHandling' => 'trim'}
Test.compareXMLFiles("expected.xml", "actual.xml", options)
#example 1: no options
test compareXMLFiles "expected.xml" "actual.xml"

#example 2: you only need to specify the options you need
test compareXMLFiles "expected.xml" "actual.xml" [dict create ignoreNodeOrder 0]

#example 3: with filtered attributes and elements
set filteredAttributes [list version xmlns]
set filteredElements [list uri]
set options [dict create ignoreNodeOrder 0 \
                         ignoreAttributeOrder 1 \
                         filteredAttributes $filteredAttributes \
                         filteredElements $filteredElements \
                         whitespaceInTextHandling trim]
test compareXMLFiles "expected.xml" "actual.xml" $options

Boolean test.compareJSONFiles(expectedFilePath, actualFilePath)

This function compares the expected JSON file specified by expectedFilePath with the actual JSON file specified by actualFilePath. If they are equal, a test result of type PASS is added to the test log and this function returns a true value. Otherwise a test result of type FAIL is added to the test log and a false value is returned. If the files are different the result message details will show for what reason the comparison failed as well as a textual diff.

Note: Due to features and constraints of the used JSON library, non-standard and possibly unwanted JSON might pass the test. Validate the JSON files and make sure their names are unique before calling them with test.compareJSONFiles.

Script-based Creation of Visual Verification Points

createVisualVP(objectNameOrReference, vpFile)

This function creates a Visual Verification Point named vpFile to be used with Boolean test.vp(name) and Boolean test.xvp(name) in a later test run. Whereas this action is typically performed via point & click in the squishide.

The expected visual state is determined through an internal call to saveObjectSnapshot(objectNameOrReference, snapshotImageFile.xml) for the object denoted by objectNameOrReference.

The newly created verification point will have all of content, geometry and screenshot checks enabled. The Visual Verification Point Editor can later be used to modify these checks.

In case vpFile already exists the function will throw a catchable script exception.

Test Data Functions

Squish can handle tabular data (rows and columns—or in database terminology, records and fields). With respect to Squish's data handling functions, we use the terms "row" and "record" as synonyms, and similarly, "column" and "field".

Squish can read in test data from .tsv (tab-separated values format), .csv (comma-separated values format), .xls or .xlsx (Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format) files. In the case of .csv and .tsv files, Squish assumes that they use the Unicode UTF-8 encoding—the same encoding used for all test scripts.

Note: In the squishide, the first row of data is used for the headers, with row indexes shown counting from 1. However, the functions listed in this subsection use 0-based indexing, so the first record is at row 0, the second record at row 1, and so on. And in fact the headers are accessible at row index -1.

The test data functions are used for data-driven and keyword-driven testing. For examples of data-driven testing see the Tutorials, and for examples of keyword-driven testing see How to Do Keyword-Driven Testing.

String testData.create(where, filename)

This function returns the name of a file you can write to. If the where parameter is "shared", the filename will have a path that locates the file in the test suite's shared test data directory (test_suite/shared/testdata/filename), and if the where is "local" the filename will have a path that locates the file in the test suite's, test case's test data directory (test_suite/tst_case/testdata/filename).

This function is designed to be used when you are running a script in a "learning" mode and want to create test data dynamically.

Dataset testData.dataset(filename)

This function (along with the testData.fieldNames, testData.field and testData.datasetExcel functions), is used for data-driven and keyword-driven testing.

The testData.dataset function returns a dataset object that refers to an array or tuple of records. The data is retrieved from the file specified by the filename—providing the data is in one of the file formats that Squish recognizes.

The normal practice is for the filename to be given without a path (e.g., mydata.csv). In this case, Squish first tries to find the file in the test case's data (i.e., in the test case's testdata folder if it has one). If that fails, Squish next tries looking in the test suite's shared data folder (i.e., in the test suite's shared/testdata folder). If the file isn't found (or is found but cannot be read or understood), Squish throws a catchable exception. If the filename is specified with a path (e.g., C:\mydata\mydata.csv), then Squish tries to read that specific file and throws a catchable exception if the file doesn't exist or isn't in a format that Squish can understand.

The field names and field values can be retrieved using the functions described below.

Dataset testData.datasetExcel(filename, sheetname)

This function (along with the testData.fieldNames, testData.field and testData.dataset functions), is used for data-driven and keyword-driven testing.

The testData.datasetExcel function returns a dataset object that refers to an array or tuple of records. The data is retrieved from the file specified by the filename and sheetname — providing the data is in one of the Excel formats i.e., having extension .xls or .xlsx. This function is a specification of the function testData.dataset.

For a detailed description of the function's behavior please see info to testData.dataset above. The only specific is the second parameter of the function, namely sheetname. This is the name of the particular sheet within the Excel document. This parameter is optional. By default the first sheet will be used.

Boolean testData.exists(filename)

This is an old API and it is generally better to use Boolean RemoteSystem.exists(path) instead.

This function returns a true value if a file called filename exists in the AUT's current working directory; otherwise it returns a false value.

String testData.field(record, fieldName)

String testData.field(record, fieldIndex)

This function returns the value of the field specified by the given fieldName string or the given fieldIndex integer, taken from the specified record (i.e., from a particular row from the dataset returned by the testData.dataset function).

See How to Do Data-Driven Testing for usage examples.

SequenceOfStrings testData.fieldNames(record)

This function returns an array or tuple of field names for the specified record (i.e., from a particular row from the dataset returned by the testData.dataset function).


This function copies the file called filename from the AUT's current working directory to squishrunner's current working directory. Generally, for copying remote files to a local machine, it is better to use Boolean RemoteSystem.download(remotePath, localPath) instead.


This function removes the file called filename from the AUT's current working directory.


If the filename is specified without a path, this function copies the test data file called filename from the test case's directory into the AUT's current working directory. If the filename is specified with a path, this function copies the specified file into the AUT's current working directory. When the AUT is terminated the copied test data file is automatically deleted.

This function returns the full path of the file copied or, in case of error, throws an exception that can be caught in the test script.

Note that if multiple AUTs are involved—for example, if one AUT starts another program—the deletion occurs when the program in whose context the call to the testData.put function was made is terminated.

Object Map Functions

For information about manipulating the Object Map using the squishide see the Object Map view. For more about Object Maps in use see Object Map.

Note: These functions are used by Squish for the Text-Based Object Map. When using the Script-Based Object Map, object names are plain script variables, or native dictionaries, so there is no equivalent API for add/load. However, the realName and symbolicName functions are still useful for debugging/demo purposes when Script-Based Object Maps are in use.

Note: In Ruby, the name of the API object is ObjectMap, while it is objectMap in the other script languages.


This function adds the given object to the object map. (A suitable object can be obtained using the Object waitForObject(objectOrName) function or the Object findObject(objectName) function.)


This function loads an object map from the given filename and uses it to replace the current object map. If the file does not exist, an exception is raised and the current object map is left unchanged.

String objectMap.realName(object)

String objectMap.realName(symbolicName)

This function returns the real (multi-property) name for the given object, or for the object with the given symbolicName.

String objectMap.symbolicName(object)

String objectMap.symbolicName(objectOrRealName)

This function tries to return the symbolic name for the specified object or real name from the object map.

If the objectOrRealName is a real name, and it does not match any existing object, it will simply be returned; no error will be thrown.

If the objectOrRealName is an invalid real name it will simply be returned; no error will be thrown.

If the objectOrRealName is a reference to an object and the object map does not contain an object name that matches this object, then a real name for this object will be returned.

SequenceOfStrings objectMap.symbolicNames()

This function returns an array (a tuple in Python) containing all the mapped symbolic names. The returned names are in an arbitrary order.

Application Context

Every AUT that is started by Squish has a corresponding ApplicationContext object. These objects provide the following properties and functions. (For examples of use see How to Use ApplicationContext Objects.)

Here are some quick links to the Application Context-related functions, methods and properties:

ApplicationContext applicationContext(name)

This function returns the ApplicationContext object for the context whose ApplicationContext.name matches the given name or an invalid ApplicationContext object if no such context exists.

Note: When using the Tcl scripting language, this function is called getApplicationContext.

String applicationContext.commandLine

This read-only property holds the command line that the application was started with.

String applicationContext.cwd

This read-only property holds the application's current working directory.

String applicationContext.environmentVariable(name)

This function returns the value of the AUT process environment variable called name or an empty string if no such environment variable exists.

String applicationContext.host

Every application context is connected to a squishserver process. This read-only property holds the computer/host name or TCP/IP address of the computer where the squishserver process is running and which this application context is connected to.

If this application context has been created by ApplicationContext startApplication(autName) then this property also denotes the computer/host name or TCP/IP address of the computer where the AUT is running.

bool applicationContext.isFrozen(timeout)

This function returns a false value if the application responds before the timeout (in seconds) expired; otherwise it returns a true value.

bool applicationContext.isRunning

This read-only property is true if the communication between squishserver and Squish Hook in the AUT is still active, otherwise false.

The communication between squishserver and Squish Hook is shutting down when the Squish Hook is shutting down. The Squish Hook in turn is shutting down when the AUT is shutting down. (For example in case of Qt, when the main Qt event loop exits.)

However, the AUT shut down is not necessarily immediate: An AUT can perform lengthy operations shortly before finally exiting, and so for some amount of time isRunning can be false even though the AUT process is still alive.


This function detaches from a previously started (or attached) application.

If the respective application has been started with ApplicationContext startApplication(autName) Squish will attempt to close it, and eventually (if still running) forcefully close it.

If the respective application has been attached to with ApplicationContext attachToApplication(autName) Squish will leave it running but detach from it, thus leaving the application running. The application can then be attached to with ApplicationContext attachToApplication(autName) again.

After detaching from an application one should not access any of its objects anymore. (This would typically be done by using object references which had been retrieved before detaching.)

If the application context of applicationContext.detach() is the current application context, then the current application context will be changed to another (random) application context. So one must make sure to make the desired application context the current one before proceeding. (See SequenceOfApplicationContexts applicationContextList(), ApplicationContext currentApplicationContext() and setApplicationContext(contextHandle).)

String applicationContext.name

This read-only property holds the application's name. On most platforms and GUI toolkits this is the application's process name.

int applicationContext.pid

This read-only property holds the application's process identifier.

int applicationContext.port

Every application context is connected to a squishserver process. This read-only property holds the TCP port number of the squishserver process which this application context is connected to.

String applicationContext.readStderr()

This function reads and returns everything which the application has written to the stderr stream since the last call to readStderr, or since the application started if there has been no previous call.

Note: On Windows AUTs where no console is allocated, this function is not supported.

String applicationContext.readStdout()

This function reads and returns everything which the application has written to the stdout stream since the last call to readStdout, or since the application started if there has been no previous call.

Note: On Windows AUTs where no console is allocated, this function is not supported.

time applicationContext.startTime

This read-only property holds the time when the application was started. (The property's data type varies depending on the scripting language used.)

int applicationContext.totalTime

This read-only property holds the amount of time that the AUT process has been scheduled in user and kernel modes measured in milliseconds.

int applicationContext.usedMemory

This read-only property holds the amount of memory used by the AUT process. For Windows operating systems, the value corresponds to the working set size in bytes. For Linux operating systems, the value corresponds to the resident set size (RSS), in bytes. For macOS, it is also the RSS, but in Kbytes.

SequenceOfApplicationContexts applicationContextList()

This function returns an array (a tuple in Python) of handles to all the existing application contexts.

ApplicationContext attachToApplication(autName)

ApplicationContext attachToApplication(autName, squishserver_host)

ApplicationContext attachToApplication(autName, squishserver_host, squishserver_port)

ApplicationContext attachToApplication(autName, squishserver_host, squishserver_port, timeoutSecs)

This function causes Squish to attach to the application called autName and returns a handle to its application context. The autName must be the name of an application that has been registered with the squishserver as an attachable AUT. See Configuring squishserver. No command line options can be given since the application should already be running.

squishserver_host and squishserver_port refer to the computer where the desired squishserver is running, and its TCP port. (This is not the host and port of the attachable Attachable AUT. The Attachable AUT's host and port are specified when the Attachable AUT is registered with the squishserver (see Register the Attachable AUT).)

The parameter timeoutSecs is being used after the socket connection to the attachable AUT has been established. If the attachable AUT requires more seconds than specified to respond to the attaching attempt an error will be thrown. If no timeoutSecs is specified the squishserver's (Maximum Startup Time) default is used—this is 20 seconds, unless it has been changed; see Squish Server Settings dialog.

If you want to specify a timeout, but don't want to change the host or port, you can do so by passing an empty string as the host (which will make Squish use the configured host—localhost by default), and by passing -1 as the port.

