The tutorials will show you how to create, run, and modify tests for an example application. In the process you will learn about Squish's most frequently used features, so that by the end of a tutorial you will be able to start writing your own tests for your own applications.
In addition, you will learn how to upload test results to Test Center.
The tutorials present most of the major concepts behind Squish and provide the information you need to get started using Squish for testing your own applications. However, they do not discuss all of Squish's features, and even the discussed features are covered in more detail in How to Create Test Scripts, How to Test Applications - Specifics, API Reference, and Tools Reference. Refer to those sections to become familiar with all the features that Squish has to offer, even if you don't need all of them straight away.
The tutorials are divided into several sections. If you are new to Squish, it is best to read all of them. If you are already using Squish, you might want to just skim the tutorial, stopping only to read the sections that cover any new features that you haven't used before. Or, you could just skip straight to How to Create Test Scripts and How to Test Applications - Specifics.
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