Tcl Notes

Squish assumes that all test.tcl files use the UTF-8 encoding. If you expect to edit such files outside of the Squish IDE, make sure that the editor loads and saves the files using UTF-8.

To access toolkit enums use the Squish API's enum function. The function takes two arguments, the first is a class or namespace name and the second is an enum name. For example, [enum Qt AlignRight].


toString() is a Squish-internal function for converting strings from native-toolkit-types to Tcl's own string representation. See Converting QStrings for an example of its use.

Tcl Language Documentation

For documentation on the Tcl language and standard extension packages, see the Tcl/Tk Documentation page on the Tcl home page. That page also has links to Tcl tutorials. If you prefer books, a good Tcl book is Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk by Brent Welsh and Ken Jones with Jeffrey Hobbs.

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