If attaching fails (e.g,. because the AUT is not running), this function throws an exception that can be caught in the test script. If the exception is not caught an error will be logged as an error in the test script's execution.

See Attaching to Running Applications for more information.

ApplicationContext currentApplicationContext()

This function returns a handle to the current application context.

ApplicationContext defaultApplicationContext()

This function returns a handle to the default application context. It is more reliable to use the ApplicationContext currentApplicationContext() function instead.


This function can be used to change the current application context. The contextHandle object is a handle to an application context that has been returned by the any of the functions that return one—SequenceOfApplicationContexts applicationContextList(), ApplicationContext attachToApplication(autName), ApplicationContext defaultApplicationContext(), ApplicationContext currentApplicationContext(), and ApplicationContext startApplication(autName). If the argument is omitted the default context is activated.

If the contextHandle object is invalid—for example, if it refers to an application that has crashed—a catchable exception (TypeError in Python), will be thrown.

Note: Changing application contexts determines which AUT the test script is interacting with at a given time, but it does not change the currently active GUI window to be displayed. For that, we use the setForeground function.

text getClipboardText()


These functions can be used for getting and setting the clipboard text content on a machine where the AUT is running.

When working with clipboard contents containing line breaks, be aware that their representations (\n and \r\n) are OS-specific.

Note to Linux users: For non-Qt X11 applications this feature does require the xsel tool to be installed. For non-Qt applications with alternative windowing system, this feature is not yet available.

ApplicationContext startApplication(autName)

ApplicationContext startApplication(autName, host)

ApplicationContext startApplication(autName, host, port)

ApplicationContext startApplication(autName, host, port, timeoutSecs)

This function starts the specified application and returns a handle to its application context. The autName parameter should be the name of an application whose path is already registered with the squishserver. See Configuring squishserver.

It is also possible to use the absolute path of an executable or a .jar file for autName. In addition, command line options can be supplied here.

Optionally, as second and third parameters a host and port can be specified. If these parameters are used, instead of connecting to the default host and port (as specified in the squishide's settings or on squishrunner's command line), a connection to the squishserver on the specified host and listening to the specified port will be established. This makes it possible to control multiple applications on multiple computers from a single test script.

The fourth parameter, timeoutSecs (an integer number of seconds) can also be specified. This tells Squish how long it should be prepared to wait for the application to start before throwing an error. If not specified, the squishserver's default is used—this is 20 seconds, and can be changed from Server Settings > Application Behavior > Maximum Startup Time, or by executing squishserver --config AUTTimeout numSeconds.

If you want to specify a timeout, but don't want to specify the host or port, you can do so by passing an empty string as the host (which will make Squish use the configured host—localhost by default), and by passing -1 as the port.

For more about how application context objects can be used, see How to Use ApplicationContext Objects. (See also, the ApplicationContext waitForApplicationLaunch() function.)

String applicationContext.osName

This read-only property holds the name of the OS the AUT is running on. Possible names include:

  • "Android" — Android
  • "Darwin" — macOS and iOS
  • "Linux" — Linux
  • "QNX" — QNX
  • "SunOS" — Solaris
  • "Windows" — Windows

ApplicationContext connectTo(target)

ApplicationContext connectTo(target, host)

ApplicationContext connectTo(target, host, port)

This function starts a connection to a remote desktop (e.g., VNC) server and returns a handle to its application context. The target specifies the connection parameters.

The connection target can be either a URL or parameter map. To connect to a VNC server, the parameters of both the URL and parameter map need to conform to RFC 7869, which specifies the following fields:

  • scheme - the connection scheme "vnc";
  • host - the hostname of the VNC server;
  • port - the TCP port of the VNC server. If no port is specified, the default value of 5900 is used;
  • VncUsername - the user name used for VNC authentication. Used only if required by the server;
  • VncPassword - the password used for VNC authentication. Used only if required by the server.

Squish also offers a "Native" connection protocol which allows the squishserver to connect directly to a user session it is running in, without any need for an additional remote desktop server/authentication. In order to use it, the "os" scheme needs to be specified as a part of the target parameter. The "os" scheme accepts the following fields:

  • scheme - the connection scheme "os";
  • display - the X11 display string to connect to. If not specified, the default display string will be used. This parameter is only relevant on UNIX-like systems and ignored on Windows and OSX systems.

Remote desktop connections are always routed through a squishserver instance. If the host and port parameters are specified, Squish will use the server listening at the specified address. By default the server parameters specified in the squishide's settings or on squishrunner's command line will be used.

For example:


connectTo({"scheme": "vnc",
           "host": "example.com"})
connectTo({"scheme": "vnc",
           "host": "example.com",
           "port": 5901})
connectTo({"scheme": "vnc",
           "host": "example.com",
           "VncPassword": "secret"})
connectTo({"scheme": "vnc",
           "host": "example.com",
           "port": 5901,
           "VncUsername": "user",
           "VncPassword": "secret"})
connectTo({"scheme": "os"})

connectTo({scheme: "vnc",
           host: "example.com"});
connectTo({scheme: "vnc",
           host: "example.com",
           port: 5901});
connectTo({scheme: "vnc",
           host: "example.com",
           VncPassword: "secret"});
connectTo({scheme: "vnc",
           host: "example.com",
           port: 5901,
           VncUsername: "user",
           VncPassword: "secret"});
connectTo({scheme: "os"});

connectTo({"scheme" => "vnc",
           "host" => "example.com"});
connectTo({"scheme" => "vnc",
           "host" => "example.com",
           "port" => 5901});
connectTo({"scheme" => "vnc",
           "host" => "example.com",
           "VncPassword" => "secret"});
connectTo({"scheme" => "vnc",
           "host" => "example.com",
           "port" => 5901,
           "VncUsername" => "user",
           "VncPassword" => "secret"});
connectTo({"scheme" => "os"});

connectTo({"scheme" => "vnc",
           "host" => "example.com"});
connectTo({"scheme" => "vnc",
           "host" => "example.com",
           "port" => 5901});
connectTo({"scheme" => "vnc",
           "host" => "example.com",
           "VncPassword" => "secret"});
connectTo({"scheme" => "vnc",
           "host" => "example.com",
           "port" => 5901,
           "VncUsername" => "user",
           "VncPassword" => "secret"});
connectTo({"scheme" => "os"});
connectTo "vnc://example.com"
connectTo "vnc://example.com:5901"
connectTo "vnc://example.com?VncPassword=secret"
connectTo "vnc://example.com:5901?VncUsername=user&VncPassword=secret"
connectTo "os://"

connectTo [ dict create "scheme" "vnc"
                        "host" "example.com" ]
connectTo [ dict create "scheme" "vnc"
                        "host" "example.com"
                        "port" 5901 ]
connectTo [ dict create "scheme" "vnc"
                        "host" "example.com"
                        "VncPassword" "secret" ]
connectTo [ dict create "scheme" "vnc"
                        "host" "example.com"
                        "port" 5901
                        "VncUsername" "user"
                        "VncPassword" "secret" ]
connectTo [ dict create "scheme" "os" ]

Image Object

The global Image object provides functions for reading, saving and manipulation of image files. Instances of the Image class can be obtained by loading an image from a file using the Image Image.load(fileName) or by taking screenshots using either Image object.grabScreenshot(object, [parameterMap]) or grabDesktopScreenshot() test API. It can be used as the search region argument to image search and OCR APIs like ScreenRectangle findImage(imageFile, [parameterMap], [searchRegion]), ScreenRectangle waitForImage(imageFile, [parameterMap], [searchRegion]), String getOcrText([parameterMap], [searchRegion]), ScreenRectangle findOcrText(text, [parameterMap], [searchRegion]), ScreenRectangle waitForOcrText(text, [parameterMap], [searchRegion]), SequenceOfObjects findAllOcrText(text, [parameterMap], [searchRegion]), Boolean test.imagePresent(imageFile, [parameterMap], [searchRegion]) and Boolean test.ocrTextPresent(text, [parameterMap], [searchRegion])

Image Image(QImage)

Image Image(QPixmap)

The constructor for the Image type. It creates an image object out of the AUT-specific QImage and QPixmap objects.

Image Image(width, height, [color])

The constructor for the Image type. It creates an image with the specified size. The initial color of the image pixels can be specified using the color argument. The color may be specified as a 32-bit ARGB value or as a set of values for each of the color channels.

var img = new Image(100, 100, [255, 0, 0]);
my $img = Image->new(100, 100, [255, 0, 0]);
img = Image(100, 100,[255, 0, 0])
img = Image.new(100, 100, [255, 0, 0]);
set img [image new 100 100 {255 0 0}]
invoke $img save "C:\\red.png"

Image Image.load(fileName)

This static function of the Image object reads an image from the specified file in the testcase directory by default and returns a reference to the instance. In case the file cannot be found or read an exception is thrown.

See also the findFile(where, filename).

img = Image.load("indicator.png")
test.compare(img.width, 32)
test.compare(img.height, 32)
var img = Image.load("indicator.png");
test.compare(img.width, 32);
test.compare(img.height, 32);
my $img = Image->load("indicator.png");
test->compare($img->width, 32);
test->compare($img->height, 32);
img = Image::load("indicator.png");
Test::compare(img.width, 32)
Test::compare(img.height, 32)
set img [image load "indicator.png"]
test compare [property get $img width] 32
test compare [property get $img height] 32

The properties and functions available in the prototype of image instances can be found below.

Number width

This property denotes the width of the image instance in pixels. The value is read-only. When attempting to set a new value an exception is thrown.

Number height

This property denotes the height of the image instance in pixels. The value is read-only. When attempting to set a new value an exception is thrown.


Image.copy(x, y, width, height)

This function returns a copy of a part of the image. In case the specified geometry does not fit into the image's boundary [(0, 0)...(width-1, height-1)], an exception is thrown. If the coordinate parameters are not specified, the copy of the entire image is returned.


This function saves the image instance on disk under the specified file name. In case the path is invalid or not writable, an exception is thrown. If the specified path is relative, the file is saved relative to the interpreter's current working directory, which by default, is the location of the currently executing test case.

The format of the saved file will be based on the file extension. The supported formats vary depending on which platform/edition is used, but will usually include BMP, JPG, PNG, PPM, TIF, XBM and XPM.

var img = grabDesktopScreenshot();
my $img = grabDesktopScreenshot();
img = grabDesktopScreenshot()
img = grabDesktopScreenshot()
set img [grabDesktopScreenshot]
invoke $img save "C:\\screenshot1.png"

Number Image.getPixelRGBA(x, y)

This function returns an array that contains colors of the pixel at the specified position on the red, green, blue and alpha color channel (in that order). In case the pixel does not lie within the boundary of the image (from (0, 0) to (width-1, height-1)) an exception is thrown.

pixel = img.getPixelRGBA(0, 0)
red = pixel[0];
green = pixel[1];
blue = pixel[2];
alpha = pixel[3];
var pixel = img.getPixelRGBA(0, 0);
var red = pixel[0];
var green = pixel[1];
var blue = pixel[2];
var alpha = pixel[3];
my @pixel = $img->getPixelRGBA(0, 0);
my red = $pixel[0];
my green = $pixel[1];
my blue = $pixel[2];
my alpha = $pixel[3];
pixel = img.getPixelRGBA(0, 0);
red = pixel[0];
green = pixel[1];
blue = pixel[2];
alpha = pixel[3];
set pix [invoke $img getPixelRGBA 0 0]
set red [lindex $pix 0]
set green [lindex $pix 1]
set blue [lindex $pix 2]
set alpha [lindex $pix 3]

The alpha value for fully opaque pixels is 255. Fully transparent pixels have an alpha value 0.

