Standalone Installation of the IDE

You only need to download and install the Squish IDE as described in this section if you installed the Squish Tools from source.

If you downloaded and installed a Squish binary package, the Squish IDE is already included. The Squish IDE's executable is:

The Squish IDE is provided in a ZIP file called The version may vary, but will include text that identifies its target platform ("win32", "macosx", and so on). Download the ZIP file that is appropriate for your platform, and follow the platform-specific installation instructions:

The Squish IDE uses the Eclipse libraries, so Eclipse users will find themselves at home straight away. If you are unfamiliar with Eclipse, we recommend going through one of the Squish tutorials, or at least reading Perspectives and Views. See also the IDE Reference.

Installing the IDE on Windows

Once the Squish IDE package is downloaded, unzip it in any convenient folder. You can probably uncompress the package using Window's built-in utilities. Start Windows Explorer and navigate to the folder that contains the Squish IDE package. Right-click the package, and if you get an Extract All option, click the option and use the Windows Extraction Wizard to uncompress the Squish IDE package to the folder of your choice. If you don't have this option, you will need to obtain a ZIP uncompression tool. Several such tools are available, including the commercial WinZip and the open source UnZip from the InfoZip project.

The Squish IDE's executable is in the unzipped folder's root and is called squishide; it can be run straight away from a console window:

C:\> cd squishide
C:\squishide> squishide.exe

For regular use you might prefer to create a shortcut to the executable from your Start menu or from your desktop.

The first time the Squish IDE is run, it will ask you to choose the folder where the Squish tools are located. Choose the Squish tools' toplevel folder. That is, the folder that contains the bin and lib folders.

Depending on your security settings, Windows might pop up a dialog asking if you want to allow or block the squishserver from running. If you get this dialog, you must choose Unblock for Squish to be able to function correctly.

Installing the IDE on Linux

Once the Squish IDE package is downloaded, unzip it in any convenient directory. (If you don't have unzip, install it using your system's package management tool.)

The Squish IDE's executable is in the unzipped directory's root and is called squishide; it can be run straight away from an xterm:

$ cd squishide
$ ./squishide &

The first time the Squish IDE is run, it will ask you to choose the directory where the Squish tools are located.

Installing the IDE on macOS

Once the Squish IDE package is downloaded, unzip it in any convenient directory.

The Squish IDE's executable is in the unzipped directory's root and is called squishide. It can be run straight away from inside a

$ cd squishide
$ open

The first time the Squish IDE is run, it will ask you to choose the directory where the Squish tools are located.

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