QUL Convenience API

Note: The QUL Convenience API is only available in the Squish for QUL edition.

QUL Convenience Function Parameters

QUL Convenience Functions

Here are some quick links to the QUL Convenience API's functions:

qul.connect(paramDict, host, port, timeoutSecs)

This function connects to the MCU device, and by default, resets the AUT. All of the arguments are optional.

paramDict is a native dictionary with key:value pairs where the key is the parameter name.

Parameter NameValuesDescription
reset"hardware", "software", "no", "auto""auto" by default, we can specify "no" here to skip the AUT reset. Some platforms offer distinct software vs hardware reset modes, so if "auto" is selected, the driver will choose which is more appropriate.
flash"yes", "no", "auto""auto" is the default. We can specify here whether to flash the AUT after the connect. If "yes" then a testcrate must be provided.
testcratePathLocation of testcrate archive. Required if we are flashing the AUT.

If you are connecting to a remote squishserver that is connected to an MCU via USB, then you can specify the host and port of the squishserver here.

The fourth parameter, timeoutSecs (an integer number of seconds) can also be specified. This tells Squish how long it should be prepared to wait for the application to start before throwing an error. If not specified, the squishserver default is used—this is 20 seconds, and can be changed from Server Settings > Application Behavior > Maximum Startup Time, or by executing squishserver --config AUTTimeout numSeconds.

Here is an example that shows how to qul.connect() without a reset:

qul.connect({"reset": "no"})
qul.connect({"reset": "no"});
Qul::connect({:reset => "no"})
qul::connect({"reset" => "no"});
qul connect [dict create reset no]


This function causes a reset of the MCU and restarts the AUT. It must be called after a call to qul.connect().

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