Number Image.getPixel(x, y)

This function returns the 32-bit ARGB color value of the pixel at the specified position. In case the pixel does not lie within the boundary of the image (from (0, 0) to (width-1, height-1)) an exception is thrown. The value can directly be compared against expected values (e.g., 0xff00ff00 for pure green).

pixel = img.getPixel(0, 0)
test.compare(pixel, 0xff102030)
var pixel = img.getPixel(0, 0);
test.compare(pixel, 0xff102030 );
my $pixel = $img->getPixel(0, 0);
test::compare($pixel, 0xff102030);
pixel = img.getPixel(0, 0);
Test::compare(pixel, 0xff102030);
set pixel [invoke $img getPixel 0 0]
test compare $pixel [expr 0xff102030]

Number Image.setPixel(x, y, rgbColor)

Number Image.setPixel(x, y, Array)

Number Image.setPixel(x, y, red, green, blue)

Number Image.setPixel(x, y, red, green, blue, alpha)

This function changes the color of the pixel at the specified position. The color may be specified as a 32-bit ARGB value, as a set of values for each of the color channels: reg, green, blue and optionally alpha, or an array of such values; for example:

img.setPixel(0, 0, 0xffff0000)
img.setPixel(0, 0, 255, 0, 0)
img.setPixel(0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 255)
img.setPixel(0, 0, [255, 0, 0])
img.setPixel(0, 0, [255, 0, 0, 255])
img.setPixel(0, 0, 0xffff0000);
img.setPixel(0, 0, 255, 0, 0);
img.setPixel(0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 255);
img.setPixel(0, 0, [255, 0, 0]);
img.setPixel(0, 0, [255, 0, 0, 255]);
$img->setPixel( 0, 0, 0xffff0000);
$img->setPixel( 0, 0, 255, 0, 0);
$img->setPixel( 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 255 );
$img->setPixel( 0, 0, [255, 0, 0]);
$img->setPixel( 0, 0, [255, 0, 0, 255]);
img.setPixel(0, 0, 0xffff0000)
img.setPixel(0, 0, 255, 0, 0)
img.setPixel(0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 255)
img.setPixel(0, 0, [255, 0, 0])
img.setPixel(0, 0, [255, 0, 0, 255])
invoke $img setPixel 0 0 [expr 0xffff0000]
invoke $img setPixel 0 0 255 0 0
invoke $img setPixel 0 0 255 0 0 255
invoke $img setPixel 0 0 {255 0 0}
invoke $img setPixel 0 0 {255 0 0 255}

Boolean Image.equals(otherImage)

This function returns true if this image is equal to the other image. In case the argument does not reference an image instance an exception is thrown.

Screen Object

Information about screens. In order to use this Screen object, the Squish screen library has to be included in the script file, and Squish must be hooked into/attached to an AUT.

source(findFile("scripts", "javascript/screen.js"));

function main()

    // ...

    var scr = Screen.byIndex(0);
    var geom = scr.geometry;
    test.log("Screen is " + geom.width + " by " + geom.height);
use strict;
use utf8;
use warnings;

use Squish::Screen;

sub main {

    # ...

    my $scr = Squish::Screen->byIndex(0);
    my $geom = $scr->geometry;
    test::log("Screen is " . $geom->width . " by " . $geom->height);
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from screen import Screen

def main():

    # ...

    scr = Screen.byIndex(0)
    geom = scr.geometry
    test.log("Screen is " + str(geom.width) + " by " + str(geom.height))
# encoding: UTF-8
require 'squish'
require 'squish/screen'

def main

    # ...

    scr = Screen::byIndex(0)
    geom = scr.geometry
    Test.log("Screen is " + geom.width.to_s + " by " + geom.height.to_s)
package require squish::screen

    # ...

    set scr [Squish::Screen byIndex 0]
    set geom [$scr geometry]
    test log [concat "Screen is " [property get $geom width] " by " [property get $geom height]]


This method returns the number of Screen objects available.


This method returns a Screen object. The specified index must be in the range of 0 till Screen.count() - 1.


Read-only property of a Screen object which is the index of this Screen object in the list of all available Screen objects.


Read-only property of a Screen object that returns a ScreenRectangle containing the dimensions of this Screen object.


Read-Write property of a Screen object specifying the orientation of this Screen using one of the following 4 properties. Instead of the following properties it's also possible to use numbers to specify the orientation, 1 for LandscapeOrientation, 2 for PortraitOrientation, 4 for ReverseLandscapeOrientation and 8 for ReversePortraitOrientation.





Note: Due to language constraints, these orientation properties start with a lowercase letter.

ToplevelWindow Object

Information about and manipulation of toplevel windows. In order to use this ToplevelWindow object, the Squish toplevelwindow library has to be included in the script file.

source(findFile("scripts", "javascript/toplevelwindow.js"));

    // ...

    var win = ToplevelWindow.focused();
    var geom = win.geometry;
    test.log("Focused window is " + geom.width + " by " + geom.height);
use strict;
use utf8;
use warnings;

use Squish::ToplevelWindow;

    # ...

    my $win = Squish::ToplevelWindow->focused();
    my $geom = $win->geometry;
    test::log("Focused window is " . $geom->width . " by " . $geom->height);
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from toplevelwindow import *

    # ...

    win = ToplevelWindow.focused()
    geom = win.geometry
    test.log("Focused window is " + str(geom.width) + " by " + str(geom.height))
# encoding: UTF-8
require 'squish'
require 'squish/toplevelwindow'

    # ...

    win = ToplevelWindow::focused()
    geom = win.geometry
    test.log("Focused window is " + geom.width + " by " + geom.height)
package require squish::toplevelwindow

    # ...

    set win [Squish::ToplevelWindow focused]
    set geom [$win geometry]
    test log "Focused window is [property get $geom width] by [property get $geom height]"

ToplevelWindow.byName(objectname, timeout)


These methods return a ToplevelWindow object for the given objectname or object. The first is a convenience method for calling the second, with the result of Object waitForObject(objectOrName). These methods accept different argument types depending on the toolkit, and should work with most top-level windows such as Dialogs, Main Windows, and Browser Tabs.

tlw = ToplevelWindow.byName({'type': 'BrowserTab'})
#  ... is equivalent to ...
tlw = ToplevelWindow.byObject(activeBrowserTab())


This method returns a ToplevelWindow object for the window having the keyboard focus. When no window found having the keyboard focus, an exception is raised.

Note: To obtain an instance of TopLevelWindow from Squish for Web, use ToplevelWindow.byObject(activeBrowserTab()). The focused() method is not supported.


Read-only property of a ToplevelWindow object that returns a ScreenRectangle containing the dimensions of the referenced window.


Read-only property of a ToplevelWindow object that returns the object for which this ToplevelWindow object was created.


This method closes the window referenced by this ToplevelWindow object.


This method maximizes the window referenced by this ToplevelWindow object.


This method minimizes the window referenced by this ToplevelWindow object.

moveTo(x, y)

This method moves the client-area (excluding window borders) upper left corner of the window referenced by this ToplevelWindow object, to the given global position.

resizeTo(width, height)

This method resizes the client-area (excluding window borders) of the window referenced by this ToplevelWindow object, to the given width and height.


This method restores the window referenced by this ToplevelWindow object from fullscreen.


This method sets the keyboard input focus to the window referenced by this ToplevelWindow object.

Note: On Windows, the focus theft protection feature prevents certain APIs from changing the focus from the active window. Therefore, setFocus may have no effect on Windows systems.

Note: This function is not supported for Squish for Web. It will generate an error when being used.


This raises the window referenced by this ToplevelWindow object.

Note: On Windows, the foreground lock protection feature prevents certain APIs from changing the foreground window. Therefore, setForeground may have no effect on Windows systems.

Note: This function is not supported for Squish for Web. It will generate an error when being used.


This changes the window referenced by this ToplevelWindow object to fullscreen, i.e., covering the whole screen without window borders. Use restore() to undo this operation.

squishinfo Object

The global squishinfo object provides the following properties.

int squishinfo.major

This read-only property holds Squish's major version number as a single integer (e.g., 4).

int squishinfo.minor

This read-only property holds Squish's minor version number as a single integer (e.g., 0).

int squishinfo.patch

This read-only property holds Squish's patch level version number as a single integer (e.g., 1).

String squishinfo.resultDir

This read-only property holds the path to the results directory.




This read-only property holds the current test's currently active settings group.

String squishinfo.testCase

This read-only property holds the current test case's path.

String squishinfo.testCaseName

This read-only property holds the current test case's name.

String squishinfo.testSuiteName

This read-only property holds the current test suite's name.

int squishinfo.version

This read-only property holds Squish's complete version number (major/minor/patch/release) as a single integer (see explanation further on).

The squishinfo.version number is a unique number that represents the complete Squish version number (major/minor/patch/release). The number is composed of four bytes by representing each part as a one-byte hexadecimal number. So Squish 4.0.1-final would be represented by the number 0x040001FF where the 0x04 is the major version (4), the 0x00 the minor version (0), the 0x01 the patch version (1), and the 0xFF the release (final). The release is encoded using one of three hexadecimal numbers: 0xAA is used for "alpha", 0xBB for "beta", and 0xFF for "final".

Using a hexadecimal format version number makes it easy to write version-specific code in test scripts. Here's an example where we want some code executed only for Squish 4.0.0-final or later (for example, to take advantage of some Squish 4-specific functionality):

if squishinfo.version >= 0x040000FF:
   # code meant for Squish version 4.0.0-final or higher
if (squishinfo.version >= 0x040000FF) {
   // code meant for Squish version 4.0.0-final or higher
if (squishinfo->version >= 0x040000FF) {
   # code meant for Squish version 4.0.0-final or higher
if Squishinfo.version >= 0x040000FF
   # code meant for Squish version 4.0.0-final or higher
if {[squishinfo version] >= 0x040000FF} {
   # code meant for Squish version 4.0.0-final or higher

String squishinfo.version_str

This read-only property holds Squish's version number as a human-readable string (e.g., "4.0.1-final").

testInteraction Functions

Squish provides several functions for tests which need interaction with a real user during replay. Such interaction includes simple questions for manual verification as well as providing user-input, i.e., for manually driven testing or for taking notes while observing test execution.

testInteraction functions that display a message box return one of the following constant values depending on the button that was pressed by the user:

  • testInteraction.Ok
  • testInteraction.Yes
  • testInteraction.No

Any testInteraction function that displays a dialog shows the current testscript filename and line number in its title bar.

Calling any of these functions only works if squishrunner was started with the --interactive option (See also squishrunner –testsuite: Running tests in batch mode). Tests executed from the squishide are always run in interactive mode. Calling any of the testInteraction functions (except for testInteraction.isAvailable()) in non-interactive mode will result in a script error causing script execution to abort.

string testInteraction.choice(message, items)

Shows a dialog with message as message text and a list of items to choose from. The returned string contains the selected item text or an empty string if the user canceled the dialog.

var name = testInteraction.choice("Choose something", ["First", "Second", "Third"])
if (name == "") {
  test.warning("No item was chosen")
} else {
  test.log(item + " it is!")
my $item = testInteraction::choice("Choose something", ["First", "Second", "Third"]);
if ($item eq "") {
  test::warning("No item was chosen");
} else {
  test::log($item." it is!");
item = testInteraction.choice("Choose something", ["First", "Second", "Third"])
if not item:
  test.warning("No item was chosen")
  test.log("{} it is!".format(item))
item = TestInteraction.choice("Choose something", ["First", "Second", "Third"])
if item == ""
  Test.warning("No item was chosen")
  Test.log("#{item} it is!")
set item [testInteraction choice "Choose something" [list "First" "Second" "Third"]]
if {$item == ""} {
  test warning "No item was chosen"
} {
  test log "$item it is!"

int testInteraction.information(message)

Shows a message box with message as message text, an information icon and an OK button.

testInteraction.information("This is the 'information' function.\nPress 'OK' to continue.")
testInteraction::information("This is the 'information' function.\nPress 'OK' to continue.");
testInteraction.information("This is the 'information' function.\nPress 'OK' to continue.")
TestInteraction.information("This is the 'information' function.\nPress 'OK' to continue.")
testInteraction information "This is the 'information' function.\nPress 'OK' to continue."

string testInteraction.input(message, initialText)

Shows a dialog with message as message text and a line edit for user input. The optional initialText sets the initial text of the line edit. The returned string contains the contents of the line edit or an empty string if the user canceled the dialog.

name = testInteraction.input("Type in your name and press one of buttons below.")
if (name == "") {
  testInteraction.warning("It's sad you don't want to share your name.")
} else {
  testInteraction.information("Hello " + name + "!")
$name = testInteraction::input("Type in your name and press one of buttons below.");
if ($name eq "") {
  testInteraction::warning("It's sad you don't want to share your name.");
} else {
  testInteraction::information("Hello $name!");
name = testInteraction.input("Type in your name and press one of buttons below.")
if name == "":
  testInteraction.warning("It's sad you don't want to share your name.")
  testInteraction.information("Hello %s!" %name)
name = TestInteraction.input("Type in your name and press one of buttons below.")
if name == ""
  TestInteraction.warning("It's sad you don't want to share your name.")
  TestInteraction.information("Hello " + name + "!")
set name [testInteraction input "Type in your name and press one of buttons below."]
if {$name == ""} {
  testInteraction warning "It's sad you don't want to share your name."
} {
  testInteraction information "Hello $name!"

bool testInteraction.isAvailable()

