Command Line Reference

You can use the following Squish tools from the command line:

Command Syntax

In the command line reference, command line options shown in square brackets are optional, and those followed by a * may occur zero or more times. Alternatives are indicated using the vertical bar (|)—they are enclosed in square brackets if all the alternatives are optional or in angle brackets if one of the alternatives must be specified. Italics are used to indicate variable items (for example, groups of options, or options that you must enter, such as a directory name).

Note: When a command line tool succeeds, it returns 0 to the operating system (as is conventional), and if it fails it returns 255 (-1). Probably the most common cause of failure is forgetting to start the squishserver. If the squishserver is running, the most common problems are not being able to find the AUT, or not being able to start or connect to the AUT.

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