API Reference

This chapter documents the different APIs which can be used by Squish test scripts. For complete examples that make use of all the main Squish API features, see Tutorials, How to Create Test Scripts, and How to Test Applications - Specifics.

If you need to translate statements from one script language to another you are less familiar with, see Equivalent Script API.

Common APIs

These APIs are available from all editions of Squish:

Squish API

APIs for testing AUTs in Squish (all editions).

Tester-Created Special Functions

Special callback functions that are empty unless the tester defines them.

Toolkit-specific APIs

Some APIs are specific to a GUI toolkit:

Android Convenience API

APIs offered by Squish for Android.

Java Convenience API

APIs offered by Squish for Java.

Qt Convenience API

APIs offered by Squish for Qt.

Tk Convenience API

APIs offered by Squish for Tk.

Web Object API

APIs for testing Web Objects in Squish.

Windows Convenience API

APIs offered by Squish for Windows.

iOS Convenience API

APIs offered by Squish for iOS.

macOS Convenience API

APIs offered by Squish for Mac.

Script Language APIs

Some APIs are specific to a scripting language:

JavaScript Notes and Extension APIs

APIs when JavaScript is your chosen test script language.

Perl Notes

APIs and useful tips when Perl is your chosen test script language.

Python Notes

APIs and useful tips when Python is your chosen test script language.

Ruby Notes

APIs and useful tips when Ruby is your chosen test script language.

Tcl Notes

APIs and useful tips when Tcl is your chosen test script language.

Feature APIs

Some API pages are specific to a feature of Squish:

Behavior Driven Testing

API for customizing how BDD tests are executed.

CAN bus support

Support for CAN (Controller Area Network) bus.

FMI Interface support

API for Functional Mockup Interface support.

Model-based Testing

APIs used with Model-Based Testing.

Function Parameters

Functions that take an objectOrName argument can be passed a reference to an object or the symbolic or real (multi-property) name of an object. Functions that take an object argument must be passed an object reference, and functions that take an objectName must be passed an object's symbolic or real name. Object references are returned by the Object waitForObject(objectOrName), Object waitForObjectExists(name), Object findObject(objectName) and SequenceOfObjects findAllObjects(objectName) functions.

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