This function returns whether the test script is executed by a squishrunner that was started including the --interactive option. This allows creating tests that only show interactive dialogs on request but also run in a non-interactive way.

void testInteraction.notification(message)

void testInteraction.notification(message, timeoutSecs)

Shows a timed non-blocking message box with message as message text for timeoutSecs seconds. If timeoutSecs is not provided, the message box will be shown for 5 seconds.

timeOut = 2
testInteraction.notification("This is the 'notification' function.\nWait " + timeOut +" seconds for message box to close.", timeOut)
testInteraction.notification("This is the 'notification' function.\nWait 5 seconds for message box to close.")
$timeOut = 2;
testInteraction::notification("This is the 'notification' function.\nWait $timeOut seconds for message box to close.", $timeOut);
testInteraction::notification("This is the 'notification' function.\nWait 5 seconds for message box to close.");
timeOut = 2
testInteraction.notification("This is the 'notification' function.\nWait %s seconds for message box to close." %timeOut, timeOut)
testInteraction.notification("This is the 'notification' function.\nWait 5 seconds for message box to close.")
timeOut = "2"
TestInteraction.notification("This is the 'notification' function.\nWait "+ timeOut + " seconds for message box to close.", timeOut)
TestInteraction.notification("This is the 'notification' function.\nWait 5 seconds for message box to close.")
set timeOut 2
testInteraction notification "This is the 'notification' function.\nWait $timeOut seconds for message box to close." $timeOut
testInteraction notification "This is the 'notification' function.\nWait 5 seconds for message box to close."

string testInteraction.password(message)

Shows a dialog with message as message text and a line edit with asterisks instead of the characters actually entered for user input. The returned string contains the contents of the line edit or an empty string if the user canceled the dialog.

passwd = testInteraction.password("Type 'P@ssw0rd' without quotes to reveal secret information.")
if (passwd == "P@ssw0rd") {
  testInteraction.information("The secret information is: The Cake is a Lie!")
} else {
  testInteraction.warning("Wrong password. It seems the secret will remain hidden.")
$passwd = testInteraction::password("Type 'Passw0rd' without quotes to reveal secret information.");
if ($passwd eq "Passw0rd") {
  testInteraction::information("The secret information is: The Cake is a Lie!");
} else {
  testInteraction::warning("Wrong password. It seems the secret will remain hidden.");
passwd = testInteraction.password("Type 'P@ssw0rd' without quotes to reveal secret information.")
if passwd == "P@ssw0rd":
  testInteraction.information("The secret information is: The Cake is a Lie!")
  testInteraction.warning("Wrong password. It seems the secret will remain hidden.")
passwd = TestInteraction.password("Type 'P@ssw0rd' without quotes to reveal secret information.")
if passwd == "P@ssw0rd"
  TestInteraction.information("The secret information is: The Cake is a Lie!")
  TestInteraction.warning("Wrong password. It seems the secret will remain hidden.")
set passwd [testInteraction password "Type 'P@ssw0rd' without quotes to reveal secret information."]
if {$passwd == "P@ssw0rd"} {
  testInteraction information "The secret information is: The Cake is a Lie!"
} {
  testInteraction warning "Wrong password. It seems the secret will remain hidden."

int testInteraction.question(message)

Shows a message box with message as message text, a questionmark-icon, a Yes button and a No button.

questionResult = testInteraction.question("Do you wish to continue?")
if (questionResult == testInteraction.Yes) {
  testInteraction.information("Button 'Yes' was pressed.")
} else {
  testInteraction.information("Button 'No' was pressed.")
$questionResult = testInteraction::question("Do you wish to continue?");
if ($questionResult == testInteraction::Yes) {
  testInteraction::information("Button 'Yes' was pressed.");
} else {
  testInteraction::information("Button 'No' was pressed.");
questionResult = testInteraction.question("Do you wish to continue?")
if questionResult == testInteraction.Yes:
  testInteraction.information("Button 'Yes' was pressed.")
  testInteraction.information("Button 'No' was pressed.")
questionResult = TestInteraction.question("Do you wish to continue?")
if questionResult == TestInteraction::YES
  TestInteraction.information("Button 'Yes' was pressed.")
  TestInteraction.information("Button 'No' was pressed.")
set questionResult [testInteraction question "Do you wish to continue?"]
if {$questionResult == [testInteraction Yes] } {
  testInteraction information "Button 'Yes' was pressed."
} {
  testInteraction information "Button 'No' was pressed."

void testInteraction.showImage(image, [message], [timeoutSecs])

Shows a timed non-blocking dialog that contains the image , a message message text, and a OK button. If timeoutSecs is not provided, the dialog will be shown for 5 seconds.

var img = grabDesktopScreenshot();
testInteraction.showImage(img, "Current desktop", 2);
my $img = grabDesktopScreenshot();
testInteraction::showImage($img, "Current desktop", 2);
img = grabDesktopScreenshot()
testInteraction.showImage(img, "Current desktop", 2)
img = grabDesktopScreenshot();
TestInteraction.showImage(img, "Current desktop", 2)
set img [grabDesktopScreenshot]
testInteraction showImage $img, "Current desktop", 2

int testInteraction.warning(message)

Shows a message box with message as message text, a warning-icon and an OK button.

testInteraction.warning("This is the 'warning' function.\nPress 'OK' to continue.")
testInteraction::warning("This is the 'warning' function.\nPress 'OK' to continue.");
testInteraction.warning("This is the 'warning' function.\nPress 'OK' to continue.")
TestInteraction.warning("This is the 'warning' function.\nPress 'OK' to continue.")
testInteraction warning "This is the 'warning' function.\nPress 'OK' to continue."

testSettings Object

Squish provides a global testSettings object whose properties and methods can be set to control certain aspects of test execution.

SequenceOfStrings testSettings.getWrappersForApplication(application)

This function returns the list of wrappers associated with the specified application. (See also testSettings.setWrappersForApplication(application, wrapperList).)

bool testSettings.logScreenshotOnFail

If this property is true every test failure will cause Squish to take a screenshot of the desktop when the failure occurred; by default this property is false and screenshots of failures are not automatically taken

For example, let's assume that we occasionally experience test failures when verifying the state of a specific widget in our nightly tests. We cannot explain the cause of the problem but suspect that the overall state of our application's GUI is broken due to as yet unknown external factors. To provide the developers with useful information via a visual inspection we enable automatic screenshot capturing—but for only for the test that is causing concern:

testSettings.logScreenshotOnFail = True
# ... perform test ...
testSettings.logScreenshotOnFail = False
testSettings.logScreenshotOnFail = true;
// ... perform test ...
testSettings.logScreenshotOnFail = false;
# ... perform test ...
TestSettings.logScreenshotOnFail = true
# ... perform test ...
TestSettings.logScreenshotOnFail = false
testSettings set logScreenshotOnFail 1
# ... perform test ...
testSettings set logScreenshotOnFail 0

bool testSettings.logScreenshotOnError

If this property is true every test error will cause Squish to take a screenshot of the desktop when the error occurred; by default this property is false and screenshots of errors are not automatically taken.

bool testSettings.logScreenshotOnWarning

If this property is true every test warning will cause Squish to take a screenshot of the desktop when the warning occurred; by default this property is false and screenshots of warnings are not automatically taken.

bool testSettings.logScreenshotOnPass

If this property is true every test pass will cause Squish to take a screenshot of the desktop. By default this property is false and this screenshots are not automatically taken for test passes.

bool testSettings.logStacktraceOnLog

If this property is true every test log will have a stacktrace attached in test reports that support stacktrace information. By default this property is false.

bool testSettings.logStacktraceOnPass

If this property is true every test pass will have a stacktrace attached in test reports that support stacktrace information. By default this property is false.

bool testSettings.objectNotFoundDebugging

If this property is false the object not found debug dialog will not open if an object can not be located or is not ready. By default this property is true and the object not found dialog will open, whenever an object can not be located or is not ready in time.

Some algorithms require to determine if an object is ready or not, without triggering the object not found dialog. In script sections that would normally trigger unwanted object not found dialogs, you can use the objectNotFoundDebugging property to temporarily deactivate the dialog:

testSettings.objectNotFoundDebugging = False
# ... wait for object that might not exist or get ready in time ...
testSettings.objectNotFoundDebugging = True
testSettings.objectNotFoundDebugging = false;
// ... wait for object that might not exist or get ready in time ...
testSettings.objectNotFoundDebugging = true;
# ... wait for object that might not exist or get ready in time ...
TestSettings.objectNotFoundDebugging = false
# ... wait for object that might not exist or get ready in time ...
TestSettings.objectNotFoundDebugging = true
testSettings set objectNotFoundDebugging 0
# ... wait for object that might not exist or get ready in time ...
testSettings set objectNotFoundDebugging 1

Note: The Object Not Found dialog will not be shown if Halt Test Execution in case of 'Object not found' issues is disabled on the Playback Squish pane in the squishide preferences.

bool testSettings.imageNotFoundDebugging

If this property is false the image not found debug dialog will not open if an template image can not be located. By default this property is true and the image not found dialog will open, whenever a template image can not be located in time.

Some algorithms require image search without triggering the image not found dialog. In script sections that would normally trigger unwanted image not found dialogs, you can use the imageNotFoundDebugging property to temporarily deactivate the dialog:

testSettings.imageNotFoundDebugging = False
# ... wait for image that might not exist in time ...
testSettings.imageNotFoundDebugging = True
testSettings.imageNotFoundDebugging = false;
// ... wait for image that might not exist in time ...
testSettings.imageNotFoundDebugging = true;
# ... wait for image that might not exist in time ...
TestSettings.imageNotFoundDebugging = false
# ... wait for image that might not exist in time ...
TestSettings.imageNotFoundDebugging = true
testSettings set imageNotFoundDebugging 0
# ... wait for image that might not exist in time ...
testSettings set imageNotFoundDebugging 1

Note: The Image Not Found dialog will not be shown if Halt Test Execution in case of 'Image not found' issues is disabled on the Playback Squish pane in the squishide preferences.

bool testSettings.textNotFoundDebugging

If this property is false the text not found debug dialog will not open if a search text can not be located. By default this property is true and the text not found dialog will open, whenever a search text can not be located in time.

Some algorithms require text search without triggering the text not found dialog. In script sections that would normally trigger unwanted text not found dialogs, you can use the textNotFoundDebugging property to temporarily deactivate the dialog:

testSettings.textNotFoundDebugging = False
# ... wait for text that might not exist in time ...
testSettings.textNotFoundDebugging = True
testSettings.textNotFoundDebugging = false;
// ... wait for text that might not exist in time ...
testSettings.textNotFoundDebugging = true;
# ... wait for text that might not exist in time ...
TestSettings.textNotFoundDebugging = false
# ... wait for text that might not exist in time ...
TestSettings.textNotFoundDebugging = true
testSettings set textNotFoundDebugging 0
# ... wait for text that might not exist in time ...
testSettings set textNotFoundDebugging 1

Note: The Text Not Found dialog will not be shown if Halt Test Execution in case of 'Text not found' issues is disabled on the Playback Squish pane in the squishide preferences.

testSettings.setWrappersForApplication(application, wrapperList)

This function associates a list of wrappers with the specified application. The list must include at least one of the main toolkit wrappers. Optionally, it may include application-specific wrappers (for those Squish editions that support them). The main toolkit wrappers are:

  • Qt
  • Tk
  • Web
  • Java
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Flex

These main toolkit wrapper names correspond directly to the Toolkit field in the Test Suite Configuration view of the squishide.

Note that Squish 4's dynamic wrapper support greatly reduces the need to create and maintain application-specific wrappers.

Here is an example that sets the Qt toolkit wrapper as well as a custom application wrapper, and then starts the AUT:

testSettings.setWrappersForApplication("MyApp", ["Qt", "CanvasWrapper"])
testSettings.setWrappersForApplication("MyApp", ["Qt", "CanvasWrapper"]);
testSettings->setWrappersForApplication("MyApp", ("Qt", "CanvasWrapper"));
TestSettings.setWrappersForApplication("MyApp", ["Qt", "CanvasWrapper"])
testSettings setWrappersForApplication MyApp { Qt CanvasWrapper }
startApplication "MyApp"

(See also SequenceOfStrings testSettings.getWrappersForApplication(application).)

bool testSettings.silentVerifications

If this property is true Squish will not produce Test Result entries for passing or failing Boolean test.vp(name), Boolean test.xvp(name), Boolean test.vpWithObject(name, objectNameOrReference) and Boolean test.vpWithImage(name, imageOrFilePath) calls. In combination with using the (boolean) return value of test.vp() and test.vpWithObject(), this can come in handy for custom defined verifications on top of a series of Verification Points.

Here is an example that checks that one of three Screenshot Verification Points passes.

testSettings.silentVerifications = True
for current in ['VP-winxp', 'VP-win2k', 'VP-win7']:
    if test.vp(current):
        test.passes("%s matched" % (current, ))
    test.fail("none of the provided VPs matched")

bool testSettings.breakOnFailure

If this property is true, the debugger stops on every failed verification performed by Boolean test.compare(value1, value2), Boolean test.xcompare(value1, value2), Boolean test.verify(condition), Boolean test.xverify(condition), Boolean test.vp(name), Boolean test.xvp(name), Boolean test.vpWithObject(name, objectNameOrReference), Boolean test.vpWithImage(name, imageOrFilePath) and Boolean test.exception(code) as well as every invocation of test.fail(message) and test.fatal(message). By default, this property is false.

bool testSettings.throwOnFailure

If this property is true every failing verification performed by Boolean test.compare(value1, value2), Boolean test.xcompare(value1, value2), Boolean test.verify(condition), Boolean test.xverify(condition), Boolean test.vp(name), Boolean test.xvp(name), Boolean test.vpWithObject(name, objectNameOrReference), Boolean test.vpWithImage(name, imageOrFilePath) and Boolean test.exception(code) as well as every invocation of test.fail(message) and test.fatal(message) will raise a script error. By default, this property is false and the aforementioned functions do not raise script errors.

Integer testSettings.retryDuration

This property affects the Boolean test.vp(name), Boolean test.xvp(name) Boolean test.vpWithObject(name, objectNameOrReference) and the Boolean test.vpWithImage(name, imageOrFilePath) functions. It can be used to specify for how long a verification should be retried after it fails. The default value is 0, which means the verification is only tried once. If you set it to 5000 the verification will be retried for at least 5000ms if it keeps on failing (i.e., it will be retried until it passes or 5 seconds have passed). This can be useful if the AUT needs to reach a certain stage before a property or screenshot verification can pass. This can help to reduce timing issues.

Note: Intermediate failures are not logged. Only the last result in the series is logged. This can either be a fail when the retry duration is reached and the verification is still failing or a pass.

The following example shows how you can set this property for each verification individually, but you could also set it once for every verification that follows.

testSettings.retryDuration = 5000
testSettings.retryDuration = 0
testSettings.retryDuration = 5000;
testSettings.retryDuration = 0;
TestSettings.retryDuration = 5000
TestSettings.retryDuration = 0
testSettings set retryDuration 5000
test vp "VP1"
testSettings set retryDuration 0

bool testSettings.imageSearchTolerant

This property affects the ScreenRectangle findImage(imageFile, [parameterMap], [searchRegion]), ScreenRectangle waitForImage(imageFile, [parameterMap], [searchRegion]) and Boolean test.imagePresent(imageFile, [parameterMap], [searchRegion]) functions. In case the option map passed to the above functions does not contain the tolerant key, the value of this property is used in its place. The default value is false.

Number testSettings.imageSearchThreshold

This property affects the ScreenRectangle findImage(imageFile, [parameterMap], [searchRegion]), ScreenRectangle waitForImage(imageFile, [parameterMap], [searchRegion]) and Boolean test.imagePresent(imageFile, [parameterMap], [searchRegion]) functions. In case the option map passed to the above functions does not contain the threshold key, the value of this property is used in its place. The default value is 99.5.

bool testSettings.imageSearchMultiscale

This property affects the ScreenRectangle findImage(imageFile, [parameterMap], [searchRegion]), ScreenRectangle waitForImage(imageFile, [parameterMap], [searchRegion]) and Boolean test.imagePresent(imageFile, [parameterMap], [searchRegion]) functions. In case the option map passed to the above functions does not contain the multiscale key, the value of this property is used in its place. The default value is false.

Number testSettings.imageSearchMinScale

This property affects the ScreenRectangle findImage(imageFile, [parameterMap], [searchRegion]), ScreenRectangle waitForImage(imageFile, [parameterMap], [searchRegion]) and Boolean test.imagePresent(imageFile, [parameterMap], [searchRegion]) functions. In case the option map passed to the above functions does not contain the minScale key, the value of this property is used in its place. The default value is 50.0.

Number testSettings.imageSearchMaxScale

This property affects the ScreenRectangle findImage(imageFile, [parameterMap], [searchRegion]), ScreenRectangle waitForImage(imageFile, [parameterMap], [searchRegion]) and Boolean test.imagePresent(imageFile, [parameterMap], [searchRegion]) functions. In case the option map passed to the above functions does not contain the maxScale key, the value of this property is used in its place. The default value is 200.0.

bool testSettings.defaultOcrLanguage

This property affects the OCR functions like String getOcrText([parameterMap], [searchRegion]), ScreenRectangle findOcrText(text, [parameterMap], [searchRegion]), ScreenRectangle waitForOcrText(text, [parameterMap], [searchRegion]) and Boolean test.ocrTextPresent(text, [parameterMap], [searchRegion]). In case the option map passed to the above functions does not contain the language key, the value of this property is used in its place. The default value is empty which means the engine's default language.

Integer testSettings.waitForObjectTimeout

This property defines the default timeout in milliseconds Object waitForObject(objectOrName), Object waitForObjectItem(objectOrName, itemOrIndex) and Object waitForObjectExists(name) will wait for an object lookup to succeed. This timeout also applies to Boolean test.vp(name), Boolean test.xvp(name), Boolean test.vpWithObject(name, objectNameOrReference), Boolean test.vpWithImage(name, imageOrFilePath) and highlightObject(objectOrName, [msec]).

The timeout value of 0 means Squish will try to find the object exactly once. Negative timeout values are not supported.

String testSettings.getPassword(key)

This method retrieves the password associated with the specified key. The passwords are stored with the test suite and can be edited using the Password Information.

Note: The passwords stored in a Squish test suite have to be retrievable in plaintext form. Therefore, they are not stored in a secure way. They are just stored separately, so that it is not necessary to hard-code passwords in test scripts.

Set initial testSettings Object values in the config.xml

The initial values of the testSettings Object properties can be set by editing the config.xml in the test suite folder. This way you can easily set the same values for multiple test cases. The test settings in the config.xml can be edited using the Test Settings and Image Search pages of the test suite settings editor in the squishide.

The following example shows how to extend the config.xml manually. Every property can be set in the same way.

<testconfig version="1.0">
    <testCaseName>some name</testCaseName>

The test suite's config.xml file is not always created automatically. You can either create it manually with a text editor, or in the squishide by opening the Test Suite Settings view editor and editing either the test suite summary and description or the default test settings.

RemoteSystem Object

Note: The RemoteSystem object can be used to interact with the system that squishserver runs on. In some cases, the system that the AUT runs on is not the same system the squishserver runs on. This means that RemoteSystem can not be used to access the AUT's operating system when testing Android, iOS, or remote attachable AUTs in general.

Squish provides a RemoteSystem object whose methods can be used for file system operations and process execution on the system the squishserver is running on. In order to use the object, the RemoteSystem library has to be included and an object instance must be created.

RemoteSystem RemoteSystem()

When the object instance is created by the default constructor, a connection to the default squishserver is automatically established. If an error occurs and the connection cannot be established, an exception is raised and no object instance is created.

source(findFile('scripts', 'javascript/remotesystem.js'));

function main() {
    try {
        remotesys = new RemoteSystem();
    } catch (e) {
        test.fail("Connect to squishserver", e.toString());
use warnings;
use strict;
use Squish::RemoteSystem;

eval {
    my $con = Squish::RemoteSystem->new();
} or do {
    my $e = $@;
    test::fail("Connect to squishserver", $e);
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from remotesystem import RemoteSystem

def main():
        remotesys = RemoteSystem()
    except Exception as e:
        test.fail("Connect to squishserver", str(e))
# encoding: UTF-8
require 'squish'
require "squish/remotesystem"
include Squish

def main
    remotecon = RemoteSystem.new()
  rescue Exception => e
    Test.fail("Connect to squishserver", e.to_s)
package require squish::remotesystem

proc main {} {
    if {[catch {set remotesys [::Squish::RemoteSystem new]} result]} {
        test fail "Connect to squishserver" $result

RemoteSystem RemoteSystem(host, port)

The constructor of the RemoteSystem object takes two optional arguments that can be used to establish a connection to an arbitrary squishserver. The first parameter is the hostname or IP address, the second parameter is the port number. The following example creates a RemoteSystem object that is connected to a manually started squishserver on the local system.

source(findFile('scripts', 'javascript/remotesystem.js'));

function main() {
    try {
        remotesys = new RemoteSystem("localhost", 4322);
    } catch (e) {
        test.fail("Connect to squishserver", e.toString());
use warnings;
use strict;
use Squish::RemoteSystem;

eval {
    my $con = Squish::RemoteSystem->new("localhost", 4322);
} or do {
    my $e = $@;
    test::fail("Connect to squishserver", $e);
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from remotesystem import RemoteSystem

def main():
        remotesys = RemoteSystem("localhost", 4322)
    except Exception as e:
        test.fail("Connect to squishserver", str(e))
# encoding: UTF-8
require 'squish'
require "squish/remotesystem"
include Squish

def main
    remotecon = RemoteSystem.new("localhost", 4322)
  rescue Exception => e
    Test.fail("Connect to squishserver", e.to_s)
package require squish::remotesystem

proc main {} {
    if {[catch {set remotesys [::Squish::RemoteSystem new localhost 4322]} result]} {
        test fail "Connect to squishserver" $result

The following exceptions can occur when the constructor of the object is called.

Runtime ErrorWhen a connection cannot be established.
Type/Value/Argument Error (JavaScript/Python/Ruby)When a parameter is missing.

Note: The exceptions for Perl and Tcl don`t have a specific exception type. Only a message, describing the error, is given.

Once the RemoteSystem object is created, the following methods are available.

list RemoteSystem.execute(cmd)

list RemoteSystem.execute(cmd, cwd)

list RemoteSystem.execute(cmd, cwd, env)

list RemoteSystem.execute(cmd, cwd, env, options)

The execute method can be used to run an application or shell command. As the first parameter a list/array of the command and all parameters must be given. The three following parameters are optional.

The cwd parameter specifies the working directory for executing the provided command.

The env parameter allows to set or remove environment variables. To remove an environment variable use an empty string as value.

The options parameter offers additional, sometimes less often used options. Please find the supported options for this below.

Note: RemoteSystem.execute is a synchronous operation that returns only when the executed command is finished or the process is started as a background task. When the process is started as a background task there no longer is an association to the RemoteSystem object.

RemoteSystem.execute Options

The following table lists all possible options.

cmdList/ArrayMandatoryArray with command to execute and parameters.
cwdStringEmptyWorking directory for the started process.
envDictionaryEmptyKey/Value pairs of environment variables.
optionsDictionaryEmptyDictionary of all options.
options.keepLineEndingBooleanTrueIf provided and set to false, line endings in stdout/stderr output of the started process will be converted to '\n' (Unix) newlines.
options.clearenvBooleanFalseIf provided and set to true, the process will be started with a minimal environment. However, on most OS it is not possible to remove all environment variables because then some functionality or tools provided by the operating system would not work any more.
options.timeoutInteger30Value is a timeout in seconds. It is used to limit the execution time of the started process.
options.encodingStringUTF-8Name of the encoding of the stdout/stderr output of the started process. See below for a supported encodings.

RemoteSystem.execute Return Values

The following table lists the return values. The returned value is a simple list/array with three elements. The order is always the same.

exitcodeString/UnicodeExit code of the process.
stdoutString/UnicodeStdout output of the process.
stderrString/UnicodeStderr output of the process.

Note: The return value in JavaScript is an object with properties.

RemoteSystem.execute Examples

Example for each language. The example adds one environment variable, deletes one and then gets the environment variable list from windows. The maximum run time for the command is 10 seconds, for the encoding the Windows IBM850 codepage is used. Also the line endings are transformed to "\n" line endings.

source(findFile('scripts', 'javascript/remotesystem.js'));

function main() {
    try {
        remotesys = new RemoteSystem();
        cmd = ["cmd", "/c", "set"];
        cwd = "";
        env = {};
        env["MYTESTENV"] = "test string";
        env["COMPUTERNAME"] = "";
        options = {};
        options.keepLineEnding = false;
        options.clearenv = false;
        options.timeout = 10;
        options.encoding = "IBM850"
        execresult = remotesys.execute(cmd, cwd, env, options);
    } catch (e) {
        test.fail("RemoteSystem error", e.toString());
use warnings;
use strict;
use Squish::RemoteSystem;
    my $cmd = ["cmd", "/c", "set"];
    my $cwd = "";
    my $env = {
      "MYTESTENV" => "test string",
      "COMPUTERNAME" => ""
    my $options = {
      "keepLineEnding" => 0,
      "clearenv" => 0,
      "timeout" => 10,
      "encoding" => "IBM850"
    eval {
        my $remotecon = Squish::RemoteSystem->new();
        my ($exitcode,$stdout,$stderr) = $remotecon->execute($cmd, $cwd, $env, $options);
    } or do {
        test::fail("RemoteSystem error", $@);
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from remotesystem import RemoteSystem

def main():
        remotesys = RemoteSystem()
        cmd = [ "cmd", "/c", "set" ]
        cwd = ""
        env = {
            "MYTESTENV": "test string",
            "COMPUTERNAME": ""
        options = {
            "keepLineEnding": False,
            "clearenv": False,
            "timeout": 10,
            "encoding": "IBM850"
        (exitcode, stdout, stderr) = remotesys.execute(cmd, cwd, env, options)
        test.verify(exitcode == "0", "Command not executed")
    except Exception as e:
        test.fail("RemoteSystem error", str(e))
# encoding: UTF-8
require 'squish'
require "squish/remotesystem"
include Squish

def main
    remotesys = RemoteSystem.new()
    cmd = ["cmd", "/c", "set"]
    cwd = ""
    env = {
      "MYTESTENV" => "test string",
      "COMPUTERNAME" => ""
    options = {
      "keepLineEnding" => false,
      "clearenv" => false,
      "timeout" => 10,
      "encoding" => "IBM850"
    exitcode, stdout, stderr = remotesys.execute(cmd, cwd, env, options)
  rescue Exception => e
    Test.fail("RemoteSystem error", e.to_s)
package require squish::remotesystem

proc main {} {
    set cmd [list cmd /c set]
    set cwd ""
    set env [dict create]
    set options [dict create keepNewLine 0 clearenv 0 timeout 10 encoding IBM850]

    if {[catch {set remotesys [::Squish::RemoteSystem new]} result]} {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result
    if { [catch {foreach {exitcode stdout stderr} [$remotesys execute $cmd $cwd $env $options] {break}} result] } {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

Note: When the command is executed on Windows and runs in a console window, the encoding must match the codepage of the console that is used. See https://msdn.microsoft.com/de-de/library/windows/desktop/dd317756(v=vs.85).aspx for Windows codepage numbers and their names. The name of the codepage is the name for the encoding option.

Note: Linux encoding is mostly UTF-8.

RemoteSystem.execute Encodings

The following list is a sub set of possible encodings.

UTF-8UTF-16ISO 8859-1 to 10
ISO 8859-13 to 16ISO 2022-JPShift-JIS
IBM 874IBM 866IBM 850
Windows-1250 to 1258Big5KOI8-R

Note: For a complete list of supported encodings, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtextcodec.html#details

RemoteSystem.execute Exceptions

The following exceptions can occur when a command is executed.

Runtime ErrorEncoding not supported. The exception is raised when the wanted encoding is not supported.
Runtime ErrorWorking directory not found. The exception is raised when the working directory is not found.
Runtime ErrorProgram not started after timeout. The exception is raised when the program to execute does not start within 10 seconds.

String RemoteSystem.getEnvironmentVariable(variableName)

The getEnvironmentVariable method can be used to retrieve the content of environment variables from the remote system. The variableName parameter is used to specify the name of the environment variable on the remote system.

Note: If the retrieved environment variable is not set on the remote system, the function will return an empty string. There is no way to differentiate if the variable is set to an empty string or not set at all.

The following example retrieves the environment variable HOMEDRIVE and logs the result.

source(findFile('scripts', 'javascript/remotesystem.js'));

function main() {
    try {
        remoteOS = new RemoteSystem();
    } catch (e) {
        test.fail("RemoteSystem error", e.toString());
use warnings;
use strict;
use Squish::RemoteSystem;

sub main {
    eval {
        my $remoteOS = Squish::RemoteSystem->new();
    } or do {
        test::fail("RemoteSystem error", $@);
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from remotesystem import RemoteSystem

def main():
        remoteOS = RemoteSystem()
    except Exception as e:
        test.fail("RemoteSystem error", str(e))
# encoding: UTF-8
require 'squish'
require "squish/remotesystem"
include Squish

def main
    remoteOS = RemoteSystem.new()
  rescue Exception => e
    Test.fail("RemoteSystem error", e.to_s)
package require squish::remotesystem

proc main {} {
    if {[catch {set remoteOS [::Squish::RemoteSystem new]} result]} {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

    if { [catch { test log [$remoteOS getEnvironmentVariable "HOMEDRIVE"] } result] } {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

String RemoteSystem.getOSName()

The getOSName method can be used to retrieve the name of the operating system of the remote system. When the OS can not be determined the function returns "Unknown".

Possible names include:

  • "Android" — Android
  • "Darwin" — macOS and iOS
  • "Linux" — Linux
  • "QNX" — QNX
  • "SunOS" — Solaris
  • "Windows" — Windows

The following example retrieves the name of the operating system and logs the result.

source(findFile('scripts', 'javascript/remotesystem.js'));

function main() {
    try {
        remoteOS = new RemoteSystem();
    } catch (e) {
        test.fail("RemoteSystem error", e.toString());
use warnings;
use strict;
use Squish::RemoteSystem;

sub main {
    eval {
        my $remoteOS = Squish::RemoteSystem->new();
    } or do {
        test::fail("RemoteSystem error", $@);
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from remotesystem import RemoteSystem

def main():
        remoteOS = RemoteSystem()
    except Exception as e:
        test.fail("RemoteSystem error", str(e))
# encoding: UTF-8
require 'squish'
require "squish/remotesystem"
include Squish

def main
    remoteOS = RemoteSystem.new()
  rescue Exception => e
    Test.fail("RemoteSystem error", e.to_s)
package require squish::remotesystem

proc main {} {
    if {[catch {set remoteOS [::Squish::RemoteSystem new]} result]} {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result
    } else {
        test log [$remoteOS getOSName]

StringList RemoteSystem.listFiles(path)

The listFiles method can be used to retrieve a directory listing of a certain path from the remote system. The path parameter is used to specify the path on the remote system that is retrieved. This method returns a list of file and folder names (it does not return the full paths). It does not work recursively and therefore doesn't show the content of subfolders. If the path does not exist or is not a directory an exception is raised.

The following example retrieves all directory and file names of the "/"-Directory (which under Windows should be the homedrive).

source(findFile('scripts', 'javascript/remotesystem.js'));

function main() {
    try {
        remoteOS = new RemoteSystem();

        dirList = remoteOS.listFiles("/");

        for (var i = 0; i < dirList.length; i++) {
    } catch (e) {
        test.fail("RemoteSystem error", e.toString());
use warnings;
use strict;
use Squish::RemoteSystem;

sub main {
    eval {
        my $remoteOS = Squish::RemoteSystem->new();
        my @dirList = $remoteOS->listFiles("/");
        my $dirListLength = @dirList;

        for (my $i = 0; $i < $dirListLength; $i++) {
    } or do {
        test::fail("RemoteSystem error", $@);
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from remotesystem import RemoteSystem

def main():
        remoteOS = RemoteSystem()
        dirList = remoteOS.listFiles("/")

        for remoteFile in dirList:
    except Exception as e:
        test.fail("RemoteSystem error", str(e))
# encoding: UTF-8
require 'squish'
require "squish/remotesystem"
include Squish

def main
    remoteOS = RemoteSystem.new()
    dirList = remoteOS.listFiles("/")
    dirList.each do |remoteFile|
      Test.log remoteFile
  rescue Exception => e
    Test.fail("RemoteSystem error", e.to_s)
package require squish::remotesystem

proc main {} {
    if {[catch {set remoteOS [::Squish::RemoteSystem new]} result]} {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

    if { [catch { set dirList [$remoteOS listFiles "/"]] } result] } {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

    if { [catch {
        foreach remoteFile $dirList {
            test log $remoteFile
        } } result ] } {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

Variant RemoteSystem.stat(path, propertyName)

The stat method can be used to retrieve different properties of a certain path from the remote system. The path parameter is used to specify the path on the remote system and the propertyName is used to specify which property should be retrieved. The property name must be chosen from a predefined list of property names (property names are case-sensitive). Depending on the property this method returns different result types. If the path does not exist or the property is unknown an exception is raised.

The following list shows the supported properties and the returned types.

Property NameReturn Type

The following example prints if the given path is a directory or file. And prints the timestamp when the directory was last read.

source(findFile('scripts', 'javascript/remotesystem.js'));

function main() {
    try {
        remoteOS = new RemoteSystem();
        test.log(remoteOS.stat("/", "isDir"));
        test.log(remoteOS.stat("/", "isFile"));
        test.log(remoteOS.stat("/", "lastRead"));
    } catch (e) {
        test.fail("RemoteSystem error", e.toString());
use warnings;
use strict;
use Squish::RemoteSystem;

sub main {
    eval {
        my $remoteOS = Squish::RemoteSystem->new();
        test::log($remoteOS->stat("/", "isDir"));
        test::log($remoteOS->stat("/", "isFile"));
        test::log($remoteOS->stat("/", "lastRead"));
    } or do {
        test::fail("RemoteSystem error", $@);
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from remotesystem import RemoteSystem

def main():
        remoteOS = RemoteSystem()
        test.log(str(remoteOS.stat("/", "isDir")))
        test.log(str(remoteOS.stat("/", "isFile")))
        test.log(remoteOS.stat("/", "lastRead"))
    except Exception as e:
        test.fail("RemoteSystem error", str(e))
# encoding: UTF-8
require 'squish'
require "squish/remotesystem"
include Squish

def main
    remoteOS = RemoteSystem.new()
    Test.log(remoteOS.stat("/", "isDir")? "true" : "false")
    Test.log(remoteOS.stat("/", "isFile")? "true" : "false" )
    Test.log(remoteOS.stat("/", "lastRead"))
  rescue Exception => e
    Test.fail("RemoteSystem error", e.to_s)
package require squish::remotesystem

proc main {} {
    if {[catch {set remoteOS [::Squish::RemoteSystem new]} result]} {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

    if { [catch { test log [$remoteOS stat "/" "isDir" ] } result] } {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

    if { [catch { test log [$remoteOS stat "/" "isFile" ] } result] } {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

    if { [catch { test log [$remoteOS stat "/" "lastRead" ] } result] } {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

Boolean RemoteSystem.exists(path)

The exists method can be used to check if a certain path on the remote system exists. The path parameter is used to specify the path on the remote system that will be checked.

The following example prints if the two given paths exists.

source(findFile('scripts', 'javascript/remotesystem.js'));

function main() {
    try {
        remoteOS = new RemoteSystem();
    } catch (e) {
        test.fail("RemoteSystem error", e.toString());
use warnings;
use strict;
use Squish::RemoteSystem;

sub main {
    eval {
        my $remoteOS = Squish::RemoteSystem->new();
    } or do {
        test::fail("RemoteSystem error", $@);
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from remotesystem import RemoteSystem

def main():
        remoteOS = RemoteSystem()
    except Exception as e:
        test.fail("RemoteSystem error", str(e))
# encoding: UTF-8
require 'squish'
require "squish/remotesystem"
include Squish

def main
    remoteOS = RemoteSystem.new()
    Test.log(remoteOS.exists("/")? "true" : "false")
    Test.log(remoteOS.exists("/some/nonexisting/path")? "true" : "false")
  rescue Exception => e
    Test.fail("RemoteSystem error", e.to_s)
package require squish::remotesystem

proc main {} {
    if {[catch {set remoteOS [::Squish::RemoteSystem new]} result]} {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

    if { [catch { test log [$remoteOS exists "/"] } result] } {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

    if { [catch { test log [expr ![$remoteOS exists "/some/nonexisting/path"]] } result] } {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

Boolean RemoteSystem.deleteFile(path)

The deleteFile method can be used to delete a file on the remote system. The path parameter is used to specify the path of the file on the remote system. If the provided file cannot be deleted or the path doesn't lead to a file an exception is raised.

The following example shows how to use the deleteFile method. You will have to replace the path if you want to try the example.

Note: Depending on your setup this test might alter files or folders on your local or remote system.

source(findFile('scripts', 'javascript/remotesystem.js'));

function main() {
    try {
        remoteOS = new RemoteSystem();
    } catch (e) {
        test.fail("RemoteSystem error", e.toString());
use warnings;
use strict;
use Squish::RemoteSystem;

sub main {
    eval {
        my $remoteOS = Squish::RemoteSystem->new();
    } or do {
        test::fail("RemoteSystem error", $@);
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from remotesystem import RemoteSystem

def main():
        remoteOS = RemoteSystem()
    except Exception as e:
        test.fail("RemoteSystem error", str(e))
# encoding: UTF-8
require 'squish'
require "squish/remotesystem"
include Squish

def main
    remoteOS = RemoteSystem.new()
  rescue Exception => e
    Test.fail("RemoteSystem error", e.to_s)
package require squish::remotesystem

proc main {} {
    if {[catch {set remoteOS [::Squish::RemoteSystem new]} result]} {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

    if { [catch { test verify [$remoteOS deleteFile "/some/nonexisting/filepath"] } result] } {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

    if { [catch { test verify [expr ![$remoteOS exists "/some/nonexisting/filepath"]] } result] } {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

Boolean RemoteSystem.deleteDirectory(path)

Boolean RemoteSystem.deleteDirectory(path, recursive)

The deleteDirectory method can be used to delete a directory on the remote system. The path parameter is used to specify the path of the folder on the remote system. The optional boolean parameter recursive can be used to specify whether subdirectories and files inside the directories should be deleted too. If the recursive flag is not set and the specified directory contains files or folders the deletion operation will fail and an exception will be raised. Additionally if some of the specified files and folders cannot be deleted an exception will be raised.

The following example shows how to use the deleteDirectory method. You will have to replace the path if you want to try the example.

Note: Depending on your setup this test might alter files or folders on your local or remote system.

source(findFile('scripts', 'javascript/remotesystem.js'));

function main() {
    try {
        remoteOS = new RemoteSystem();
    } catch (e) {
        test.fail("RemoteSystem error", e.toString());
use warnings;
use strict;
use Squish::RemoteSystem;

sub main {
    eval {
        my $remoteOS = Squish::RemoteSystem->new();
    } or do {
        test::fail("RemoteSystem error", $@);
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from remotesystem import RemoteSystem

def main():
        remoteOS = RemoteSystem()
    except Exception as e:
        test.fail("RemoteSystem error", str(e))
# encoding: UTF-8
require 'squish'
require "squish/remotesystem"
include Squish

def main
    remoteOS = RemoteSystem.new()
  rescue Exception => e
    Test.fail("RemoteSystem error", e.to_s)
package require squish::remotesystem

proc main {} {
    if {[catch {set remoteOS [::Squish::RemoteSystem new]} result]} {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

    if { [catch { test verify [$remoteOS deleteDirectory "/some/nonexisting/path"] } result] } {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

    if { [catch { test verify [expr ![$remoteOS exists "/some/nonexisting/path"]] } result] } {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

Boolean RemoteSystem.createDirectory(path)

The createDirectory method can be used to create a directory on the remote system. The path parameter is used to specify the path of the folder on the remote system. This method will only create the new folder if the parent directory already exists. If you want to create multiple directories in one go you can use createPath Boolean RemoteSystem.createPath(path). If the folder cannot be created an exception will be raised.

The following example shows how to use the createDirectory method. You will have to replace the path if you want to try the example.

Note: Depending on your setup this test might alter files or folders on your local or remote system.

source(findFile('scripts', 'javascript/remotesystem.js'));

function main() {
    try {
        remoteOS = new RemoteSystem();
    } catch (e) {
        test.fail("RemoteSystem error", e.toString());
use warnings;
use strict;
use Squish::RemoteSystem;

sub main {
    eval {
        my $remoteOS = Squish::RemoteSystem->new();
    } or do {
        test::fail("RemoteSystem error", $@);
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from remotesystem import RemoteSystem

def main():
        remoteOS = RemoteSystem()
    except Exception as e:
        test.fail("RemoteSystem error", str(e))
# encoding: UTF-8
require 'squish'
require "squish/remotesystem"
include Squish

def main
    remoteOS = RemoteSystem.new()
  rescue Exception => e
    Test.fail("RemoteSystem error", e.to_s)
package require squish::remotesystem

proc main {} {
    if {[catch {set remoteOS [::Squish::RemoteSystem new]} result]} {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

    if { [catch { test verify [$remoteOS createDirectory "/some/nonexisting/path"] } result] } {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

    if { [catch { test verify [$remoteOS exists "/some/nonexisting/path"] } result] } {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

Boolean RemoteSystem.createPath(path)

The createPath method can be used to create directories on the remote system. The path parameter is used to specify the path of the directories on the remote system. This method will create all folders that are missing on the remote system from the specified path. If the path cannot be created an exception will be raised.

The following example shows how to use the createPath method. You will have to replace the path if you want to try the example.

Note: Depending on your setup this test might alter files or folders on your local or remote system.

source(findFile('scripts', 'javascript/remotesystem.js'));

function main() {
    try {
        remoteOS = new RemoteSystem();
    } catch (e) {
        test.fail("RemoteSystem error", e.toString());
use warnings;
use strict;
use Squish::RemoteSystem;

sub main {
    eval {
        my $remoteOS = Squish::RemoteSystem->new();
    } or do {
        test::fail("RemoteSystem error", $@);
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from remotesystem import RemoteSystem

def main():
        remoteOS = RemoteSystem()
    except Exception as e:
        test.fail("RemoteSystem error", str(e))
# encoding: UTF-8
require 'squish'
require "squish/remotesystem"
include Squish

def main
    remoteOS = RemoteSystem.new()
  rescue Exception => e
    Test.fail("RemoteSystem error", e.to_s)
package require squish::remotesystem

proc main {} {
    if {[catch {set remoteOS [::Squish::RemoteSystem new]} result]} {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

    if { [catch { test verify [$remoteOS createPath "/some/nonexisting/path"] } result] } {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

    if { [catch { test verify [$remoteOS exists "/some/nonexisting/path"] } result] } {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

Boolean RemoteSystem.rename(oldPath, newPath)

The rename method can be used to rename and move files and directories on the remote system. The oldPath parameter is used to specify the old or current path of the directory or file on the remote system. The newPath parameter is used to specify the new or desired path of the directory or file on the remote system. The operation will fail if the new path is already existing. If the old path doesn't exist or the file or folder cannot be renamed an exception will be raised.

The following example shows how to use the rename method. You will have to replace the paths if you want to try the example.

Note: Depending on your setup this test might alter files or folders on your local or remote system.

source(findFile('scripts', 'javascript/remotesystem.js'));

function main() {
    try {
        remoteOS = new RemoteSystem();
        test.verify(remoteOS.rename("/some/old/path", "/some/new/path"));
    } catch (e) {
        test.fail("RemoteSystem error", e.toString());
use warnings;
use strict;
use Squish::RemoteSystem;

sub main {
    eval {
        my $remoteOS = Squish::RemoteSystem->new();
        test::verify($remoteOS->rename("/some/old/path", "/some/new/path"));
    } or do {
        test::fail("RemoteSystem error", $@);
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from remotesystem import RemoteSystem

def main():
        remoteOS = RemoteSystem()
        test.verify(remoteOS.rename("/some/old/path", "/some/new/path"))
    except Exception as e:
        test.fail("RemoteSystem error", str(e))
# encoding: UTF-8
require 'squish'
require "squish/remotesystem"
include Squish

def main
    remoteOS = RemoteSystem.new()
    Test.verify(remoteOS.rename("/some/old/path", "/some/new/path"))
  rescue Exception => e
    Test.fail("RemoteSystem error", e.to_s)
package require squish::remotesystem

proc main {} {
    if {[catch {set remoteOS [::Squish::RemoteSystem new]} result]} {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

    if { [catch { test verify [$remoteOS rename "/some/old/path" "/some/new/path"] } result] } {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

    if { [catch { test verify [$remoteOS exists "/some/new/path"] } result] } {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

    if { [catch { test verify [expr ![$remoteOS exists "/some/old/path"]] } result] } {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

Boolean RemoteSystem.createTextFile(path, content)

Boolean RemoteSystem.createTextFile(path, content, encoding)

The createTextFile method can be used to create a text file on the remote system. The path parameter is used to specify the path and name of the file that is to be created on the remote system. The content parameter is used to specify the content of the file that is created as a string. The optional parameter encoding can be used to specify the encoding of the text file. The default encoding is UTF-8, see above for a possible encodings. This operation will fail if the supplied path already exists (so this function will not overwrite existing files). If the file already exists, the encoding is not supported or the file cannot be created an exception will be raised.

The following example shows how to use the createTextFile method. You will have to replace the path if you want to try the example.

Note: Depending on your setup this test might alter files or folders on your local or remote system.

source(findFile('scripts', 'javascript/remotesystem.js'));

function main() {
    try {
        remoteOS = new RemoteSystem();
        test.verify(remoteOS.createTextFile("/some/path/to/a/textfile", "Content..."));
    } catch (e) {
        test.fail("RemoteSystem error", e.toString());
use warnings;
use strict;
use Squish::RemoteSystem;

sub main {
    eval {
        my $remoteOS = Squish::RemoteSystem->new();
        test::verify($remoteOS->createTextFile("/some/path/to/a/textfile", "Content..."));
    } or do {
        test::fail("RemoteSystem error", $@);
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from remotesystem import RemoteSystem

def main():
        remoteOS = RemoteSystem()
        test.verify(remoteOS.createTextFile("/some/path/to/a/textfile", "Content..."))
    except Exception as e:
        test.fail("RemoteSystem error", str(e))
# encoding: UTF-8
require 'squish'
require "squish/remotesystem"
include Squish

def main
    remoteOS = RemoteSystem.new()
    Test.verify(remoteOS.createTextFile("/some/path/to/a/textfile", "Content..."))
  rescue Exception => e
    Test.fail("RemoteSystem error", e.to_s)
package require squish::remotesystem

proc main {} {
    if {[catch {set remoteOS [::Squish::RemoteSystem new]} result]} {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

    if { [catch { test verify [$remoteOS createTextFile "/some/path/to/a/textfile" "Content..."] } result] } {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

    if { [catch { test verify [$remoteOS exists "/some/path/to/a/textfile"] } result] } {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

Boolean RemoteSystem.upload(localPath, remotePath)

The upload method can be used to upload a file from the local system (i.e., the system the runner is running on) to the remote system (i.e., the system the server is running on). The localPath parameter is used to specify the path of the source file on the local system, while the remotePath parameter is used to specify the path of the target location for the file on the remote system. This operation will fail if the supplied remote path already exists (so this function will not overwrite existing files). Additionally if the local path does not exist or the file is not transferred correctly an exception will be raised.

The following example shows how to use the upload method. You will have to replace the paths if you want to try the example.

Note: Depending on your setup this test might alter files or folders on your local or remote system.

source(findFile('scripts', 'javascript/remotesystem.js'));

function main() {
    try {
        remoteOS = new RemoteSystem();
        test.verify(remoteOS.upload("/some/local/path", "/some/remote/path"));
    } catch (e) {
        test.fail("RemoteSystem error", e.toString());
use warnings;
use strict;
use Squish::RemoteSystem;

sub main {
    eval {
        my $remoteOS = Squish::RemoteSystem->new();
        test::verify($remoteOS->upload("/some/local/path", "/some/remote/path"));
    } or do {
        test::fail("RemoteSystem error", $@);
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from remotesystem import RemoteSystem

def main():
        remoteOS = RemoteSystem()
        test.verify(remoteOS.upload("/some/local/path", "/some/remote/path"))
    except Exception as e:
        test.fail("RemoteSystem error", str(e))
# encoding: UTF-8
require 'squish'
require "squish/remotesystem"
include Squish

def main
    remoteOS = RemoteSystem.new()
    Test.verify(remoteOS.upload("/some/local/path", "/some/remote/path"))
  rescue Exception => e
    Test.fail("RemoteSystem error", e.to_s)
package require squish::remotesystem

proc main {} {
    if {[catch {set remoteOS [::Squish::RemoteSystem new]} result]} {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

    if { [catch { test verify [$remoteOS upload "/some/local/path" "/some/remote/path"] } result] } {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

    if { [catch { test verify [$remoteOS exists "/some/remote/path"] } result] } {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

Boolean RemoteSystem.download(remotePath, localPath)

The download method can be used to download a file from the remote system (i.e., the system the server is running on) to the local system (i.e., the system the runner is running on). The remotePath parameter is used to specify the path of the source file on the remote system, while the localPath parameter is used to specify the path of the target location for the file on the local system. This operation will fail if the supplied local path already exists (so this function will not overwrite existing files). Additionally if the remote path does not exist, the local file cannot be created or the file is not transferred correctly an exception will be raised.

The following example shows how to use the download method. You will have to replace the paths if you want to try the example.

Note: Depending on your setup this test might alter files or folders on your local or remote system.

source(findFile('scripts', 'javascript/remotesystem.js'));

function main() {
    try {
        remoteOS = new RemoteSystem();
        test.verify(remoteOS.download("/some/remote/path", "/some/local/path"));
    } catch (e) {
        test.fail("RemoteSystem error", e.toString());
use warnings;
use strict;
use Squish::RemoteSystem;

sub main {
    eval {
        my $remoteOS = Squish::RemoteSystem->new();
        test::verify($remoteOS->download("/some/remote/path", "/some/local/path"));
    } or do {
        test::fail("RemoteSystem error", $@);
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from remotesystem import RemoteSystem

def main():
        remoteOS = RemoteSystem()
        test.verify(remoteOS.download("/some/remote/path", "/some/local/path"))
    except Exception as e:
        test.fail("RemoteSystem error", str(e))
# encoding: UTF-8
require 'squish'
require "squish/remotesystem"
include Squish

def main
    remoteOS = RemoteSystem.new()
    Test.verify(remoteOS.download("/some/remote/path", "/some/local/path"))
  rescue Exception => e
    Test.fail("RemoteSystem error", e.to_s)
package require squish::remotesystem

proc main {} {
    if {[catch {set remoteOS [::Squish::RemoteSystem new]} result]} {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

    if { [catch { test verify [$remoteOS download "/some/remote/path" "/some/local/path"] } result] } {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

Boolean RemoteSystem.copy(sourcePath, destinationPath)

The copy method can be used to copy files or folders inside the remote system. The sourcePath parameter is used to specify the path of the source file or folder on the remote system, while the destinationPath parameter is used to specify the path of the destination location for the file or folder on the remote system. If you copy a single file the destination path can either be a file or folder. If you copy a folder the destination path has to be a folder, otherwise an exception will be raised. This operation will fail if one of the files involved in a copy operation already exists in the destination location (it will not overwrite existing files). Additionally if any of the files involved cannot be copied correctly an exception will be raised.

The following example shows how to use the copy method. You will have to replace the paths if you want to try the example.

Note: Depending on your setup this test might alter files or folders on your local or remote system.

source(findFile('scripts', 'javascript/remotesystem.js'));

function main() {
    try {
        remoteOS = new RemoteSystem();
        test.verify(remoteOS.copy("/some/remote/path/a", "/some/remote/path/b"));
    } catch (e) {
        test.fail("RemoteSystem error", e.toString());
use warnings;
use strict;
use Squish::RemoteSystem;

sub main {
    eval {
        my $remoteOS = Squish::RemoteSystem->new();
        test::verify($remoteOS->copy("/some/remote/path/a", "/some/remote/path/b"));
    } or do {
        test::fail("RemoteSystem error", $@);
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from remotesystem import RemoteSystem

def main():
        remoteOS = RemoteSystem()
        test.verify(remoteOS.copy("/some/remote/path/a", "/some/remote/path/b"))
    except Exception as e:
        test.fail("RemoteSystem error", str(e))
# encoding: UTF-8
require 'squish'
require "squish/remotesystem"
include Squish

def main
    remoteOS = RemoteSystem.new()
    Test.verify(remoteOS.copy("/some/remote/path/a", "/some/remote/path/b"))
  rescue Exception => e
    Test.fail("RemoteSystem error", e.to_s)
package require squish::remotesystem

proc main {} {
    if {[catch {set remoteOS [::Squish::RemoteSystem new]} result]} {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

    if { [catch { test verify [$remoteOS copy "/some/remote/path/a" "/some/remote/path/b"] } result] } {
        test fail "RemoteSystem error" $result

Boolean RemoteSystem.close()

The close method can be used to close the connection from an instance of RemoteSystem to the squishserver. Use this if you wish to stop using an instance and explicitly clean up its resources.

User Interface Types

Squish provides the UiTypes namespace (in languages where namespaces make sense) through which items of generic types can be created.

DateTime Type

The UiTypes.DateTime type (plain DateTime in Tcl) is capable of holding a date and time value.

DateTime UiTypes.DateTime()

DateTime UiTypes.DateTime(year, month, dayOfMonth)

DateTime UiTypes.DateTime(year, month, dayOfMonth, hour, minute, second)

This construction function creates a DateTime object. If no arguments are given all the values are set to -1 (i.e., the DateTime is invalid). Here is how to create a valid DateTime:

moonLanding = UiTypes.DateTime(1969, 7, 20)
var moonLanding = new UiTypes.DateTime(1969, 7, 20);
my $moonLanding = UiTypes::DateTime->new(1969, 7, 20);
moonLanding = UiTypes::DateTime.new(1969, 7, 20)
set moonLanding [construct DateTime 1969 7 20]

The Squish UiTypes namespace is inside the Squish namespace that is automatically imported into test scripts—except for Ruby where the script file should begin with a require 'squish' statement.

DateTime objects have the following properties:

int UiTypes.DateTime.year

This read/write property holds the date/time's year.

int UiTypes.DateTime.month

This read/write property holds the date/time's month (1-12).

int UiTypes.DateTime.day

This read/write property holds the date/time's day of the month (1-31).

int UiTypes.DateTime.hour

This read/write property holds the date/time's hour (0-23).

int UiTypes.DateTime.minute

This read/write property holds the date/time's minutes (0-59).

int UiTypes.DateTime.second

This read/write property holds the date/time's seconds (0-59).

UiTypes.ScreenPoint Class

A point element representing a position on screen. Objects of this type have the following properties:

Integer x

Read/write property that specifies the horizontal coordinate of this point.

Integer y

Read/write property that specifies the vertical coordinate of this point.

UiTypes.ScreenRectangle Class

A rectangle type that represents a screen position and size.

ScreenRectangle UiTypes.ScreenRectangle()

Constructs an invalid ScreenRectangle whose properties are all set to the value -1.

ScreenRectangle UiTypes.ScreenRectangle(otherScreenRectangle)

Constructs a copy of otherScreenRectangle.

ScreenRectangle UiTypes.ScreenRectangle(x, y, width, height)

Constructs a ScreenRectangle with the given position and size.

someRect = UiTypes.ScreenRectangle(13, 27, 800, 600)
var someRect = new UiTypes.ScreenRectangle(13, 27, 800, 600);
my $someRect = UiTypes::ScreenRectangle->new(13, 27, 800, 600);
someRect = UiTypes::ScreenRectangle.new(13, 27, 800, 600)
set someRect [construct ScreenRectangle 13 27 800 600]

Integer x

The x-coordinate of the rectangle's left edge or -1 in case of an invalid object.

Integer y

The y-coordinate of the rectangle's top edge or -1 in case of an invalid object.

Integer width

The width of the rectangle or -1 in case of an invalid object.

Integer height

The height of the rectangle or -1 in case of an invalid object.

ScreenPoint center()

Returns the center of the rectangle object as a ScreenPoint object.

Miscellaneous Functions

String findFile(where, filename)

This function returns the path of the given filename or raises a LookupError exception if the file cannot be found.

If the where parameter is "scripts", findFile looks for the filename in the test case scripts directory. If that doesn't contain the file the function next tries the test suite's shared/scripts directory. If that doesn't contain the file, the function tries the paths in the paths.ini initialization file. If it still isn't found, the function tries all of the directories listed in the SQUISH_SCRIPT_DIR environment variable (if it is defined). As soon as the file is found, the filename path is returned; otherwise a catchable LookupError exception is raised.

If the where parameter is "testdata", findFile looks for the filename in the test case's testdata directory. If that doesn't contain the file the function next tries the test suite's shared/testdata directory, and failing that the function tries the test case directory. As soon as the file is found, the filename path is returned; otherwise a catchable LookupError exception is raised.

(See also, the source(filename) function and the Test Data Functions.)


This function tells Squish to sleep for the specified nominal number of seconds. The seconds argument can be a whole number or a floating-point number. The actual sleep time will depend on the current snoozeFactor. Unless you really do need to force Squish to sleep, it is usually more robust to use the Object waitForObject(objectOrName) function than to use snooze.

The snoozeFactor can be set using the squishide. Click Window > Preferences to invoke the Preferences dialog, then click the Squish item, and then the Playback item and then set the Snooze Factor value. The snoozeFactor can also be set by using squishrunner's command line options. See squishrunner: Recording a Test Case and Executing a Test Case (Advanced).


Reads and evaluates the contents of filename, line-by-line. Unlike the scripting language's normal "import" mechanism, (such as Python's import or Perl's use), this is more like the C++ #include directive in that the statements are inserted into your script at that location. This is one way to parse your own shared script files rather than using the scripting language's import mechanism, which may require customization to your environment for it to locate your own modules.

A common use case is to write something like source(findFile("scripts", "common.js")). This uses the String findFile(where, filename) function to produce a filename including a path and then evaluates that file's contents as a script. This typically results in additional functions (and even new classes and variables) becoming available to the test script that performs this call.

For Ruby, use the built-in require method instead—inside a function or method. For example, require findFile("scripts", "common.rb")).

See also, How to Create and Use Shared Data and Shared Scripts, Import Squish Resource dialog, and New Squish Test Script dialog.

Low-Level Functions

nativeMouseClick(x, y, button)

This function simulates a native mouse click on the currently active window. The x and y parameters are the coordinates where the mouse click must take place in screen coordinates. The button parameter is the mouse button that should be used, and must be one of MouseButton.LeftButton, MouseButton.MiddleButton or MouseButton.RightButton.

Note: In theory it is possible for a call to the nativeMouseClick function to go astray. For example, if a window or control unexpectedly pops up over the window at which the mouse click was intended, the mouse click will go to the newly active window or control rather than to the intended one. In practice this is a very rare occurrence.


This function simulates user keyboard input using the operating system's facilities, sending keypresses to the currently active window, i.e., to the window with keyboard focus. On Windows, this can be used to interact with native Windows message boxes, for example. The keyboard input will be sent to whatever widget has the keyboard focus. The input is case-sensitive, so nativeType("R") is different from nativeType("r").

This function can also simulate the input of special keys by using their names and enclosing them in angle brackets (<>), and can simulate combinations of keys by separating each key name with a +. Here are some examples:


This is valid in JavaScript, Perl, Python, and Ruby.

invoke nativeType "Hello"
invoke nativeType "<Return>"
invoke nativeType "<Alt+F4>"
invoke nativeType "<Alt+Tab>"
invoke nativeType "<Ctrl+c>"

The nativeType function can accept all the normal alphanumeric characters (which are written literally), as well as the following special keys (which must be enclosed in angle brackets): <Alt>, <Ctrl>, <Shift>, <Escape>, <Return>, <Space>, <Backspace>, <Tab>, <Pause>, <PageUp>, <PageDown>, <Home>, <End>, <Left>, <Right>, <Up>, <Down>, <Insert>, <Delete>, <Print>, <NumPad0>, <NumPad1>, <NumPad2>, <NumPad3>, <NumPad4>, <NumPad5>, <NumPad6>, <NumPad7>, <NumPad8>, <NumPad9>, <NumPadMultiply>, <NumPadAdd>, <NumPadSubtract>, <NumPadDivide>, <NumPadDecimal>, <MenuLeft>, <MenuRight>, <Win>, <WinLeft>, <WinRight>, <F1>, <F2>, <F3>, <F4>, <F5>, <F6>, <F7>, <F8>, <F9>, <F10>, <F11>, <F12>, <F13>, <F14>, <F15>, <F16>, <F17>, <F18>, <F19>, <F20>, <F21>, <F22>, <F23>, <F24>, <NumLock>, <ScrollLock>, <CapsLock> and <Command> (macOS only) .

It is usually better to use one of the toolkit-specific type(objectOrName, text) functions.

Note: In theory it is possible for keypresses entered with the nativeType function to go astray. For example, if a window unexpectedly pops up over the AUT, the keypresses will go to the newly active window rather than to the intended one. In practice this is a very rare occurrence.

sendNativeEvent(windowName, sequence)

This function sends a sequence of low-level native events to the window called windowName. This function may be useful when interacting with windows from another application or with widgets implemented with a foreign toolkit. For interaction with standard application widgets it is best to use the functions in Squish's API such as the type(objectOrName, text) function.

Here's an example of use that is legal in JavaScript, Python, Perl, and Ruby:

sendNativeEvent("Login", "username");

At present, the only supported types of event are simple keystrokes. Support for complex keystrokes and for mouse events might be added in a future version. Please contact technical support if this is an important requirement for you.

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